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  1. Should be OUCH, not OWW
  2. Oksinay


    And already teaching us the military slang...welcome aboard FNG!
  3. my wife calls it 'airporn'
  4. We had a fatal incident many years ago at Corowa, where a photographer opened underneath a really large formation as it was breaking up. The photographer was severely injured, but the jumper that hit him was killed. The impact opened his reserve which he landed under. It was awful.
  5. Glasses won't fix cataracts - I had lost my night vision to the point where I grounded myself from night driving.
  6. I went through this last year, and suggest that you read the CASA explanatory notes. There is no problem with intra-ocular lens replacement PROVIDED that you don't opt for multi-focal or monocular corrections. In my case, I now have beautiful long vision, and need simple +1 readers for close up work. It was exactly the correction that the surgeon aimed for, and I am very pleased with the results. I had absolutely no issues with my Class 2, a letter from the surgeon providing the surgical details and outcomes was all that was required, and I actually passed the vision test without correction! Go for it, you'll love the results.
  7. I'm keeping my sextant. Could be handy when the lights go out
  8. Electric car stealership? Freudian slip?
  9. In my flight test for the RAAus PC, the CFI pulled the power for an EF sim, and after I picked a small dirt strip in a paddock as my landing area he made me actually land it power off, well zero thrust anyway. So much fun! Gotta love the bush.
  10. ECU made in Melbourne?
  11. May I add noisy engine exhaust brakes to the complaints list? And just how do those bikers get away with straight through exhausts at what must be 110dB plus.
  12. So long as its "bing" and served straight up, not after the meal.
  13. The jump pilot will broadcast intentions on the CTAF and probably area frequencies - but the best advice is to simply stay clear of the drop zone.
  14. I've had cataract surgery (transplants in both eyes) this year and had no issues at all renewing my Class 2. Worth noting that you won't get a Class 2 with monovision, that is, where you have one lens for long sight and one lens for short sight. And its SOOOOOO good to have great vision again.
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