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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. Welcome back to the Inner Sanctum Darky.


    You're new Avitar looks a bit threatening, so we promise to be on our best behavior, providing you are not a real god shot:angry:068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif.







  2. :wasnt me:Yes but how many know when to 068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif

    Good to see you posting Geoff.


    Maybe i'm wrong?, but have'nt too seen many posts since we used to give you a bit of a hard time in jest. No offence intended, but sometimes we'd get a bit carried away.:hittinghead:


    Glad I was'nt on that Dash 8 flight as there have been a few nosewheels come adrift, but none of us are perfect, all of the time.



  3. A duck hunter was out enjoying a nice morning on the marsh when he decided to take a leak....


    He walked over to a tree and propped up his gun. Just then a gust of wind blew, the gun fell over, and discharged... Shooting him in the genitals.


    Several hours later, lying in a hospital bed he was approached by his doctor.


    "Well sir, I have some good news and some bad news.


    The good news is that you are going to be OK.


    The damage was local to your groin, there was very little internal damage, and we were able to remove all of the buckshot."


    "What's the bad news?" asked the hunter.


    "The bad news is that there was some pretty extensive buckshot damage done to your old fellah, so i'm going to have to refer you to my brother."


    "Oh, well I guess that isn't too bad," the hunter replied.


    "Is your brother a plastic surgeon?"


    "Not exactly." answered the doctor. "He's a flute player in the local symphony orchestra, and he's going to teach you where to put your fingers so you don't pee in your eye." ;)



  4. The root cause of the problem is determining how much flutter it takes to create a snatch.From previous calculations it can be shown that where a certain number of flutters (x) is reached, a snatch is the outcome, therefore the next thing to determine is the square root of a snatch in order to find a snatched root of the first magnitude.......unhappy_composer.gif.f6eeb28ead4f564e3b794b9ba4d2b4ed.gif:unhappy composer:unhappy_composer.gif.f6eeb28ead4f564e3b794b9ba4d2b4ed.gif102_wasnt_me.gif.aa230f6efb9b649c7c3d7c8e521e910b.gif

    Until such information is fourth coming, Nana said "it was obvious a lot more research needs to be done, and she would take a personal interest in all development progress.025_blush.gif.8e2ecc192cc98853ac4370dddcd7cf74.gif:heart:056_headset.gif.b5a277b3873a5265c8dd8a65376ab202.gif:face and heart:



  5. A duck hunter was out enjoying a nice morning on the marsh when he decided to take a leak....


    He walked over to a tree and propped up his gun. Just then a gust of wind blew, the gun fell over, and discharged... Shooting him in the genitals.


    Several hours later, lying in a hospital bed he was approached by his doctor. "Well sir, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you are going to be OK. The damage was local to your groin, there was very little internal damage, and we were able to remove all of the buckshot."


    "What's the bad news?" asked the hunter.


    "The bad news is that there was some pretty extensive buckshot damage done to your penis. I'm going to have to refer you to my brother."


    "Oh, well I guess that isn't too bad," the hunter replied. "Is your brother a plastic surgeon?"


    "Not exactly." answered the doctor. "He's a flute player in the local symphony orchetra and he's going to teach you where to put your fingers so you don't pee in your eye." :black_eye:



  6. "That is one of the anvantages of owning one of those fine Bundabergian machines with wing tanks, as you soon learn how to hold on for 5 hours if you like flying X-country." responded the Cheese Muncher.

    "That's nothing" said Rob'n-'em (+ GST) "With my SportSzar I don't turn left (as mine is from the northern hemisphere, so we naturally veer right just like we dress on that side) and I can ........

    Keep one tank for fuel, and the other simply for the conveince of it 025_blush.gif.8e2ecc192cc98853ac4370dddcd7cf74.gif



  7. Whooooar there!068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif




    Originally Posted by flying dog viewpost.gif...... B.S:censored:.


    Though it is not yet confirmed, if, I was to tell you guys, that this lovely lady is looking to give away to a good home a C152, a Rans S7, a Karasport, a Lightwing, a drafty Scout, as well as share a bottle of devine 12yr old whiskey with someone that appreciates her, simply for the kind person she really is, what would you all say.


    "Send photo of plane."


    Flyingdog did'nt say that at all, it was the charming Planey.


    (Stop licking yer chops and wagging yer tail flying dog, you can't claim that one), even if you did mean well, for your own advantage:loopy:.


    She's only a couple of kay's down the road on a weekend Jabiruing, so be careful or i'll have to go and whisper in her ear.



  8. "Yes he is back" Good!, Darky told him what to do with his Box Brownie and all others approached went "Oh Yuck" when he smiled and that gold tooth glinted."

    "Why that's garbage" cried the chick at the back of the crowd.


    If you marry him and he carks it, at least you know you can get a few bob for him at the scrap metal yard;), so he would'nt be a "dead loss" by any stretch of the imagination:big_grin:




    "Don't give up darling" said Nanna to El Skipper "Just give me a couple of days to get this blue rinse out:yikes: and make it all blonde, and I'll ............(QUOTE)


    ......"make it up to you like I always have in the past.


    DissapearingPete is not the only one I care about you know, and his customer with the suave smoking jacket, really knows his ropes, he's a good scout and there's always been a good bond between us:blush:


    You're all very special when you get to my age"!



  9. Planney,:heart:I love it, I love it, I love it - can I have it....please??? 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif

    (and I am adding to Flightygirl's totals here ... what am I thinking?)051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif



    Where have you been all my life:question::big_grin:


    Poor Sue is sounding a bit frustrated at all the attention flightygirl is getting and understandably so.


    Though it is not yet confirmed, if, I was to tell you guys, that this lovely lady is looking to give away to a good home a C152, a Rans S7, a Karasport, a Lightwing, a drafty Scout, as well as share a bottle of devine 12yr old whiskey with someone that appreciates her, simply for the kind person she really is, what would you all say:question:



  10. question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif


    The Captain had gone bush as in dreamtime,:big_grin:.

    However, today we have have some great news for you:big_grin:


    The FUDA (Forums Undercover Detective Agency) have detected that The Captain is back :hug:from his dreamtime expedition (flaggons empty, possibly):yuk::yuk::yuk: and may soon re-appear and ban:hittinghead: those responsible for inactivity during his absence.


    Could it be, that he has badly been missed:crying:051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif:crying: and they are all lost without their leader:question:



  11. Darky will be getting jelous of you flying girl. You are taking the light from her now.;)

    As you are in the limelight now, with all the attention you receive, if you're looking for a good friend to share some quality-time with, who's really into his flying question.gif.c2f6860684cbd9834a97934921df4bcb.gif, then flying dog, who's been sending you all these posts, is possibly the one for you.


    He has his own aircraft, (which does'nt look much like a Jabiru to me), but we should'nt be too picky.


    He's affectionate, fully licenced, comes with full registration, dresses for the occasion, and above all is a good cheap run-about, who does'nt have fleas.


    Please consider!011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif





  12. 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Mike,


    My new neighbour has just bought a drum kit:drums:.


    Bit of a shame it did'nt come with a box of disprins which he could have given away:sorry:


    Enjoy the forums, you'll learn a lot, and get a lot of laughs:thumb_up:


    Kind Regards





  13. Hi Flightygirl.I fly out of Wollongong in a 160. I am only RAA.


    I am not sure when I shall next be flying, but if you are interested, I have a PAX endorsement.


    Anyway, I'd better stop there before I dig myself into a hole.

    "What Rot"


    The kind fellah is simply trying to help you, but possibly feels embarrassed knowing what others around here might say. He! He!:big_grin: and we have common interests afterall.


    I'd say "go for it", and I too have a daughter, but i'm sure he's genuine.


    Good luck, marriages are not necessarily made in in heaven:heart:, but possibly Jabiru's 114_ban_me_please.gif.0d7635a5d304fa7bdaef6367a02d1a75.gif


    Kindest Regards





  14. question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif


    BigZipperPete is undone for the moment 087_sorry.gif.e8469ebb2a7ac46e73a3142c7c39aefd.gif - but he will return. After all, someone has to keep you lot on the straight and narrow. :heart:



    With BigZipperPete threatening to keep us all in line, everyone buggered off for two whole days waiting, for the bold move of someone to break the ice.


    The usual ratbags had been holding their breath, and were starting to go blue in the face


    From the goodness of his heart:heart:Planey has organised to sent his friend, The Lovely Leslie, also blonde, (not the one in the photo) to BigPete's place, as she is an expert in replacing zippers, and turning up bottoms, and was panting at the opportunity to help the man.


    "I'll fix him up for sure, and he'll be zipping around here in no time" she said.


    There's obviously no fly's on that bloke at the moment.068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif


    The Locksmith was busy playing with his tumblers, which is a key part of his NES strategy, and DowntoearthPlaney was waiting with his trowel question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif, in hand, waiting for the invite from Nanna to play in her garden.


    The Captain had gone bush as in dreamtime, and Tomo was still trying to suss out some poor buggers 912 ignition problem i_dunnoin the hope that he could have a lend if it, once fixed:big_grin:.



  15. More from Melton: VH-TMQ about to touch down after its display.


    Wonderful shot Philthy.


    Colour shots are great and have their place, but so do black and white, and better suited to an aircraft of this era, as you obviously realised.


    Well done mate!


    Brings back memories of when I used to charter a DC3 to fly a crowd from the British Sub- Aqua Club from nearby Biggin Hill in the UK to Ostend in Belgium where we used to spend a weekend in Brugge. It certainly beat a 2hrs plus drive to go on an old Aviation Traders ATL98 (DC4 conversion) car carrier, and worked out not only cheaper, but the pilot was waiting for us if we spent longer than planned in the local bars.





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