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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. .... "but then again", thought a meloncholy Dickher "Neither Johnny H or Kevvy C have a proven reputation for pulling the chicks, so all I can do is hope that I look more like HandsomePete, or better still like Robin-of-Locksly in the photo Tomo took of him at Natfly, or perhaps a cross between Ian and Slarti (which might make me look like StanzaLegend) as they are all Lady Killers .....but then again, there is always ..................

    This bloke, last to appear in the lady-killer contest line up, and possibly better forgotten.


    Poor o'l 4 chinned PensionerPlaney who can still get a lot of affection from much younger blondes, and is very contented with that.:big_grin:


    :wave:to all of you, that I have'nt had a chance to meet yet, especially to all you lovely ladies with dodgey mince pies, who have spare cash for the blue pills.;)


    No props here like swanky smoking jackets, plucked eyebrows, or Errol Flynn moustaches, (though some needed as above), just a modest loving family man who is appreciated by one of the treasure's of his life, and hopefully by the judges.018_hug.gif.0182e32b48b2df8aaf412ac8488cf68a.gif:thumb_up:thumb_down:broken_heart:.





  2. The products i have are 'Henkel Surface Technologies' Alumiprep 33 this according to the label, deep cleans brightens and conditions, removes oxidation corrosion, chemically etches the aluminium surface, preps for painting, preps for welding.Alodine 1201 for the chemical coating. 1201 is the gold/tan coloured used for under coloured paint. 1001 is the clear type if you are using under clear paint.

    Alodine 1201 gives you a visible conversion coating, provides long lasting paint adhesion, protects against corrosion,


    I've noticed over the years that serious builders of metal aircraft place the shiney surface of the skin on the inside. good time whilst you have this apart to give it some good internal anti corrosion treatment. paint it with zinc primer and treat it with ACF50 (bit like the endrust treatment for cars). Good investment if you are going to keep it and makes for better product for resale.


    Keep posting your photos i am astounded on some of the work and amazed how it got signed off in the first place.



    You see guys, there's nearly always someone on these forums who has the right answers.


    Thanks for that Ozzie, I learned something too.:thumb_up:







  3. ..... because I'll be cacking about your lack of eyebrows, and thinking about what you are going to do with your .........



    "No worries there", came the reply, I have a pair of Groucho Mark's lookalike glasses I got at last years Royal Easter Show. The eyebrows are that bushy, that everyone will most likely think my name's John Howard :big_grin: How cools that:question:



  4. you'll still tickle my nose, and give me the girly giggles when we kiss.:heart:006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif:laugh:


    Originally Posted by Decca viewpost.gif


    .........."Cheque's in the mail, Planey" said, we'll call him Mr X (edited) slamming down the phone.



    Planey tried to clear the cheque at the bank this morning Mr X, but it seemed to keep doing "touch & go's"


  5. Adrian,We are in the process of repairing the skyfox. We found a product in Bunnings that isn't expensive, but removed each layer of paint one at the time. I am not sure of the name of it,but is in a yellow tin. I am off to Bunnings soon to find out the name of it. (any excuse to go to Bunnings). To clean it off the residue we used a spray bottle with metho in & a green scourer. John

    Probably Polystrippa Adrian. Thats in a yellow can.


    Wear gloves as it burns your skin if you get it on you, wash off thoroughly.


    Many years ago I had a bit of a patch of corrosion on an outboard motor which kept re-appearing after painting. I had a chat with some guys at Bankstown who were repainting a Queenair. They gave me a couple of bottles of stuff to use which did the trick.


    I still have the bottles but can't read what they wrote on them. The first one I think was called Dioxadin and the second one Alladin or something similar. Possibly chromic acid which I applied with a scotchbrite pad, then did the same with the second bottle and washed it all thoroughly before panting. It left a very finely scuffed finish which almost looked like it had been anodised pale yellow, and the fine scuffing act as a key and assists the new paint in gripping the aluminium surface.


    I often seen aircraft around that are in the process of having a new paint job, and they all seem to have this yellowy finish before painting.


    Might be worth a quick phone call to someone who specialises in it.


    Hope this helps.


    Kind Regards





  6. A young engineer was leaving the office at 5.45 p.m. when he found the


    Acting CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his






    "Listen," said the Acting CEO, "this is a very sensitive and important


    document, and my secretary is not here. Can you make this thing work?"




    "Certainly," said the young engineer. He turned the machine on, inserted


    the paper, and pressed the start button.




    "Excellent, excellent!" said the Acting CEO as his paper disappeared


    inside the machine, "I only need one copy."





    Never, ever assume that your boss knows what he's doing.



  7. .... , but that serial about the Scarlet Pumpernickle was very erotic and I .....................

    Felt quite overcome with emotion, and was hoping for a more satisfying ending.


    I do clearly remember the couple who were sitting in the row in front though he recalled, it was a gentleman now known to many of us, who shall remain nameless (providing the bribe comes in tomorrows post).;)


    As they walked out of the Odeon with their remaining husky popcorn, he was overheard to say "If you'd like a job as a hostie, I'm an engineer and can certainly engineer that for you, you sweet thing".:heart:010_chuffed.gif.0eb732edf61030e6104a9a70bfa92a9e.gif



  8. Well, there are a few logistical things involved also...! ;)I did volunteer to eat his burger so it wouldn't go cold... but... 040_nerd.gif.a6a4f823734c8b20ed33654968aaa347.gif

    Typical of a young bloke, just like my son.


    "I still wanted to snazzle his seat in the taxi". That's understandable. Hope the burger gave you hic-ups".:black_eye:







  9. Tommo I can't believe you forgot who I am, you took my seat in the cab at Narromine I ended up with a cold hamburger waiting for u guys haha.051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif

    C'mon Tomo,


    That's not the way we gentleman of the forums behave:laugh:006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif but there are exceptions.


    Maybe, you were just hungry and soaked to the skin like me:question:


    That I can understand!


    Hey Gundy, better a cold hamburger, than none at all.


    How can you reasonably expect a young man to go hungry:question:, Get Real! :big_grin:







  10. he was ready to deliver some payback 068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif to whoever was setting him up.....(augie.gif.346f47c3977a17668982a7a2e09685c9.gif)

    At this point Planey did the bolt, and hid in the dunny :Flush: hoping not to be noticed:cool:.


    Hopefully he was not the one in the scope sight, as a result of mistaken identity, or could it be the father of an old date from the Concord Odeon he wondered.


    Nah! could'nt be, that was many years ago. Anyway, if I take a real deep breath and pull the flush, he thought, I can carry on undeterred and come out at Bondi away from the melee.


    CaptainFlynn sniggered:laugh: at the deep-diving antics of Planey, when he clearly knew, that the real culprit was..................





    "I wonder if that might have actually been Planey at the Odeon in Concord just after the serial had finished?"

    "No comment" 024_cool.gif.e4faea8b8d6d5d6e548e269d4b8acbd2.gif:cool:024_cool.gif.e4faea8b8d6d5d6e548e269d4b8acbd2.gif


    In an attempt to divert the attention back to Robin of Locksley, he added that not only


    "We are Knights of the Round Table,


    And with the girls we're able.


    Once a Knight


    Always a knight


    But as the years progress, thats all we can manage (whatever that meant:confused:}


  12. I've scrubbed a far bit off a C182 once... but I honestly couldn't tell you what we used, it was green, and we let it soak over night raped up in plastic to keep it moist. I think it was some sort of paint stripper. That gets the paint off, then you have to polish the Alloy with something else.Gee's I'm not much help am I?! 040_nerd.gif.a6a4f823734c8b20ed33654968aaa347.gif

    Of course you are Tomo,


    I Use Autosol from Supercheap for polishing metal, and it's brilliant stuff for polishing wedding rings to many things larger. It's also great for for cutting back freshly painted surfaces to give it a mirror finish. I recently resprayed my sons boat and hand finished it with Autosol and it looks like glass.


    I'd be looking at using a power-buff wetted with a little water just to keep it the mop damp, which is important, and a good squirt of Autosol, and with a bit of effort it should polish up a treat. It's only a fine abrasive, but when polishing and the cloth, or buff, starts to turn black, you know it's doing it's job, and cutting slowly into the metal. If you finish it by hand, you'll wind up with something that you'd be really proud of.







  13. Hi guys I have decided to replace some paneling on the CH601 and would like to know the best way to remove the old paint from the remaining surfaces in preperation for a colour change.

    Hi Adrian,


    If you look through your local paper you'll probably find ad's for local strippers, that may help.


    Just a thought, trying to be helpful.;)


    Kind Regards





  14. does .............. but back to my confession ....... and that is that I don't "emplant" like Planey said, I "impregnate" and that might QUOTE]

    Bring back some memories for those ladies with the noisey kids, in the back row.:big_grin:


    "The contestant who's just arrived straight from the Moruyah RSL, complete with the meat tray won in the raffle, please cover your winnings, as the notorious Slartihotplate is here, and it could go missing when the lights are dimmed" said EmceePlaney.


    DebonaireDecca peered briefly from the stage door, looking very suave wearing his smoking jacket, and looking like he'd come from a 1950's film set with Cary Grant.


    The Captain could be seen in the background, still wearing his jocks like Errol Flynn and trying to further impress the ladies, prior to changing into his penguin suit.


    "Thank God, he was'nt appearing in his Birthday one" I heard someone say:angry:


    As the lights were dimmed and the spotlights focussed on centre stage, all of a sudden---------------------

  15. A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car.


    His father said he'd make a deal with his son: 'You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we'll talk about the car.'


    The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he'd settle for the offer, and they agreed on it.


    After about six weeks his father said, 'Son, you've brought your grades up and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I'm disappointed you haven't had your hair cut.


    The boy said, 'You know, Dad, I've been thinking about that too, and I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair...and there's even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair.'


    Dad's reply:


    'Did you also notice they walked everywhere they went?'



  16. " please continue--------------

    Confusion abounds, about the true status of "The Lady Killer" Comp, due to the Royal Intervention posted by (we'll simply call him Richard Cranium:black_eye:).


    However, one of the main contenders, Dikka ,and also his south-o-the border mate CharmemallPete, were lying low, because they'd possibly bribed the judges with a few kudos prior to the semi-finals drawing closer.


    Frantic were they, to compete with the Captain who was immaculately dressed wearing a bow tie:ilmostro:, they wanted to go one better in the impresion stakes, that they were busy Googleing for a supplier of of bow-ties that started to spin once they shouted "Clear-Prop".



  17. "EmCee Planey :ilmostro: tapped the microphone to gather the crowd's attention for the start of the Lady Killa 2010 presentation...

    "Ladies and Gentleman please stand, I beg for your attention. Quiet please"


    I care not, if the Real Queen starts her speech with "It gives my husband and I great pleasure" :thumb_up:


    "Stop right there, Planey moderated"068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif:no no::no no::no no:.


    Surely to God, ur not the only ones:question:


    We'll not go there:yikes:.


    I'm hanging on with my life for the Temora Moderator Positition bestowed upon me, and I will not allow it.


    I don't give a stuff how many rocks you have in your hat.


    You have to understand your Majesty, I will just not allow it.


    On these forums we do not discuss our sex lives in public, because we are true gentleman!


    With that firmly emplanted in your mind, please continue--------------



  18. Meanwhile, The Captain takes a shower and spruces himself up :spruce_up::spruce_up::spruce_up: to maintain the sweet-smelling image of the forums hot contender in the "Lady-Killer :face and heart:Contest".


    Thats B.S.:DirtDOG: responded the Locksmith. I served a five year apprentiship, studying hard how to pick locks on chastity belts. And if I say so myself, became quite a dab hand at it.


    The last thing I need, is some bloke coming along dressed to the nine's:ilmostro:, wooing the ladies on bended knee:no no:, flashing his smile:big_grin: and whatever else he deems fit 068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif, just to pull a few votes and get one over me.



  19. ....."In silence I am, and In silence I remain...."

    The statement caught The Rat off guard so much he tripped over his own thought....

    and burst into song:robin::guitarist::musicboohoo:singing "Sweet Violets, Sweeter than all the roses, i'm covered all over from head to foot, covered all over in s--- (Sweet Violets)


    A well known song from the geriatrics song book.


    Sorry Tomo, it's pre Doof Door beat.



  20. I thought I was wrong once, but It was just a mistake.

    "So folks, it's now official and straight from the horses mouth, so to speak.


    Even the brightest stars:star: can sometimes stuff-up and get things wrong"


    I admire that quality, as I so often do it myself:big_grin:







  21. Storchy Neil is right Tomo does have hidden talents, knows how to get out of a tuff fix. LOL

    Thats why we get a laugh out of The CecilPlanesHoudini:laugh:, it's the wind-up that counts.


    We do it to keep him young and active:rilla:so he does'nt get geriatricised.:gerg:around some of us.:black_eye: ....................Not mentioning my own name of course.:no no:


    Not BigPete's:no no:


    Not Decca's:no no:


    Not The Locksmith:no no:


    Undecided about The Captain:question:


    :confused: Ian 088_censored.gif.2b71e8da9d295ba8f94b998d0f2420b4.gif for fear of being banned.:black_eye:


    Kind regards





  22. now that is clever... don't you think?

    Slow down Tomo, ur jumping ahead of the class again.

    U've gotta give us old'uns time to think, so we can make a post that looks intelllllergent to us, and hopefully 2u2.


    Geez, we never used to have this trouble!





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