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Everything posted by Oksinay

  1. Presently financially challenged with regards to maintaining my aviation habit..
  2. Hi guys Could you make an app to practice CTA readbacks? I have a PPL with CTA/CTZ endorsement, but rarely use it and it is definitely an acquired skill.
  3. A small plane has crashed at Moorabbin Airport, leaving two people with..."We're covering it with foam, because there has been a significant fuel leak from the plane," she said,. Ambulance Victoria spokesman Paul Bentley said the two people did not suffer any serious injuries in the crash. Any news?
  4. GPS - Shorter trips, longer marriages
  5. Also worth looking at Randolph Engineering from the USA. Beautifully made sunglasses and great service.
  6. Couldn't agree more., and would add what's wrong with the real horizon? You're flying VFR only, aren't you?
  7. It's a bit difficult breath testing a pilot in flight I would guess...
  8. I did the RA nav with an A4 clipboard and tied a pencil to the hanging ring,which worked fine, Recently got the VFR pack from CASA which included a neat little kneeboard and A5 route sheets. Passenger seat or lap is ideal storage space!
  9. Leigh was an old mate of mine, I did some jumps down at Millicent with him in a C172 . I did the Mt Gambier airshow one year, and Kingston SE as well. I did a couple of trips with the airline in a Conquest and then a bigger plane - a proper 2 pilot twin. The good old days...
  10. Is that O'Connor Airlines from Millicent?
  11. I did the DL medical as CASA to cover me whilst I was waiting for specialists reports for my Class 2. It was all very simple and no issues for my GP. VicRoads are now in on the act and because I take blood pressure controlling medication have asked for, well demanded actually, a drivers licence medical. I sent them a copy of my CASA DL medical which specifically says that it is a drivers licence based certificate, and they have refused to accept it. According to VicRoads because the certificate does not specifically say that I am fit to drive a car it does not cover their needs. I can't help but think there must be too many people at VicRoads, and they are now sitting around dreaming and scheming new ways to justify their employment. Another $100 to the GP, 1 less hour I can afford to fly.
  12. Hi Ben That must have been Friday 24th? I flew on Saturday afternoon and it was gusty with showers to begin and then went to a light northerly. Do you fly with Secure Air?
  13. Ian You could also consider Secure Air at Shepparton in their Tecnam P92ES's. There is a range of accommodation and services available in town which is only 2 hours from Melbourne. Dual rates are about $180 I think.
  14. Hi Jen I'm going to have to make a point of flying up from Shepp for the breakfast one Sunday morning. Deni was the source of much torture, I mean training, whilst doing my XC endo. Good luck with it all
  15. You're kidding, right? You think the probability of being injured or killed is no different at a controlled intersection than an uncontrolled one? Probabilty x consequence = risk. Simple 2 factor theory. Do it often enough and it will happen - simple probabilty theory. Staying safe is simply about reducing your exposure to hazards.
  16. Hi guys How is the Android version coming along?
  17. The test was 3 parts - a 3 hour pre-test check with my instructor where he really put me through my paces, then the Nav and Met exam and then a licence check test with the CFI. Some of this will transfer to GA when I start the PPL. My school is dual GA/RA so all the BAK etc is valid for GA. Onwards and upwards!
  18. I completed my cross country endorsement today with a lovely scud running flight up to Tocumwal and over to Elmore before heading home. I really appreciate the excellent training from the school, and can,t wait to exercise the privileges of my endorsement - possibly to Natfly.
  19. Thanks people. My instructor felt that I had done the right thing simply because it was thought out and rational. He would also have accepted the landing being completed. FYI, he did not allow me to replace the fuse and I rejoined midfield crosswind for a normal flapless landing - which to my surprise was a "greaser".
  20. During a recent flight (pre test for Nav endorsement) my instructor pulled the fuse for the flaps as I was setting up on base. I elected to depart the circuit and go the dead side to work out the problem, and then re-enter the circut mid field crosswind. Should I have continued to attempt the landing flapless and then do a normal go around if necessary? Or was leaving the circuit to identify the problem and correct it the correct decision?
  21. This is a very interesting thread - I have just bought an Asus TF201 running Android ICS - it looks plenty fast and grunty enough. Have you had any progress?
  22. Perfect speed, is being there
  23. Do you also use Ian's 5" GPS for the car? What is the road nav like?
  24. remember this? There once were 10 keen jumpers feeling kind of drear took a trip to Kerry to drink a keg of beer They all got together and soon began to sing We are Ramblers Raiders We're raiders of the sky We're dirty sons of ##### We'd rather $$ than fly Or similar Raider of '79 labertouche I think
  25. As a relatively ancient mariner I started my first navex with a reasonable amount of confidence in my ability to get around with a chart and a compass. It all happens a bit faster in an aeroplane, doesn't it. Everything went well, although I had an interesting experience at one point late in the flight convincing myself that what I was looking at was Nathalia when it was in fact Numurkah. Humans have a very strong ability to be subjective and make the facts fit the circumstances.
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