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Everything posted by JIMMYTWO

  1. Would anyboby have a copy of a manual for a Kane Dead Reckoner Mark6 for sale.I have found my Computer but can't the operating instructions. Want to start studying my Nav. Thanks for any help.
  2. Mine turned up Today
  3. The pope was visiting australia, and was standing on the steps of the opera house with julia gillard in front of a huge crowd of wellwishers. The pope said to julia." with one movement of my right hand, i will have this crowd cheering and clapping me" on saying that, he backhandered her.
  4. Scotty, you love punishment.
  5. Congratulations Scotty on his first solo today.Must be something about the Kempsey air to have two 1st- soloists in one day:wave:
  6. :oh yeah:Well, I finally did it.My First Solo.It went alright, just that the aircraft was a lot lighter with no instructor.But all was OK
  7. Amen to all the above comments,Please play it safe guys and Gals.And may the Force(Yasi) be NOT with you
  8. Wiil keep my eye out for this one.
  9. Very Clever
  10. CRIKEY-Thats a crackup!
  11. An aircraft has crashed into powerlines in SE QLD Happened about 2.45pmAEST today at Toobeah about 50klms west of Goondiwindi. No other information, has anyone heard anything?
  12. Sounds like good advice to me.
  13. There is an airstrip at Gumma, but i was told by a local pilot from Kempsey, it is closed.Gumma is just an area name situated east of Macksville, very close to the beachside town of Scotts Head.(A very scenic spot with great fishing.)
  14. In the last three weeks,I've had five flights with QANTAS, three domestic and two international and found the service great and the comfort level far better then other airlines I have travelled with.
  15. NEMCOY, I have read the book. Virtue in Flying and found it absolutely fascinating.Actually I have read it about five or six times The book is still available on E-Bay. Must get copy of the film The Riddle of the Stinson,been searching for it for years.
  16. Good One Alf, You will soon get used to 3 wheels
  17. Still have'nt seen mine, and the local newsagent has'nt any copies yet. Said he might have them on Tuesday.
  18. Nope,Haven't seen mine either.
  19. Good One
  20. Have flown the aircraft with the extension.However last monday when I was flying it, it fell off.I find the problem is reaching across with my left hand to use it.Would be a good idea to have it on the centre stick.Any way there is no more training till after xmas,so something might work out.Otherwise love the aircraft.
  21. After doing 3 hours training in the Sierra, and being a short person, I find the adjustable rudder pedals fantastic, the only problem I have is reaching the Flap switch. I really have to lean forward to reach it with my left hand.Otherwise it's a great aircraft to fly.
  22. Hi dazza 38, Yes Kempsey and Macksville have grown a bit.Only found out the other day that the airstrip at Gumma is now closed.Dont know why. Did all my GA training in kempsey between 1975-77, and when i got my PPL used to fly Shark Patrols up to Scotts Head in the Clubs C172 They were great times.Hope to catch up with you one day.
  23. Hi All, have just joined this site.I have finally came to flying after an absence of 25 years of having my feet on the ground, so i am giving it a go.Have had one lesson in a Eurostar,Everything came back to me pretty quick.
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