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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. "Smashed on my airstrip". I immediately thought, don't ever forget 12hrs from bottle to the throttle even if camping under the wing?
  2. Love to see your posts Franco, with just so many you have given some flight experience never to be forgotten to. Well done mate, you are a legend!
  3. CASA has responded that the Canberra Office which is always cold in winter which is only a few short months away, has expressed interest in the logs to prevent the usual brain freeze on their staff in the coming winter months, providing they have been well and truly seasoned and stored in accordance with LOGS4US under subsection 4US2C.🔥
  4. I'm OK to drive Peter, I just got a new set of bi-focals too from Specsavers. Maybe just a day or two to get used to them, In the meantime i'll just land on parallel runways
  5. Hi Skippy, I have used many many hundreds of linear actuators over the past 60+yrs I’ve been involved with automatic gates etc; Hydraulic used to be the be all and end all of systems, but not now for reliability. They all without exception have certain drawbacks. Not saying ALL Chinese stuff is crap, but so much on offer is and suppliers don’t keep spares spares for the long term. If you can find an alternative solution on the basis of simplicity being the essesnse is reliability i’d be going along that path. For the past 45yrs or so I’ve used Italian stuff for very good reason whether it be domestic doors or aircraft hanger doors. Simplicity for whatever reason is the go for me. Good luck mate with your decisions whatever they turn out to be. Might even catch up with you at The Oaks someday, that would be nice. Been a decade or 2. Rgds Planey.
  6. Simplicity is the essence of reliability, generally.
  7. Not sure who will investigate this one. ATSB, RAA or RSPCA
  8. Never mind mate, there are a few younger ones on this site (maybe not the majority) 😉but it comes to us all, so don't feel bad. They come here to learn, and good on them. Hope they do, Not sure whether long sight or short is the bigger bugger, Happy to settle for somewhere in between.
  9. Santa been mouthing off again? I'll organise a checkride for him with an examiner holding a gun, just to see how he handles an engine failure.
  10. Aw Geez! can't see my place on the flight plan.
  11. Interesting for me, for one. Thanks for posting. I used to live very Close to Croydon Aerodrome but being an old fart remember the HP42's being there, but not the Atlanta, i'm not quite that old.
  12. I think the label on the front maybe a warning not to charge it's lithium batteries inside a hangar overnite. Looks cool though!
  13. The race that's stops the nation has just finished. The horse I backed is due in about 7 o'clock tonight I think. Just hoping for a strong tail wind. Not sure whether the prevailing weather conditions match that of our met reports?
  14. Starboard engine sounds a bit off-key. I'll make a note of that for maintenance!
  15. Great to see good tips shared amongst our flying mates.
  16. All looking good. The space you have would be the envy of many.
  17. Know that feeling mate, I’m in the same league. For a mad keen rock-n-roller for decades, I’d probably be OK flying anti-clockwise, but anti-clockwise I’d be stuffed and plant it ready for the usual onfield cremation ceremony 🔥🤣
  18. Hope that was not a newly aquired one recently advertised on Planesales. Just so sad anyway. RIP
  19. Love that paint job.
  20. So you guys are telling me that the radio gear I used to build using acorn valves from WW2 army surplus walkie talkies is now obsolete. Such is life. Better just stick with control line models
  21. The good news is that the pilot is OK. Happy to buy the PIC a lottery ticket.
  22. OMG! A Keil Kraft Phantom. That was the very first kit plane I built. Mine had an 1cc ED Bee (1952 version) up front and was way underpowered, possibly as i'd put too much dope on the wings to get a good finish. The model proved to be a good way to learn how to get fingers out of the way of the prop when starting. No hand held electric starters back in those days.
  23. My memories of flying combat many times with paper streamers out the back requres a bit of spare fuel to help with the on field cremation of models which came off 2nd best. Argh! those were the days.
  24. Marty you should be very proud of your achievements and the hurdles you’ve had to overcome along the way. It’s looking great and is a credit to your dedication to the task you set yourself. What I’m curious to know is does a bit of blaspheming help when things do not go as intended? 😜Rgds planet.
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