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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. If my models were anything to go by, it's important that he took the photos before the first flight... 025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gifWouldn't it be good if he could make a 1:1 scale model, Can you imagine flying around in that!? How cool would that be? 024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

    Yea, for sure.


    You'd arrive a fly-in with those red eye's and immediately, get breathalised:angry:



  2. The Captain and BigPete both had wry grins on their faces, knowing that their Jabby's were un-effected by this potential problem:big_grin::big_grin:

    "Can't beat the old Airfix kits" they both replied. No corrosion problems here!


    Meanwhile ditda was revelling in his new found occupation as a journalist for one of the country's most respected publications.


    However, most of the forum was more interested in pictures of MrsTomo.:heart::heart::heart:


    She's a "gem" to partake in such an escapade. While No.1 son is busy posing in front of the Jabby for page 24, hopefully she was enjoying a well deserved cocktail aboard the fan powered craft behind.


    Next time MrsTomo, make sure that boy of yours arranges a queens size bed with electric blanket for you. I dunno, kids are all the same these days.thumb_down


    Anyway, you had fun, spent quality time together, and he got you home safely. Well done ditdah.:thumb_up::big_grin:


    Next year, the mag should have a picture of me, with the mother-in-laws broomstick, if she concedes to lend it to me:question: and RAAus approves.


    Meanwhile....................poor ahlocks got a blowback with his oxy set:kboom:



  3. Last wierd one he made was a large scale electric powered flying saucer which was brimming with bright led's (like a well known jabiru flier from SE Quensland) and it caused quite a stir when he flew it at night time, and got many letters to the local paper.


    He must have a bit a mischief in him like his uncle.068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif:ah_oh:031_loopy.gif.e6c12871a67563904dadc7a0d20945bf.gif:confused:024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif


    Shhhhh, dont say a word.



  4. An interstate truckie who had been out on the road for three weeks, ends his day by dropping into a house of ill-repute on the outskirts of Kalgoorlie.


    He walks straight up to the Madam, drops down $500 and says "I want your ugliest woman and a burnt chop.!!"


    The Madam is astonished. 'But sir, for that kind of money you could have one of my finest ladies for the night and a lovely three-course meal.


    The truckie replies, " Look Luv, i'm tired, just feeling a trifle frisky . . . . ... but i'm getting bloody homesick".



  5. Hi Guys,


    I thought that some of you who are into electric powered models may be interested in my nephews latest creation. He's been working on it for the past few months, and says it was challenging at times to build and get just right, but makes a change from his fleet of R/C hellies. As you can see, he's also fitted large ultra-bright led's in the eyes, and I think it looks pretty cool. Being in the UK, he's waiting for the right weather for it's first flight, so that could take forever:big_grin:











  6. A very warm welcome to you tazzidevil.


    Hope you derive a lot of pleasure and learn a lot from this great site, as i'm sure you will.


    The Jabiru is real Aussie Sucess story and represents great value for money.


    Compared to a 172, you'll get a lot more flying for your dollars.


    Good luck with the training.


    Kind Regards





  7. https://www.recreationalflying.com/xf2/uploads/emoticons/augie.gif.346f47c3977a17668982a7a2e09685c9.gif[/img]...


    Now steady there Luckylocks, don't splash any of that stuff on the Sportstar. The spam-can variety will not get as much lift with it looking like a Swiss Cheese. You'd then have to invest in the patented Tomo gas-assist JATO's to even get off the ground, and they don't come cheap.


    The Cecil Planes lad is looking into ways of making a quid on the side (not that there's anything wrong with that). He claims that to benefit from natural-gas assitance on take-off could still prove to be a good market.


    Heinz tried it years ago when they started marketing baked beans, but with no reference to aviation.


    The Captain and BigPete both had wry grins on their faces, knowing that their Jabby's were un-effected by this potential problem:big_grin::big_grin:



  8. I'm in the process of rebuilding an Evinrude 115hp V4 powerhead to replace the one on my boat. I stripped it all down, split the crankcase and then came to grinding halt for a suitable socket to undo the big-end bearing caps. I was told so many different things by various outboard repairers and even ordered a socket from Melbourne which turned out to be way too big. This afternoon my crook back was made to suffer a bit more, after lugging the block into the boot of the car and doing The Cooks Tour of tool shops. After more than a week of trying, I eventually found a metric 12 point socket that fitted perfectly, so felt very relieved.


    If there was one range of standard threads with simple identifiable markings on nuts and bolts, life would be easier for so many mortals like me. But I realise that some threads are more suitable for certain applications.


    Anyway, if you get woken up with a wroom! wroom! noise early on Sunday morning, it's possibly me:big_grin:






    PS. It seems I should have contacted Old Man Emu for a few clues, as he seems a "knowledgeable nut" to coin a phrase.



  9. Whilst this is a diversion from what we normally read on this thread, I can quite understand your plight, and that of others in your area.


    Thank you for making me, for one, more aware of the situation.


    Sadly those in government who make the decisions, do not always get things right.


    In an ideal world, with a lot of safety procedures in place, I suppose it would be possible to still farm both a large portion of the land and gas deposits as well, but history shows, we do not live in an ideal world.


    The potential devastation that could be caused, not only to the local area, if contaminated water should get washed away in flood conditions, which do occur from time to time, should not be underestimated.


    What happens to the river systems and the land all the way down the Murray/ Darling Rivers and tributaries?


    The potential is somewhat scarey. Crops, live-stock, and fish over a vast area could well be effected.


    Would all those things we eat from affected areas, have to be treated with yet more anti-biotics, like some some of those asian prawns that are grown in polluted waters, yet the government still allows them to be imported, when we already have a plentiful supply of healthy one's here.


    Farmers are not whingers without good reason, the majority of them have vast knowledge passed down through generations of working the land, and know what they are doing, as well as trying to protect one of this countries greatest commodities. The very land we walk on.


    Good luck with this one, I can appreciate your concern.







  10. :heart:


    ... "We'll have to send in our best commandos......

    Whilst she is very well known to many around here, we also have to be aware of the wellbeing of the innocent Cecil Planes lad.


    Nanna was rather perturbed at seeing him wrinkled like a prune, and so bought the lad a snake-charmers flute.


    :robin:fwew! fwew! fwew! :robin:he went on his magic flute, and his dignity was quickly restored.


    "I want want one too", planey was heard to say, but in no time at all, he had to get on the back of a long que of forum members who felt the same way,and were armed with their Seniors Discount and Medicare cards all in a search of a little more happiness:hug::heart:.


    Others who'd emerged from the Blue Chat Room were all donning:cool:024_cool.gif.e4faea8b8d6d5d6e548e269d4b8acbd2.gif:cool: for fear of being recognised:faint:, or being offered an importantant public position.



  11. Now whilst we all have the utmost respect for our dear departed mate Decca, any further tributes should I feel, be posted on the other thread as a respected tribute to him and allow this post to return to it's normal on-going make-believe nonsence.i_dunno


    Poor Turbo, Captain, BigPete, Bryon, LuckyLocksmith, and many other storytellers are probably chomping at the bit, and about to blow a gasket, to get their true????? stories out in print.jive.gif.f008a653b325d9100ae93979ed617644.gif


    Nanna was feeling she'd been forgotton, and had gone back to looking for the gamekeepers pen in her garden...............................So let the hot air flow, and new truths be known, with only a modicom of exageration :angry:accepted.



  12. :welcome:jonp,


    I was near you last weekend visiting my daughter in Reservoir.


    Good luck with the building of an affordaplane, if you decide to go ahead. It's a bit bit more expensive than building a Keil Kraft kit, but more fun in the end.


    I'm also a pom from way back 30+yrs, A Womble, in fact, hence my funny nose and glasses.







  13. Have had my second lesson today and was basically allowed to take off .... great feeling, the Jab really is a great aircraft! Today was learning, slips, minor turns and basic control of the aircraft! I look forward to next Wednesday for round 3.

    Good work Dave, lots of great feelings to come. You normally drive home feeling on a high and keep re-living the experience.


    How did you go with the Jabiru for FSX? I've not got mine set up yet.


    Kind Regards





  14. Our dear friend Decca now has his wings,He wanted to learn to play those musical instument things,


    Now the leader of the group,


    Will have them all jumping through a hoop,


    Welcome to you one & all,


    Now pick up the instuments & we'll do roll call. ( at least I tried)

    Through his glasses he did peer


    Like the true engineer


    And said I have a new job on the gate


    I welcome them in, and put them at ease


    Like i've always endevoured to please


    So don't worry mate


    If you arrive here a bit late


    I'll welcome you in for sure


    Just lodge that old plan,though we know its a chore


    And with that, I will say not much more.


    The musical instruments to which you refer


    I think I will learn no more


    I'm tied up with the strings of this bloody new harp


    So will give it a miss for sure.


    For the trumpet i'm not bred, so i'll head off to bed


    with happy memories and a glass of my red.



  15. Four worms and a lesson to be learned!!!!


    A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his


    Sunday sermon.


    Four worms were placed into four separate jars.


    The first worm was put into a container of alcohol.


    The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke.


    The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup.


    The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil.


    At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results:


    The first worm in alcohol- Dead


    The second worm in cigarette smoke- Dead


    Third worm in chocolate syrup- Dead


    Fourth worm in good clean soil- Alive.


    So the Minister asked the congregation -


    What did you learn from this demonstration?


    An old lady sitting near the back, quickly raised her hand and said,


    'As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won't have worms!'


    "Life may not be the party we hoped for,


    but while we're still here we may as well dance."



  16. Hi MartinWelcome "young fella" :big_grin:

    Great site, great people great info


    As Planey says, probably not a lot of cost difference between trike or RAA 3 axis, and we get on fine together ;).


    If you have already been down the PPL road, trikes may just give you the difference to


    make it more interesting. Bit like a motor bike and a mini I suppose

    And at your age, you may already possess experience in a Mini question.gif.c2f6860684cbd9834a97934921df4bcb.gif025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif



  17. G'day Christian,


    When I first saw Ingham Wings, I thought it was a chicken advert, till I read further:laugh:006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif


    Sounds like your doing a great job getting things organised. Good luck to you.


    Sorry i'm a bit far away to attend, but with your enthusiasm and drive it should be a good event. I'm particularly pleased that you are trying to raise some funds for the FCFA which is close to my heart. Good luck with that:thumb_up:, and everything else you are orgaising.


    Kind Regards





  18. Welcome Marty,


    You've certainly found the best site without a doubt.


    Once that old flying bug gets you, it's normally there for keeps.


    Unless you like the wind in your face, I don't think you'll find there's too much difference in cost between flying trikes or light sport RAA aircraft.


    Keep us posted.







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