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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. Wecome Richard,


    Sounds like you've got things made, and with all the family aviators helping in the business, your future looks fantastic.


    Keep us posted.


    Kind Regards





  2. I fly a Jabiru J160 and am the lead pilot of Bundy's Jaba-Roo's formation team.

    :welcome:cheyenne, or, reading above, should we call you Squadron Leader?


    It's good to have you aboard, you'll enjoy yourself here for sure, and we look forward to hearing more from you.


    Just another 100 posts or so which won't take long, and you'll be a Squadron Leader here too :big_grin::thumb_up: We're really look forward to reading about your forthcoming Broom trip.


    Kind Regards





  3. Ya know something guys, when we all finally arrive at that big airport in the sky - you know, the one with no landing fees and the fuel is free - betcha Derek is at the front desk helping everyone check in - just like he did on these forums.regards


    PS - a miracle just happened - our mate is pain free and flying everywhere.


    They're lovely words BigPete, i'm so sorry funds won't allow me to drive down from Sydney to say my final farewell, but you can bet your bottom dollar, i'll sure as hell be wishing I was there.


    Thanks for being a good mate to one of a kind, and bringing happiness to him taking him to Temora. I know you already have your reward in the form of memories, for your kindness.


    Kind Regards





  4. Thanks for your welcome to the site Ian. At this stage I am not a flyer. I am 1948 vintage, but as they say "never too old to learn". Have made some preliminary investigations into learning to fly around here but have to make the final decision as yet.Am just interested in what other people have to say at this time. Regards, David.

    Hi ItSuits Me


    Being a young bloke, the worlds your oyster, so go for for it.


    Do what I want to do, post it, and make me envious.


    Kind Regards





  5. Bugger.He was a brave bloke, and a worthy member of this site.

    Not wrong there Captain.


    I'm so sad that I was in Melbourne last weekend and wanted to make a trip out to see him, but had to babysit my grandkids.


    So regreting that I did'nt make more effort:crying:.


    Thats life, but i'm so sorry that I missed out on catching up with my mate.


    Rgds Planey (The Bloody Idiot).



  6. Hi All,Whilst I have been flying since 2002 this is my first post on this site. My flying has been out of the Oaks in Lightwings and Jabirus. I am a member of RAA and hold a current Pilot Certificate but with not a lot of hours. I live at Cattai and was hoping to contact flyers who are into Microlights in my area with the view to gaining a weightshift endorsement, flying locally and may be purchasing my own trike or similar.

    Look forward to hearing from anyone who might be able to help.







    1926, does that mean you are 84 and even older than me:big_grin:? Probably not, but all are very welcome here anyway.


    I don't get out to The Oaks as often as i'd like due to other commitments, but hope to catch up with you sometime to say G'day.


    Next time you're out there, ask if Sonny the Drifter Driver is around? he's a real nice bloke and has a Fisher Mk1 as well as a trike out there, or, used to, and i'm sure he'd point you in the right direction.


    Kind Regards





  7. :welcome:Dave


    Flight Sim FSX is great fun in between the real thing, pity they don't have a J160 on there.


    I think I read a post on here somewhere, that one of the boys had downloaded one from somewhere, but that would probably be beyond my computer skills.


    Enjoy your training and let us know how you progress.


    Don't be afraid to ask questions here, there's always someone happy to help.


    JUST DON'T ASK FOR MONEY :big_grin: as it could make the forums go a bit quiet.:peepwall:


    Regards Planey



  8. Feeling absolutely shattered at hearing this news.


    Decca and I had bond that money can't buy. We were in quite regular contact and we always tried to prop one another up with positives. He was always more interested in my problem, before his own. However, when he called the other evening, he apoligised to me and said "I'm sorry mate, but I don't think we'll get to share that bottle of red together". I was lost for words and felt numb, as I knew what he was trying to tell me.


    Love you heaps buddy, your passing will be leaving a big void in my life, and I know many others as well.


    My condolances go out to Sue and the family, and others that feel like I do.


    Rest in peace ole mate.


    Kindest regards





  9. An elderly couple, who were both widowed, had been going out with each other for a long time.


    Urged on by their friends, they decided it was finally time to get married. :heart:


    Before the wedding, they went out to dinner and had a long conversation regarding how their marriage might work.


    They discussed finances, living arrangements and so on.


    Finally, the elderly gentleman decided it was time to broach the subject of their physical relationship.


    'How do you feel about sex?' he asked, rather tentatively.


    'I would like it infrequently,' she replied.


    The old gentleman sat quietly for a moment, adjusted his glasses, leaned over towards her and whispered,


    'Is that one word or two, dear?' :gerg:033_scratching_head.gif.b541836ec2811b6655a8e435f4c1b53a.gif




  10. I'm still fuming about another post here which suggests that I shouldn't be doing aerobatics at my age and now you come out with this!

    Don't worry too much, we now have the answer in post 3..............You need to go see a Spin doctor:thumb_up:



  11. This is something to think seriously about.


    I recently picked a new primary care doctor.


    After two visits and exhaustive Lab tests, he said I was doing 'fairly well' for my age. (I just turned 60.)


    A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, 'Do you think I'll live to be 80?'


    He asked, 'Do you smoke tobacco, or drink beer or wine, indulge in chocolate or coffee?'


    'Oh no,' I replied. 'I'm not doing drugs, either!'


    Then he asked, 'Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs?


    'I said, 'Not much.... my former doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!'


    'Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?'


    'No, I don't,' I said.


    He asked, 'Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lot of sex?'


    'No,' I said.


    He looked at me and said... 'Then, why would you even give a sh:censored:?



  12. Hi guys... looking for some friends that tolerate gyros. Got my rotors (wings) in Xmas and lashed out and bought an MT-03. Looking for somewhere to fly around Tamborine. Looking forward to meeting people :)Gordon

    Another "Ceiling Fan" enthusiast.


    :welcome:Gordon, and get your mates to register as well. It would be good to have a few more on here.


    You'll have lots of fun here, can learn a lot, and meet a lot of nice guys & gals with similar interests.


    We're all enthusiasts of one type or another and it matters not whether your main interest is flying fans, planks, models, or computer desks fitted out with flightsim.:rotary:


    We'd love to see a picture of your MT-03 when you get a chance, so look forward to your further posts


    Regards Planey


    PS I just Googled it, and it looks a very capable bit of gear which would be a heap of fun.



  13. You both alive mate so you did the right thing without question, not even worth second guessing yourself as you should be proud that your training and instincts kicked in and in the pinch you made rational life saving decisions.Great stuff

    Without a doubt!


    Well done.


    Rgds Planey



  14. Hi Dexter.


    The outcome may not have been quite as you had wished, but it sounds like your actions saved the bacon of yourself and pax, which is the main thing.


    News such as this, has an impact on all your mate too, thats obvious by all the replies.


    Kind Regards





  15. Should have come back as "Ben Longgone" :big_grin:H

    or, Ben Missun.


    Word has it that he may have been wandering trying to find a modern video camera to replace the dinasaur that he used to have on his avitar:question:



  16. ... Ho-Down, that well known Saturday night passtime in Cecil's Planes, Queen's Land, where the ..............

    local hotties are normally shown a card which reads "lay down and do exactly what I say, the person showing you this card is an air-raid warden"bounce.gif.1ff37f7384330975bf7be7976b8a6718.gif



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