Hi guys, I can't compare the low wings planes, but I learnt in a Tecnam p92 (high wing) and I own a brumby 610 high wing. Both have Rotex 912uls engines.
Brumby has more fuel ( 140 litres vs 90 litres), is substantially stronger ( ie undercarriage is held on by high tensile bolts not pop rivets etc) but is 4 knt slower.
The main difference is the Brumby is built like a GA plane, and compared to the Tecnam is stronger and doesn't have little annoying repairs. It's certainly a lot wider and roomier and a real touring aircraft, has toe brakes and a real aircraft feel.
The main difference is handling in rough weather. I've flown a P92 in 35 degrees and bounced around all over the place, I've flown the brumby is 46 degrees across the mallee and all gauges stayed in the green and I could fly in it, I wouldn't ever do that in a Tecnam.
My wife will happily come with me in the Brumby 610. She will never ever go in the Tecnam, hates it. Too small in the cabin and too bouncy.
That said the 2008 Tecnam looks a nice plane, I had a look at one at avalon airshow and was impressed, although the seat was uncomfortable which surprised me.
I can't provide any insight into the low wing planes, but when I had a look at the low wings at Brumbys Cowra factory, they do look sporty. I'm based at Mildura, and would be happy to take you for a spin in a high wing if you wanted, also there is a good Tecnam dealer based at Stawell, who I'm sure would be happy to show you what he has on offer also.