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Everything posted by Hennessy

  1. frank Gday Frank, am trying to work out this website, I am hunting a set of plans for a Clancy Skybaby-pictured in bankstown museum-It will be my first project when i get started,do you know anyone who may be able to help.
  2. Hi, I am going to attempt to build a Clancy Skybaby if i can find a set of plans can anyone help
  3. I am looking for plans for the Clancy Skybaby developed 1932 in sydney by the clancy brothers and wish to build two cylinder version similar to that in Bankstown Museum can anyone help [email protected]
  4. Hi all just landed ex ga ex raaf in townsville retired
  5. Hi all just joined am retired blackhander 40yrs ga &military RAAF RAAFAR intend to build own a/c in near future,located in townsville aka tex hennessy
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