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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. See Mate!, we told you you could do it.

    We had every faith in you.

    Just get it all finished before it's time to push the daises out of the ground:thumb up:.

    You are an inspiration to others.

    Rgds Planey.


    • Like 1
  2. 13 hours ago, onetrack said:

    There are Australian Crows (the Torresian Crow), they are identified as being slightly smaller in build than Australian Ravens, and they have a slightly shorter call. The Torresian Crows do not have the prominent throat hackles of the Australian Raven.

    The Torresian Crows reside more in the Northern and Western regions of Australia. The Ravens seem to prefer the urbanised areas, although there's still no shortage of them in rural regions. It's difficult to precisely identify between all 5 types of Australian Crows and Ravens.

    Do you have an identification chart similar to those provided above, to assist us? :help:

    • Haha 1
  3. On 06/05/2021 at 7:11 PM, spacesailor said:


    Who gets that airfield, that the Chinese were said to have paid, $one (  $1 )

    All the office furnishing are going, as well as the maintenance 


    the Big ticket items seem to be the the ' flight simulator's , both over the $40,000 mark already. 

    BUT are they in they Chinese language or English ?.

    those airplanes l looked at, have another thousand hours to run on ' certified ' .( Engine " TIME BEFORE OVERHAUL: 1538.1 " ( prop " TIME BEFORE OVERHAUL: 2214.0 ". ))


     How many Years will that number of engine hours ( 1538 hours ) last a normal sunday flyer. 

    THEY WILL OUTLAST ME. If l had the licence, l would try my luck at getting a ' well known, safe, two seat, Good looking plane '

    ( at the last look Still cheap at $ 4,600.  ( item P2217-8 ( REGISTRATION : VH-AWX ))

    Anyone RICH enough to Buy a birthday pressy for Little Old Me. Pretty please.

    And how do l get it to Sydney ?



    Hey Spacey, You look a bit like me and are probably doing a bit of wishful dribbleing. 

    At least it gives us something to dream about before we eventually drop of to sleep. 

    Should be plenty of of good flying left in those birds yet.

  4. 14 hours ago, spacesailor said:


    ( at the last look Still cheap at $ 4,600.  ( item P2217-8 ( REGISTRATION : VH-AWX ))

    Anyone RICH enough to Buy a birthday pressy for Little Old Me. Pretty please.

    And how do l get it to Sydney ?



    Some "Go fund me" pages seem to do pretty well Spacey! :help:

  5. Aviation is, or at least should be, a vital necessity within a huge country like Australia and yet so many airports are being removed off the map.

    Privatisation is an absolute curse, and seems only to be fodder for greedy developers. 

    Sadly this is occurring all around the country and there seems to precious little to stop it.

    The other day I drove through Bankstown Development Park:classic_ohmy:, which has for decades been a fine local Bankstown Airport in the Sydney basin. The size of the warehouses there have to be seen to be believed. Some are that big that you could almost make the runways on their roofs, and i'm not kidding.

    This is so sad to see, yet one can't help but feel that with such reduced manouvering space, a repeat of what happened at Melbourne's Essendon Airport when a King Air had problems and the area where the pilot may have been able to put down safely, was now filled with an industrial development, and the outcome turned out to be catasrosphic.,

    It is hoped that all events go according to plan, but sooner, or hopefully very much later, that may not be the case.

    Hoxton Park and Schofields also went to developers in the same way, and from what I hear  Warnervale and The Oaks have also been in the firing line.

    Greedy bastards!

    The value of emergency ops for fire fighting, law enforcement,medical evacuations, etc; etc; to mention just a few, do not even seem to be taken into consideration.

    It seems way beyond what common sense should dictate.

    If regional flights were hoped to operate from there, the clearance is likely to to be "cleared for take-off, warehouse 16 left.

    What can be done to put the brakes on this? I'm buggered if I know!


  6. On 27/02/2020 at 7:33 AM, BigPete said:

    Hi, landed here a long time ago. This may be the wrong thread but I hope it will do. There is a private airstrip a few miles from the township of Cobdogla in SA, just down the road from Berri.

    Does anybody know who owns it and their contact details please. My brother now lives in Cobdogla and I would love to fly in to visit.


    Kindest Regards


    Peter. (BigPete).

    Any thread you want to post to should be fine Pete.

    Many on here would be so glad to hear that you're not pushing the daises out of the ground.

    Kind Rgds. Alan (planey)

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