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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. ..... Planey with a bag full of .........

    clothes as he's heading for the airport for his NT holiday:thumb_up:002_wave.gif.38b2eb11a61bb4711f0b1477404692bd.gif:wave:, but he could'nt help wondering, whether the tails that were being tugged, were those of the dapper-looking Ozzie, who looks likes he should be flying a Learjet, but not from where just any ordinary paddock will do.



  2. Plastic shopping bags are not very strong. Was in a Warrier many years ago over the Blue Mountains, and a lady passenger had to resort to using one to spend a penny.


    As it was leaking, the FI tried to put it through the small window vent to get rid of it, but it burst, and we all wound up smelling like The Gents at an ouback pub, amid uncontrollable laughter.



  3. Why you're next to peer down the Locksmiths barrel, and i'll be following you.


    For Gods sake----------------- don't miss.


    I'm relying on you for Christs sake, don't let me down now.


    Eat your loose-rivets comments out NOW!


    The banana repellent deodorant suggestions, can come later.



  4. Meanwhile, Goldylocks was in the Gentlemans Pist-all club, (or, was it the other way round) trying to improve his aim.


    "It's high time I settled all this nonsense about mising rivets, smelling like a fermenting banana, and lack of ventilation in my beloved Sportstar",he retorted.


    Practicing his lightning fast 180 degree turn after 6 paces, he was wondering who'd be first to offer themselves up, to settle the issues like an old-fashioned gentleman.


    The Captain pulled-rank, and suggested Turbo go first, co's his name suggests he might be fast enough for the task, followed by Planey who's also given him more curry than the local Indywallah cookhouse.



  5. Turpentine vs. Holy Water


    A little boy was sitting on the footpath with a bottle of Turpentine..


    He was shaking it up and watching all the bubbles.


    A Priest came along and asked the little boy what he had.


    The little boy said, 'This is the most powerful liquid in the world;


    it's called Turpentine.'


    The Priest said, 'No, the most powerful liquid in the world is Holy Water.


    If you rub it on a pregnant woman's belly, she'll pass a healthy baby.'


    The little boy replied, 'If you rub turpentine on a cat's ass, he'll beat a Lightning down the runway



  6. But then you'd have worried about the fact that it grows over a foot in length as the aircraft heats up at high speed, and the floor is covered with a series of plates, and if your saw any daylight through any of them, you'd be forced to tell someone, rather than just enjoy your flight.



  7. No doubt about Turbo who'd been playing with his blow-off valve, (as as he frequently does, but hopefully not noticed) he's quick, and planey in his Morris Minor missed the cue.


    The old BMC A series engines are not what quite up to the mark these days, like someone who shall remain nameless. Not good starters when cold, but ok if cranked by hand.


    Raybans, why Raybans he thought? Some people just have too much money for their good. At Paddys markets, you could buy a dented Transit van full of the immitations, with a genuine "Sold in Australia" sign for half the price.



  8. ...... someone to reply so that I will look good, with .............

    out having to worry about whether I bought the wrong deodorant.


    Of course you did'nt Captain.


    We know that the mighty Jabiru's come standard with a sunshade, unlike some Chech glasshouse products for the hairy armpit brigade, who have broken noses, and minimal ventilation provided only by the missing rivet holes :uhoh2:.


    "Phew! that's a real relief" said the Golden One, who'd just re-emerged from behind the hangar.

  9. Beautiful, it certainly was. However I agree with Yenn, The Comet was too.


    I actually supplied the photoelectric smoke/fire detection system on the Concorde engine test-bed, which was set up at The Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough.


    When I first entered the building, you'd hardly know that an aeroplane was even in there, as it was set up amidst huge steel girders with exhaust ducts out the back of the Olympus engines which the went up vertically 70ft before turning back horizontally, then going out through the roof to minimise the noise.


    Whether, or not, there was any truth in it I could'nt say, but the rumor around that time was, that Russian espionage was rife, and they were aware that they had all the original wing designs, and most of the rest of it.


    The wing turned out to have have certain design flaws in it, BAC kept quiet, tightened security, and redesigned the wing. This it is claimed to be one of the main causes of the Russian TU144 crash at the Paris Air Show in 1973.


    I got a freeby out to Bahrain in a Trident 3 when doing some work with BA, and went back to Heathrow on Concorde.


    Half the passengers cheered and clapped :clap:as the Mach indicator in the cabin showed we'd passed Mach 1, and well-heeled looking gent across the isle cried out "Bravo" in true British style.


    At 65,000ft the curvature of the earth is noticeable, and the sky seemed to be a deeper blue.


    As much as I loved the things, the ear-splitting crackle as they roared down the runway on take-off certainly gave the environmentalists something to whinge about.


    The service to Bahrain did'nt last too long because certain countries objected to sonic booms, etc. However, I still loved seeing them on a daily basis, fly almost over the top of my house in Wimbledon, back in those early days, and would always rush outside to see it. It had such a reccogniseable sound.


    I could never understand why they had frosted glass windows in the toilets. Who the hells going to see anything, even if you "flash" at 65,000ft?.034_puzzled.gif.ea6a44583f14fcd2dd8b8f63a724e3de.gif



  10. [quote=turboplanner;216952


    "I wouldn't be at all surprised if he hadn't made a set of covers for his Jab seats out of them" he thought, but then had an idea which would stop the rat in his tracks.......


    I'll duck around one dark night and sew the claws to his seat area. This should make him reconsider his judgement, as soon as he hits a bit of turbulence:laugh:006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif



  11. Well done John and Sue, it's great to hear of you both working succesfully as a team.


    There'd be many guys on here John, that wished they had the support that you've got.


    As you'd no doubt realise mate, thats very special.


    Good luck, bet you can't wait to it airborne again.


    Kind Regards





  12. "How dare you", she intoned"There is nothing embarrassing about the Really Special Possum Cooks Association 060_popcorn.gif.3431c4241ff2a0cfa1a0bc338792d955.gif. Even the Ranga not in the lodge :stirring pot: has tasted our delights"


    "Not so", said Krudd the dud, "I remember when.............

    "I proposed that possum-stew should be outlawed to save the poor little critters from the chopping block, because you never know when you'll cop it in the back.


    Having said that, I must admit that Therese and I do enjoy sitting by a log fire on a cold night, with our possum slippers on, while enjoying a glass of port. But that contradiction, I simply put down to an occupational norm"031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif



  13. but decided there were more ways skin a rabbit.....or a lizzard as the case maybe.As thoughts tuned to skinning, he looked at his bare and calloused feet and wandered how the old blue tongue hiding amongst the potplants back home would look as a pair of boots.

    But i've had a pair of those for years retorted El Ratto indignantly. BigPete and I, each got a pair from an op shop years ago. They had a few extra pairs that we going to introduce as the hottest item in the clear-prop shop, but the proprieter slithered away from the idea of making an extra couple of bucks.


    Times have changed you have to realise, we now have this young gun on board from the Cecil Hills area, who's selling possum skin booties for the poor peasants who love winter flying, but don't have an onboard heater, or a rotoryaxe powerplant thats low on coolant.


    Ahlocks added, "don't know what you blokes are whinging about, it's always 50 degrees in my cabin, maybe it's time I took a trip to Supercheap as coolants on special, and that may stop the soles of my shoes peeling off".



  14. Welcome to our forums MFlyer,


    It's great to hear from you.


    It was interesting to read your post, but remember-----a slow job takes a long time:laugh:


    Never the less, stick with it my friend, you'll be very proud of the final outcome, i'm sure.


    Keep us posted, we'd always be pleased to hear of the progress you make, even if there are a few hick-ups along the way.


    Kind regards





  15. Grandma is eighty-eight years old and still drives her own car. She writes:


    Dear Grand-daughter,


    The other day I went up to our local Christian book store and saw a 'Honk if you love Jesus' bumper sticker ..


    I was feeling particularly sassy that day because I had just come from a thrilling choir performance, followed by a thunderous prayer meeting...


    So, I bought the sticker and put it on my bumper.


    Boy, am I glad I did; what an uplifting experience that followed.


    I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection, just lost in thought about the Lord and how good he is, and I didn't notice that the light had changed.


    It is a good thing someone else loves Jesus because if he hadn't honked, I'd never have noticed.


    I found that lots of people love Jesus!


    While I was sitting there, the guy behind started honking like crazy, and then he leaned out of his window and screamed, 'For the love of God!'


    'Go! Go! Go! Jesus Christ, GO!'


    What an exuberant cheerleader he was for Jesus!


    Everyone started honking!


    I just leaned out my window and started waving and smiling at all those loving people.


    I even honked my horn a few times to share in the love!


    There must have been a man from Surfers Paradise back there because I heard him yelling something about a sunny beach..


    I saw another guy waving in a funny way with only his middle finger stuck up in the air..


    I asked my young teenage grandson in the back seat what that meant.


    He said it was probably a Hawaiian good luck sign or something.


    Well, I have never met anyone from Hawaii , so I leaned out the window and gave him the good luck sign right back.


    My grandson burst out laughing.


    Why even he was enjoying this religious experience!!


    A couple of the people were so caught up in the joy of the moment that they got out of their cars and started walking towards me.


    I bet they wanted to pray or ask what church I attended, but this is when I noticed the light had changed.


    So, grinning, I waved at all my brothers and sisters, and drove on through the intersection.


    I noticed that I was the only car that got through the intersection before the light changed again and felt kind of sad that I had to leave them after all the love we had shared.


    So I slowed the car down, leaned out the window and gave them all the Hawaiian good luck sign one last time as I drove away. Praise the Lord for such wonderful folks!!


    Will write again soon,


    Love, Grandma



  16. A man walks into Ann Summers to purchase some see-through lingerie for his wife, as a special birthday present.


    He is shown several possibilities that range from $80 to $200 in price, the more see-through, the higher the price seemed to be.


    He opts for the sheerest item, pays the $200 and takes the lingerie home.


    After his wife unwrapped the present, he asks her to go upstairs, put it on and model it for him.


    Upstairs the wife thinks 'I have an idea. It's so see-through that it might as well be nothing. I won't put it on - i;ll do the modelling naked - return it tomorrow and get a $200 refund and keep the money for myself, then treat myself to a new handbag'.


    She then appears naked at the top of the stairs and strikes a pose.


    The husband says 'Stone me, it wasn't that creased in the shop'.





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