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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. ..... "Ah ha!" says Bryon... "back in the days we used too..... /QUOTE]


    share our sleeping bag with a couple of young Swedish backpackers, blokes in possum skin bikinis were unheard of,068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif:angry:068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif and personally I preferred it that way he said, with a wry grin:hug:.


    "Don't forget times have changed", replied locksly, "some of you just seem to be challenged by the true meaning of sartorial elegance":confused:.


    One of the agitators commented that there were far too many foxes around to risk wearing such attire.


    However, he calculated that if a fox was to chase you across the paddock at 23knots, you'd still clear the causeway, without crashing into it, providing the possum skin was taut:loopy:


    This final comment caused a real uproar from slide-rule equiped doubters, and sent the post rate into meld-down.


    At this point:amazon:, he winked;) 006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif:laugh: and walked up the wooden hill to bed.


    :black_eye: Planey realised he'd miscalculated too, so the core problem of his dalliance with the Dr's wife, was not so a peeling.036_faint.gif.b6fdbf92c760c47b56da9b625fc7db92.gif

  2. the names of those who've lost their imagination. Come on guys give this thread a kick start, it's supposed to be never ending.


    Just a bit of scandal, not too many truths allowed, humorus scallywagging gratefully accepted to kick things along for the enjoyment of the majority.


    The lastest bit of scandal is-----------



  3. 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Expat87.


    I can't help you with flying schools in Perth, as i'm in Sydney, but i'm sure others in the area can point you in the right direction.


    I'm an expat too, of over thirty years, and I bet you love seeing more blue skies.


    Keep us posted as to how youre going.







  4. Hi Mike and 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif.


    Do you also fly, or simply have an interest in aircraft, which make great photographic subjects?


    Look forward to seeing some of your handiwork.







  5. The way to look at what you are doing at any point of time is "what would the COURT FIND"? This will bring you down to earth. NO MEL (minimum equipment list) would permit operation without brakes (Where fitted) They would be sticking their neck out too far. The DH-82 (with tailSKID) operated on grass, never had brakes fitted , and did not need them. Motz. is on the money here. The other thing is that in justifying individual circumstances, you are saying in effect that "rules are for non-thinkers/ non skilled/non capable, people,. NOT for me. The system can never accept such a proposition, and will come down on you like a TONNE of bricks.. The rest out there will say 'this bloke said it was OK. I reckon I'm as good as he is so it's OK for me. The example you set is important too.

    A saying I go by is "There are enough unknowns risks in the air already to not risk taking known risks into the air with you." Nev

    Many a true word spoken there.


    However, we sincerely hope that our young friend has learned something from his friends with more experience, to enable him to calulate the situation a little differently, should the same situation arise again.


    I'm sure, he will think again about all these wise words offered, and hopefully consider it as part of his learning experience.


    We all care about you Tomo, thats why words of wisdom are said, not necessarily to condem, but to make sure you're with us for a long time.



  6. Hi David,


    The factory specs quote a stall of 20knots with flaps.


    With plenty of fuel in the tanks and two beefy POB, I would imagine makes quite a difference to the figures.


    It would be interesting to know what the fuel and aircraft load was, when they arrive at the figures quoted.


    Never the less, they look a very desirable little aircraft.







  7. Good report Tomo, thanks for posting it.


    What a great looking aircraft, and the performance is almost unbelievable at both ends of the performance envelope.


    I really need to see a claivoyant for next weeks Lotto numbers 091_help.gif.c9d9d46309e7eda87084010b3a256229.gif, but I get disallusioned when they ask what your name is :confused:



  8. "Hmmm....but what sort of bait to use?" 033_scratching_head.gif.92f700cf00fb9c6c6818598d44101896.gif "Perhaps some type of fruit product....I hear city folk line up for apples....." :stirring pot:QUOTE)


    Yea!, thats the go Powein, Great idea. They say an apple a day, keeps the doctor at bay.


    So with a box of apples,------- we can have a hell of a time with the doctors wife:ecstatic:.

  9. ... nearnakedLocks realised that June wasn't the best time of year 025_blush.gif.8e2ecc192cc98853ac4370dddcd7cf74.gif to be parading about in just fishnets. With his pasty white legs and goose bumps aplenty, he blended completely in with the Tzara's sleek riveted lines. augie.gif.346f47c3977a17668982a7a2e09685c9.gif

    PowerPete, ever the farming type1, put down the handful of dirt he was studying and offered his advice. "When I was a centre fold 016_ecstatic.gif.5614e5a92e2fc049dab310e6470edb70.gif for Power Farming magazine, we...."


    "never had to put up with the cross-undressing types, trying to gain a bit of attention:angry:.


    We would simply get excited posing with a new set of slashers for the John Dere.


    There's actually more in this world to get excited about on my side of the fence, for fair-dinkum down to earth blokes.:)


    Sniffing the soil sample like it was a vintage Hermitage Grange, or whatever it is the poofy types drink, his eyes lit up, and he remarked--------------------

  10. Welcome to the forums John,


    I did my first few flights from Biggin Hill and a couple from Shoreham.


    You'll soon get the hang of these forums, but I have warn you, they can become a bit addictive, and mowing the lawn has to take second priority.;)


    Good luck with Jabiru training. Let us know how you're going.


    Kind Regards





  11. Locky was all eyes 039_private_eyes.gif.707d2b71af6ed28aa3f848545036e2e0.gif for the teamleader who reminded him of a lass he'd seen in a magazine in the barbers shop. In fact he was quite overcome with joy.


    I'll have to get in quick, before elRatto reappears and flashes his worldly charm, he thought.


    Thinking he was doing the right thing to impress her, he invited her back to his place for a romantic candle-lit dinner. I make a mean cuppa-soup he said:face and heart:and I still have some leftover chinese from Friday night:heart::big_grin::heart:



  12. "Phewy, what a smell - put your socks back on Rivet" said 2000 bystanders.But it had done the trick; a rodent was seen streaking away, his nose pinched tightly by his little paws.

    And even the Wagga bloodhounds ran off in the upwind direction as the SES handlers were donning their hazardous material suits.037_yikes.gif.2082ee4b157a18e5ec01fc250b51372e.gif



  13. Welcome Kiwiaviator,


    You'll make a lot of good friends on this site, and it looks like some already have a connection.


    Behave yourself, and have fun here. This world we live in, seems to really be a small place, co's you can bet your bottom dollar someone will find out, if you play up.


    Kind regards





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