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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. ...negotiate 500 horses..../QUOTE]

    A diesel donk for a drifter:question:


    Well if our trusted engineer thinks it's ok strong.gif.3e83e3be4e21572e0037361f5ef14642.gif:no no: i'll play safe and duct tape a length of 4x2 from the old shed along the wing, so as not to overload the main strut. I'll also put my old skateboard ramp at the end of the strip to help it over the fence.


    Us country folk have a way of getting things done, he thought.


    As the throngs of aviation types gathered to witness the inaugural flight, suddenly it was apparent that Decca had disapeared into thin air ;)

  2. Young Tomo is completely bemused by all this,031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif and claims we are from another era.thumb_down


    The way we do it these days guys, is you simply get up and dance for the first 10 bars of the music, then pop the question. Your place, or mine:question:


    Us younger folk operate a far more efficient system, and cut out all the unecesary bull:censored: to get the appropriate answer. No clandestine codes or bafflements are needed.


    So take a lesson from me!:heart::heart::heart: :big_grin:



  3. "Breep ..... clunck ..... zweep ..... clink" replied Turbo in a discussion that is clearer than many of his previous posts "And ...........................

    The answers to which are also available in the braille edition of WW2 codes from the Bakers shop, to paint an even clearer picture :artist:question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif, for those with a lower interlect, Planey included.


    ImaGettinluckyLocks is revelling in in seeing members battling with the coded messages, while Elsie and Nana who now have big smiles on their faces, revel in knowing when the "coast is clear" for their dubious dalliances ;)......................



  4. Apparently one of my first words was "Airbrrrr" which my parents interpreted as "aeroplane"And one of my earliest memories is at an aishow probably about 1950 and Dad, an ex Lancaster pilot, ducked under the single rope barrier and parked me next to this Lancaster (or Lincoln?) wheel and said " don't move from here! whilst he jumped up on the wheel to prime the port inner which they couldn't start. I was scared :censored:less "cos I knew it was going to be noisy, but dared not move ......


    Then in about 1955 My Dad took me for a joy flight (good name that) in a


    Fox moth at Manchester airport ... both of us passengers ..... I'll NEVER forget the great swoopy moment as the Great Big dashed lines of the runway centreline dropped away, and then the VIEW!!


    Then aircadets and being allowed to actually fly a Chipmunk. I remember one flight in particular out of RAF Henlow on a sports day, and they put me in the queue for the Anson, so I transferred myself to the Chippie queue and that guy coached me to fly the circuit right down to very close in final ...... HEAVEN, and a great feeling of accomplishment.


    So when, a student at the College of Aeronautics, I discovered that I could fly gliders at half price until I went solo, there went every Sunday from then on. And lots of enjoyable dual way beyond when I could of gone solo, thermalling and generally having fun, until, late one Wenesday evening, whith my Dad there too, after a couple of surprising (instructor induced) cable break exercises, I went Solo.


    The bug has never gone away .....

    Good post rocketdriver. The old Anson eh!


    Also known as the "flying greenhouse" because of the very large glass area.


    Went in one at Biggin Hill, also the "Chippie" which made me puke because it smelt so fumey and I was as nervous as hell. He'd done a few aero's to amuse me, but after the flight he admitted that while inverted and i'd thrown up, he had to think which way to roll out the so I copped my breakfast again, not him006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif




    Kind Regards





  5. <BEGIN-Msgcrypt73619#|PGP~>*****************************************


    ******** CLASSIFIED - eyes only ********




    Suspicious activity detected in terrorist


    hub known as NES <stop>


    Communique intercepted between highly cry


    ptic operative and long dormant activist


    intercepted...follows <break>


    <Msg 1>


    "Breep, click, buzzzzz, breep"






    Require assist from Langley or Bletchly Pa


    rk for decode <stop>







    We seek him here and we seek him there 075_amazon.gif.cc281e7fdd81ad4a6f72dd47b08e516f.gif


    One of the under-cover :Flush: agents will surely get a buzz out of finding him.......



  6. Planeys computer is suffering from constipation trying to work out what the last two posts meant?


    Could it be some secret code, or is it some private joke only shared by the multi-stripers?


    No doubt the intelligencia of this thread can shed a bit of light on the subject, if the authour wishes to keep it from the masses.


    Maybe its a signal to Elsie, to say the coast is clear................



  7. A man and his wife were spending the day at the zoo.


    She was wearing a loose fitting, pink dress, sleeveless with straps..


    He was wearing his usual jeans and T-shirt.


    As they walked through the ape exhibit,


    They passed in front of a large, silverblack gorilla.


    Noticing the wife, the gorilla went crazy.


    He jumped on the bars, and holding on with one hand and two feet he grunted and pounded his chest with his free hand.


    He was obviously excited at the pretty lady in the pink dress.


    The husband, noticing the excitement, thought this was funny.


    He suggested that his wife tease the poor fellow some more by puckering her lips and wiggling her bottom. She played along and the gorilla got even more excited, making noises that would wake the dead. Then the husband suggested that she let one of her straps fall to show a little more skin.


    She did... and the gorilla was about to tear the bars down.


    "Now..... show your thighs and sort of fan your dress at him," he said. This drove the gorilla absolutely crazy and he started doing flips.


    Then the husband grabbed his wife, ripped open the door to the cage, flung her in with the gorilla and slammed the cage door shut.


    "Now, tell him you have a headache."



  8. ...Maybe he could build a fleet of 'em and sell 'em as... Cecil Planes! :lol 8:


    (087_sorry.gif.e8469ebb2a7ac46e73a3142c7c39aefd.gif....'twas a long night. 070_sleep.gif.1956b99e60a81a1ab2afff071112ed62.gif)

    'twas a long night. 070_sleep.gif.1956b99e60a81a1ab2afff071112ed62.gif For sure!


    LockyLoo has given himself away, and and can't resist making posts at 2.24am when he gets up to go to the bathroom .


    However, if thats where he keeps his computer, and he'd been there since his previous post at 6.24pm there could have been a few red faces 068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif:angry::angry:thumb_down in the que.


    Cecil's Planes are prone to landing on the other side of the fence. (not that I personally have a problem with that).


    "Hello Honkytonk" said the first prospective buyer of one of these aircraft? (sorry for the aircraft reference InstructorBeethoven). "Can you make me one with lots of glitter:question: so I can buzz the floats at the next Mardi Gras and really look the part. Oh!, by the way i'd need an electric start Briggs, co's I don't want to get my hands dirty before the big parade".


    "No worries there mate", replied the young macho country manufacturer, who was wearing a pair of overalls which looked like thay'd been made out of a linen tablecloth with a Darky-something designer label emblazened on the outside.024_cool.gif.e4faea8b8d6d5d6e548e269d4b8acbd2.gif


    "Just because the Hills Hoist Lookalike Flying machine may look like a clothes line with with satin beds sheets drying, it does'nt mean to say that the others have the Edge over us".................:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:



  9. ... Just then a commotion broke out, out side. Ditdo quickly jumped up with the others and rushed out to sea... (err see)


    What met their eyes was............

    The Marketing Director of The Hills Clothes Hoist Company foaming at the mouth:angry: and spitting chips."Where's that bloody Motza bloke who's coming out with derogatory remarks.:hittinghead:. QUOTE: "I said an AIRCRAFT dammit" How rude can u get?:csm:


    I'll have use lot know, that Hills Hoist's with a fan on the back are succesfully flying all around Oz, even if they do sometimes they go under other fancy names. Most of the pilots choose to wear a helmet, but thats only a wise precaution, to protect themselves from the flying pegs.


    So MrInstructorBethoven or whatever you like to call yourself, remember, you're talking about a true Aussie icon.


    Hearing this, the young gun from Cecil Plains had an idea. If I nick me Dear:heart: Mums clothes hoist, and dig out a not so rattly Briggs & Stratton from the shed, I ought to be able to knock up a cheapie for flying around the paddocks:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:



  10. "You can trust me, Darky" said Tomo.

    "Oh ........ that reminds me" answered Darky "You'll need to put your Trust Fund in my capable hands (they have taught her well)......... so bugger the Gazzzzellle and bring on a new Millllennniummmm."


    "Oh, woe is me" pined Tomo "I wish I had just gone to the Gyro nationals instead."


    "Now where is mum", he thought "As i haven't seen The Rat or Planey or Dickher, or worse still McSox-in-Jox and his fire hose are nowhere to be found, and everyone knows that HE can't be trusted if both hands aren't in sight. I hope that he hasn't opened the lock on mum's .........................


    box, or I too could be chastised:black_eye:.


    McLocks felt offended by these remarks:pc strikes back:, and suspected that the lay preacher :pope:from Snake Valley might try to put one Paster, as Planeys probably over the hill.071_yawn.gif.ed9fe9d0060bea1ba30edf7c498c2aed.gif



  11. .... "I don't have any money on me" said Tomo "Can I work it out?"


    "OK" responded the Dark-one "You can .....................

    Avail yourself to use our own financial services, and pay it off at 27 3/4% interest calculated monthly, with a personal interaction with either myself or my secretary to keep you advised of the balance outstanding, after each payment.:big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: It naturally follows, that we do not work hard for nothing, so this will attract a monthly advisory fee, plus administration costs, etc;


    "Tee Hee" she thought to herself, I'll soon have enough to buy that blue Gazzelle.


    So being considered a valued friend, you should have it payed off comfortably before you retire:ah_oh:


    Tomo thought to himself "O 088_censored.gif.03b4fab6f26a58d5cdf75ba85c450225.gif,and felt :broken_heart:, how can I get out of this one"



  12. As a quick diversion to the person nominated, together with his assistant, we wish to point out that with due consideration, the proposed cat photographer would not be a suitable applicant, and i'm sure no offence was intended in suggesting so.


    He would be too busy photographing Cheeta's,Tigers and the like. (Phew!! Captain you owe me, for saving some bacon to go with your eggs in the morning).


    Would you like some french-fries with that order Sir, or, maybe a couple of hash-browns?.


    Meanwhile, with a sobering thought, the story follows that............



  13. A big 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Winston.


    Like most of us after their first TIF, I bet you were on a "high" when you went to bed last night, re-living your experiences earlier in the day. I think we all did.


    As a young bloke, starting out to work with very little money, but always having been interested in model aeroplanes, I used to save up and book a TIF with a different club each time just for the fun of it, just to get in the air. This was 40 odd years ago, and the local airfield had no less than 13 aero clubs to choose from. Over about about a three year period i'd tried 11 of them. It gets you that way.


    Many years later I started training on Piper Warriers which I enjoyed, but had difficulty keeping up with financial side.


    If this is of any concern to you?, you might also want to consider going down the RAA path which can be quite a bit easier on the pocket than GA, although there are some restrictions where you can fly, and you can always convert to GA when finances are a bit less of a burden to you.


    Whilst quite a few of the guys on these forums have vast airline backgrounds and freely pass on their knowledge which is absolutely priceless, the greater majority here choose to fly RAA, but still manage to fly all around Australia if thats what you'd like to do.


    As far as safety is concerned, good training, good habits, and being well prepared for the unexpected can cover many of the risks involved, so I understand your initial feelings.


    I like to go boating which also has certain risks, but I am always well prepared and never ever push the boundary's of what I consider is as safe as I can possibly make it. The same goes with flying.


    I would suggest that at this stage, it might be wise to also try the RAA path as well, and then decide which path you feel comfortable with, and one which also suits your pocket, to fulfill your desire, that we are all famliiar with.


    Keep us posted.


    Kind Regards





  14. Yeah, I should re word that, a guy opened up under him. Anyway Its not a good position to be in.

    I could be wrong here again Tomo, as I often am, but the story I heard was one was simply coming down on a parachute, and the one going up had been having trouble lighting his gas barbeque:kboom:006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



  15. if any of you even try to touch my mum[/b], you'll have a ton a bricks to contend with.... 021_nod.gif.e05b22d0663f7c104d2025e11d4bd57a.gif

    Gees he doesn't muck around said someone in the back ground...

    No worries there Tomo, us gentleman of the forum, will take care of that in your absence, for sure.


    Decca is ok too, don't worry about what others may say. If he offers to give your mum a glass of red to be friendly, he's only bragging and wants to show off a special aviation corkscrew which someone gave him for Christmas. So even a a couple of glasses there's no chance that anything can go wrong, go wrong, go wrong, go wrong!006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif



  16. Hello tangocharlie 123I received a lot of practice of wet rubbing with running water.

    Painting the Terrier is a task of terror, mine was a night mare.


    Filling the little pin holes in the green fibre glass was a task and half.


    On the wings I used a high build paint and sanded that back to bare just leaving the pin holes filled with the high build I had to do that three times before I had a satisfactory result, the fuse I squegied west sytem 411 all over and then sanded that back to bare fibre glass,, If I ever had to paint a Terrier again the 411 trick is the way go and there is no need for a photo finish for the ideas.




    Keith Page.

    Good to hear that you are progressing Keith, albeit slower than you would have liked.

    Anyway, remember, you should be the expert in filling cavities:laugh:


    The Europa used to be supplied in green fibreglass originally as I have a video on it, but I think it is now supplied with gelcoat which would save so much construction time.


    Pity yours is'nt the same


    Remember----A slow job takes a long time, but it will be all worthwhile in the end when you proudly show it off to the world, and us of course.


    Don't spend all your spare time in the Lightwing, we want to see the finished job too.


    Kind Regards





  17. ..... ProtectivePete took her arm and said "Come over to the Rec. Flying tent and let's have a couple of hotties and as .............

    many of the regulars are aware, it is customary for him to be head of the que for the "free" Bakers buns, and carry out the necessary quality control checks. He always makes room in the J160 for his running shoes so he can get them while they are fresh:big_grin:.( not that there's anything wrong with that)


    Tomo's Mum had a job to keep up with him as they ran towards the tent arm in arm.


    Whew!!! she gasped, you have the fitness of a very much younger man (I admire that). I spose you also train hard for the Chooka egg-n-spoon race and bale tossing contest:question:.


    She was really impressed :thumb_up:with the consideration shown to her, as she was worried that her dear boy was possibly spending far too much time with a bunch of "riff-raff", who were not respectable Queens landers.


    Planey assured her that whilst we occasionally get a bit carried away and say things we regret, we were mostly a league of gentleman, who have a distinctive handshake which is normally a bit greasy, but ok, after giving visitors a welcoming pat on the back.


    Young Tomo negoitated a discount for a manicure for his Mum, by submitting his most -posts posted points, while the boss was busy flogging his aviation stuff, and throwing half of the money in the under-counter tin with Millenium something written on it;).


    "After the manicure, come for a quick spin with me" said the smooth-talking Captain, "you'll just love my Jabby. It's a special 230TT version.(Twin Taipans) It's got a conversion with a 1.5 Taipan fitted to one wing, a 2.5 on the other and can really leap off the ground like a homesick angel". When used as a tri-motor on short take-off's, the buzzing sound is a bit like the electric flycatcher in the local fish n chip shop on a hot day, but its getting off the ground quick that counts.:big_grin:





  18. i think that some of the military transports Hercs etc can back up by reversing the prop pitch. I'm sure some one on here more informed than I can advise.Davidh

    You're dead right there David, and so could the old Caribou's.


    I have seen them demonstrate that capability at airshows, along with the Caribou doing their famous wheel-barrow act. Flying with just the nosewheel on the deck using full flaps and heaps of grunt from the engines. It's spectacular to watch and very noisey







  19. Three Australians and three Maoris are travelling by train to a


    Rugby match at the World Cup in England. At the station, the three


    Aussies each buy a ticket and watch as the three Maoris buy just one


    ticket between them.


    "How are the three of you going to travel on only one ticket?" asks


    one of the Aussies. "Watch and learn bro," answers one of the Maoris


    They all board the train. The Aussies take their respective seats


    but all three Maoris cram into a toilet and close the door behind them.


    Shortly after the train has departed, the conductor comes around


    collecting tickets. He knocks on the toilet door and says, "Ticket




    The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket


    in hand. The conductor takes it and moves on.


    The Aussies see this and agree it was quite a clever idea. So after


    the game, they decide to copy the Maoris on the return trip and save some money (being clever with money, and all that).


    When they get to the station, they buy a single ticket for the


    return trip. To their astonishment, the Maoris don't buy a ticket at




    "How are you going to travel without a ticket?" says one perplexed




    "Watch and learn bro ," answers a Maori .


    When they board the train the three Aussies cram into a toilet and


    soon after the three Maoris cram into another nearby. The train




    Shortly afterwards, one of the Maoris leaves the toilet and walks


    over to the toilet where the Aussies are hiding. He knocks on the door and says, "Ticket please." 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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