I have a question regarding rebuild, zero timing, and warranty on rebuild by the manufacture.
I fly a S LSA (Indus Thorpedo) in the states. Last October I experienced a full inflight engine failure returning to my home field from a cross country flight. Fortunate for me I was able to make an on field landing. I had the #2 exhaust valve fail at 293 hours on the 2200 engine ( 22A.2128). There is no need to go through the causes except to say the aircraft did not have egt gauge only cht's. I will never fly behind a Jabiru again without a complete set of egt gauges, I think that these gauges should be mandatory on any aircraft. My engine was out of warranty at the time of the incident.
JabiruUs ( the largest stateside Jabiru agency) broke open the case and told me the case was shipped to Australia for inspection and re bore. Recently I was told that the west coast dealership returned from Australia with tools to allow Jabiru engines to be re bored now in the US and my case is being reworked in California. Prior to the necessary tools coming to the US all cases had to be shipped to the factory for such work. JabiruUs is prepared to rebuld the engine for return to service. I hope to finally see the rebuild completed in a few weeks. I have been down now for seven months. For you chaps close enough to do business directly with the factory I have the following questions:
1. When a Jabiru engine is factory rebuilt what type of warranty does the company offer?
2. How does the factory price out a rebuild and the zero timing on a returned damaged engine?
3. I am depending on the authorized Jabiru agent and going through the agent regarding any matters or issues on this engine.. .but I am becoming curious about who your deal with directly on matters concerning engine repair or rebuild at the facory.