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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. ".... Either do that or jump in the front to do a couple of Natfly Roulette circuits in the spacewalker's airshow."

    "I'll take the wires thanks" responded Nell "And I just hope that the DarlingDownsDarling will wait for me to ....................


    "Nah,................ on reflection, forget the DarlingDownsDarling replied Storchy, as hot as she is, I'll settle for the Nanna:hug: co's it's a lot closer to take her home after a wild nite out.


    All the stress would be a hell of a lot easier on the "old ticker", save the defribulator batteries, and easier on the pocket too.


    With the Nanna she's a very experienced woman, but with the other one, i'd always be worrying where my keys were, in case her offspring tried to take off with me beloved Storch, which he probably would, just to get another aircraft type on his avitar.thumb_downthumb_downthumb_down



  2. His math teacher said "he could always be counted on" :thumb_up:, but the history teacher said "he seemed to live in the past".:gerg:


    His sports teacher said he was "in a field of his own, and was leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of his class".




    Who started this silly thread?


    Yea! I know, must have been either the sewing teacher,or, the technical drawing teacher, who had designs on him.


    I'm out of here:wave:.



  3. "Welcome to the Sunnyvale Horseracing Track for The Spring Handycap Cup,


    I'm your announcer and race caller Richard Small.


    Before the race begins, lets have a look at the line up...


    In lane 1. We have Passionate Lady


    In lane 2. Bare Belly


    In lane 3. Silk Panties


    In lane 4. Conscience


    In lane 5. Jockey Shorts


    In lane 6. Clean Sheets


    In lane 7. Thighs


    In lane 8. Big Richard


    In lane 9. Heavy Bosom


    And finally In lane 10. Merry Cherry


    They're all lined up waiting for the starters flag.




    Conscience is left behind at the gate.


    Jockey Shorts and Silk Panties are off in a hurry.


    Heavy Bosom is being pressured.


    Passionate Lady is caught between Thighs and Big Richard is in a rather dangerous spot.




    It's Bare Belly on top, Thighs open and Big Richard is trying hard.


    Heavy Bosom is being pushed hard against Clean Sheets.


    Passionate Lady and Thighs are working hard on Bare Belly.


    Bare Belly is under terrific pressure from Big Richard.




    Merry Cherry cracks under the strain.


    Big Richard is making a final drive.


    Bare Belly is in and Passionate Lady is coming.




    It's Big Richard giving everything he's got and


    Passionate Lady takes everything Big Richard has to offer.


    It looks like a dead heat but Big Richard comes through with one final thrust and wins by a head...011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif


    Bare Belly shows...


    Thighs weakens...


    Heavy Bosom pulls up and Clean Sheets did'nt stand much of a chance."051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif



  4. Latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world's population.

    :thumb_up: Rocket Science is a wonderful thing, now being studdied by the younger generation under the heading of "Well I Never"006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif.......7.5/10 for:baldy:



  5. Young Tomo was completely baffled by all this talk from a bygone era.


    "Yea Dude!, the way we would explain it is............while ModeratorofMoralsPete kept calculatedly quiet, and DeccadenceDerek decided to sleep on the subject, only to come up with a carefully pre-planned answer from his rear-seat manual.............


    The LuckyLocksmithSpamCanFlyer from Wagga was begining to feel left out of all the attention of the Lonely-hearts comp, so decided to .........................



  6. "Thirrrty, Forttey,


    There's no duce from the Captain these days, but as planey explained, you have to make allowances for some poor old 088_censored.gif.03b4fab6f26a58d5cdf75ba85c450225.gif with a crook knee, thats only fair, and i'm sure he'd understand".


    Nanna replied that she knew exactly we meant.


    "none of us are getting any younger, you know" whatever that meant:question::ah_oh:



  7. But the extremely polite Captain who possibly only did what he did, pending a knee- replacement, is extremely grateful for all positive accolades regarding his actions.


    Someone claimed he was muttering under his breath at the time saying "when you're hot, you're hot:clap:, some's got it, and some's aint" 051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif.


    Meanwhile, Deccadence felt he should be seriously considered, because of his years of experience in the jump seat. He's that considerate, that he even bought MrsDecca a bottle of Mead wine recently because he really appreciates his honey:big_grin:



  8. Sadly I could'nt make it this year, but by all accounts, to move the event to Temora was a real success story, with very few complaints.


    There can always be improvements, and no doubt the hard working organisers are already considering ways to make it even better next year.


    The financial input to the local community must have really excited the Council and locals judgeing by the responce, and they will no doubt want to see it get bigger and better.


    Well done to all concerned, I can't wait to see how NatFly 2011 unfolds.



  9. ...... and introduced his mum.

    The Rodent took her hand, bowed, went down onto one knee, and with his eye's averted said "It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, MrsTomo'sMum."

    "Shhhh! son" said MrsTomo'sMum, "i'm not real interested in grasshoppers at the moment.


    What a gentleman, what a gentleman "she kept saying. It's been such a long time since since someone has gone on bended knee before me, without being prompted. It makes me feel like a true Queen--s---lander, and I love it.:star:


    Book now son, I want to come again next year".


    "Next year Mum things will be a lot different. I'm bringing a few young ideas to liven up some of the old wrinkleys here. This trip I was able to impress them all with a couple of landing lights, so much so that they sent out an official photograper to take pictures at night.


    NATFLY 2011 will see a fully customised Jabby with full disco lights, blue fluro's lighting up the landing gear and cabin. A big amp with Pioneer 6x9's in the wings and a sub-woofer box so, I can help all the guys to sleep with my Doof Doof music, while the Jabby shakes itself into the ground.:drums::robin::super::DJ::rilla::guitarist::drums:.


    A younguns input should make quite an impression.question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif---------------



  10. BREAKING NEWS============


    News just to hand from the Temora bureau;


    Edited version-----DIT DIT DIT BLAH BLAH BLAH!

    Tim Shaw of Demtel International then popped his his head around the corner and said


    "But Wait there's more"011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif:clap:011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif


    Our mate Decca has just qualified as PIC2 on a J160c on a trip to Temora, How goods that!:thumb_up: ( All done while PIC1 had apparently busy checking his lotto results with his feet on the dasbboard and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ noises emanating in the headset).


    So happy was he, that he felt like a real Captain :ecstatic:which is only natural, word has it that he's made a dental appointment to have 1/2 a gold tooth cap until he is fully qualified:big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:


    Elratto who had been checking out Tomo's tent to see if it could be stretched to a three person tent;););) was suddenly reprimanded by ModeratorOfMoralsPete who straightened him out in no uncertain terms.


    "I've told you before, I take my appointment very seriously, he said with authority.


    Just because the other tennant of this tent maybe busy showing off his landing lights at night-time for a visiting photographer, there's no need to over-step the mark.


    I'll just give you an official caution in this instance:hittinghead:, but NES'rs are supposed to act like "the aviation league ofgentlemen":gerg:?******



  11. Thats great Decca. I'm so grateful to BigPete for giving you such a memorable day and that makes me happy. You are special to me Mate, and others on these forums, and if if anyone deserves it, you do.


    Not so happy about you drinking screw -top bottles of wine though.


    Next Chritsmas just expect the loan of a pair of multi-grips for the tight ones, or, bring them round to my place, as i'm always more than willing willing to help, if I can.


    Sleep tight, reminising of your memorable day.







  12. Hi DaP,


    Welcome to Oz, and also these forums which are great.


    You may not get much of a responce this Easter weekend as the majority will be at NATFLY which is the biggest RAA aircraft event on the calender. However, i'm sure you'll get a lot more welcomes,and be able to get all the answers you need when they get back.


    Kind Regards





  13. You're darn tootin' it is. 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif :thumb_up: 002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gifLookout Temora, :ah_oh: BigPete 024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif and Decca 040_nerd.gif.a6a4f823734c8b20ed33654968aaa347.gif are a comin' tamorra. (Friday) :thumb_up:


    regrets (none) :big_grin::big_grin:

    Hey Pete,


    If your taking my Mate with you:question: Tell him from me, that he has to sit in the jump seat with his dials and whirlygigs, just like the good old days:big_grin:


    Have a great time, and don't listen, if he says reverse thrust number three:confused:







  14. A nice thought Jack and your kindness is obviously appreciated.


    Thats what helps to make these forums what they are.


    Enjoyed chatting to you at Natfly last year sheltering from the rain in Ians tent, and once briefly at The Oaks.


    Mate, don't forget to include an ad for the Titan and hang it right in the middle of the doorway.


    Have a safe and enjoyable trip.


    Kind regards





  15. "Get your eyes off her curves and svelt shape." :no no: he warned. "And no smart comments about how good she would have looked, all wet from that shower :heart:....

    Thank God she was'nt at Narromine last year, the majority thought.


    It's only natural that young Tomo wants to have his Mums best interest at heart, because she may be providing for his inheritance:question:


    However, it would seem that LackaLove needs to take a cold shower, before those forcast for the weekend which we all hope won't happen.


    "Not to worry folks" said Tomo, "for my Mum is has a black belt in karate, and any overly amourous forums members will likely get a swift kick in the Jatz Crackers"


    "I'll bring the cheese" said Elratto being of good heart.


    BigPete said "I'll have you morons know, that I have been officially appointed as a Moderator for this very special event, and won't tollerate any bull:censored:t. And I want you all to know that take my honoured position very seriously........................



  16. "So Team" yelled the RatBoss "Let's go to lunch and ..................

    "Start as we mean to carry on.


    It is of paramount importance that you each come to the table well prepared, to discuss the best rorts that we can dream up quickly:thumb_up:, as our first junket to NATFLY is only a matter of days away".:rotary:



  17. "On ya Planey" "Do you want to be my Ops Mgr, the Auditor or do you want to hold all moneys in your own personal account for safe keeping."


    I can offer an even better service than that. But the the prime interest is with the money of course:big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif.


    I always wear my trousers tucked in the the top of the oversize boots I normally wear, and I have holes in my pockets.


    What a kind man you are, and ElRatto is not very appropriate title.


    I'll be very happy to accept the position offered.:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:



  18. ... Bugga!...Gazumped by Planey!

    Sorry mate!


    As Ahlocksocks is always turned on by diverse females, he was absolutely incessed about being given the oportunity to see these etchings, whether they're on a wall, or, a RF post:yikes:



  19. ...... With those 10 outboards hang'n off the back, it'd fly more like a Gazelle ...................... and look like a ........

    Tuppaware Bristol Brabazon


    "Yea Sure"! came the reply, "I learned all about Bristols when I went to high school, because they liked students to keep abreast of developments, and we noticed that they certainly were";)


    VictuallerPete was doing a great job for the Natfy attendees, in trying to procure the services of the infamous, long-lost, much-missed, Red-Runner FriarPuk. "I'm coming then" said the 727 engineer, would'nt miss his drop for quids.


    You can stick your Grange Hermitage he said, a mate of mine at Ansett and I used to mix it with Jet A1 and it was the best drop, but unfortunately it used to give you a bad case of wind.


    Last time we had a drinking session, I phoned him the following morning enquiring if he he had a hangover? No, he replied. Did it give you wind though?


    Not wrong there came the reply:angry:, sure did. I'll be late in this morning as i'm now in Perth.


    Sounds a great party mix said the young Queenslander. I rekon if I mix it with a drop of diesel though, it'll also get me half way home as well, at a fraction of the price.011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif



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