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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. G'day Vorticy, yes indeed! That property you speak of is our neighbour! And I chipped most of his hemp (like cotton chipping, but hemp instead! - de weeding it)

    Small world ain't it -



    Have you ever noticed on the news, how when a crop is discovered and the police are burning it, how happy they look in their work:laugh:bounce.gif.3516b5f7197d1d6889168640af67e2f6.gif


    How times have changed:question:.


    Planey as a young lad used to go to the corn merchants in the UK and buy hemp seed by the pint scoop for ninepence, as bait for fishing. We'd tip it in a saucepan of boiling water and simmer it until it swelled a bit and a little shoot came out the side, and used tiny size 18 or 20 hooks which you gently pushed into the split in the shell of the seed so the little shoot was showing. It was a great bait, and no, we never caught clown fish.


    If you were caught with that much these days, you'd probably wind up in the slammer, but back in the late 50's and early 60's it was a commonly used bait for river fishing.



  2. "Ah-ha, ze mysterious case of ze missing pussy" thought Poirotplaney066_naughty.gif.b89c2da7d619f57a774d625ba24a42f0.gif

    But as the years progress, he had to come to terms with fact that he could not chase them as hard as he used to:crying:051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif:crying:.


    To call on the assistance of the Dark-One, makes him nervous, because of her new avitar:angry:thumb_down, which may only be a shot in the dark to some, but she's got to be successful sometime.


    As most cats realise, to cop a stray one can be a real worry:exclamation:


    "Zis is somezing I can get my teeth into" he pondered.


    All I need to do is find them..... Oh! there they are in the glass on the bedside table. Gee they must be pleased to see me, co's their smiling st me".


    You'd just love to become closely attached to these things, but that rarely happens:sad:,:score 001:if you're lucky.:broken_heart: unless they glisten with gold which can also makes the ASI hard to read.......................



  3. went for a (after) sunrise flight this morning' date=' was ridiculously awesome! so clear smooth and :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:[/color']

    "Thats great to hear Tomo" said the remorseful Planey,who felt he'd conned you all.


    You do realise dear readers, that Tomo's note, was also probably a wind-up for us less fortunate souls, who did not get a "rediculously awesome" start to the day 051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif


    With Planeys coffee jug going off with big flash and bang first thing, and the card of fuse-wire lent to a neighbour and not returned,068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif he was absolutely de-lighted hearing that someone had had a wonderful start to the day.:baldy: Thats all he needed to hear:yuk:.


    Where's our Locky when you need him, he thought, as he used the bolt cutters instead of the missing key to open the meter box padlock:question:


    The day is sure to get better, because it's not Friday the 13th and tomorrow I May.......just dance around the flagpole:laugh:



  4. Two old guys were having a chat on a park bench.


    One said to the other: "My 85th birthday yesterday you know.


    Wife gave me an SUV".


    Other guy: "Wow, that's amazing! Imagine, an SUV! What a great gift!"


    First guy: "Yup. Socks, Underwear and Viagra!"025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif



  5. Con The Prop Shop Owner, who was busy putting on his leather apron to start is doys work."Lets getta thissa straight mite, me an the lovly wife Mareeeeka's worked blood hard to get us where we are, so you lotta can have some fun. And at the end of the day, hopefully weeez made a cuppla dollars too:exclamation:........ Beaudiful:thumb_up:

    An wott'sa more, nexta muntx ima going to be introducing aerosol cans of spray-on felt flock for tha baldies. Nanna recckos itsa good feel when you runna yer hands over it:heart:.


    It'll be available at mosts future fly-ins to elp yer looka shmik inna photos.


    But wait, theres morea. For those fresha aira flyers, for justa a cuppla bucks more, you can get the one with super-hold glue. Beleeeev me my friends, there's gonna be a lot o appy faces out there:star::big_grin::star:.That's......................................... Beaudiful"exclamation.gif.15cca54a67cbd47ca3b5897bbc7b8e75.gif



  6. "I agree" said Planey "And after seeing most of the forum members at Temora (where grey was a very popular colour), that is why I tried to talk Ian out of selling Grecian 2000 in the Clear Prop Shop .... although he did want to rebadge it as Bacchus Marsh 2000."

    "I had to drop that product" responded Ian "As with the way the Greek economy is going, it had already risen to Grecian 4867 and is increasing at 15% per month."


    "Hey ......... whatsa matta you?" said ...........

    Con The Prop Shop Owner, who was busy putting on his leather apron to start is doys work.


    "Lets getta thissa straight mite, me an the lovly wife Mareeeeka's worked blood hard to get us where we are, so you lotta can have some fun. And at the end of the day, hopefully weeez made a cuppla dollars too:exclamation:........ Beaudiful:thumb_up:



  7. .... a lack of interest

    accumatively speaking.


    I'm indebted for that information, so we'll have to cheque what comes up next, as i'm still very interested in what branches out........



  8. I know a girl who is really ugly.OME

    Mate, I know exactly what you mean, I was married to her for 23yrs.


    But if you think she's bad? you obviously never met my mother-in-law who'd always turn up on her broomstick on a Sunday morning, when we simply wanted to play up.068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif


    As they say............Love is blind,.......... just like me:faint:



  9. I couldn't agree more. I drink to that !

    I just have, but keep getting this gritty taste with a few larger un-identified lumps, but being positive, you just have to grit and bare it :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:



  10. go for it. am so excited about picking it up on weekend! 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif

    That's Fantastagorricle Rach, where do you intend to keep it:question:, At the Oaks, Wedderburn, or, in my driveway to impress the neighbours:question::big_grin::big_grin::thumb_up:.







  11. Mate thanks for posting that, it's brilliant! 107_score_010.gif.2fa64cd6c3a0f3d769ce8a3c21d3ff90.gif


    I thought i'd try a bit of that as it's good excercise, but did'nt progress too far.


    Maybe i'll have another go tommorow when I get back from the chiropracter:crying:006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


    Kind Regards





  12. G'day Gord and welcome to the forums, keep us posted, we'd love to get your posts from Canada.


    This is a great site, and it's interest is spreading across the globe.


    Good luck with your impending puchase, let us know what you decide on, and post a couple of photo's.


    Kind Regards





  13. ... Locksvill...

    The Captain replied with a glint in his eye:chuffed:, "You see fellahs, when you've advanced to my position of being God on the flight deck, a few perks come with the job, to evercome boredom on long flights:thumb_up:


    Surely you don't for one moment think we can play computer games for all those hours?........



  14. ..... what slim chefs are to eftpos machines, what forum moderators are to the secret thought police ,and what Tomo & Darky are to ............

    Captains who get more than a stiff coffee from the trolley, but don't ever mention it to........



  15. thanks Waltercouldnt be happier!

    Thats fantastic news--------------coooooooooooooooooooooooey all the way up there on cloud 9, as i'm sure you are at the moment:big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif:rilla:016_ecstatic.gif.156a811a440b493b0c2bea54e43be5cc.gifjive.gif.035c4a81724c712198cdb1757d6fb926.gif


    Don't forget to give me a call, to take me for a spin sometime (not literally)


    Kind Regards




    (I'm just 5 min down the road from Bankstown Airport)



  16. ... and his Ben Elton derived forum name means that he ........


    too, would be described by Andrew Denton as "devilishly handsome"question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif:yuk:


    Be that as it may, we have to accept that beauty is in the eye of the beholder in the kitchen:heart: :big_grin:, however brief.



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