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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. Like a true professional, IcanlandonasixpencePete started to practice his craft and after several tests decided he was ready to land on runway 08 at Echuca. "Boy" said landonathreepencePete. "Runway 08 at Echuca has to be one of the shortest in the land .......... but I wonder why they made it over a kilometre wide?"

    Having read that Air Lingus pilots regularly pull off this sort of landing, IcandoitPete stays up half the night practicing on FlightSim.031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif:loopy:031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif


    Happy with the progress he's made, he eventually heads off to bed just before sun-up, feeling confident that he'll be able to make history, and do the same at Nohopetown in a 747.:thumb_up:


    I'll show these guys how IcanlandonasixpencePete got his name he thinks.


    All I have to do is pull the damn thing up, before I poke the nose into the clubhouse dunny door, because you never know ho could be inside, and I might frighten the 088_censored.gif.03b4fab6f26a58d5cdf75ba85c450225.gif out of them and have to say:sorry: 006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif:laugh:006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif



  2. PS My Aunt gave me the box of Cadbury Roses on my 21st birthday. :ah_oh::ah_oh:/quote]


    For once, we are getting the true story from BigPete;);)question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif


    We do know that his Aunt had a set of ill-fitting dentures, which explains why some of the almonds had had the chocolate sucked off them and were put back in the box:laugh:006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif:laugh:.


    Planey said nothing about his observations, and left them all to paley.


    Having learned on another thread that a J160 pilot managed to land a 747 on the old Anset simulator, Bigpete thought if he can do it, so can I.011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif:clap:011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif


    So IcanlandonasixpencePete started making a few enquiries about getting the strip extended a tad, so he can plan a Real Grand arrival at the next Nohopetown fly-in.


    I'll do it all myself and won't need the sevices of a Captain Captain:sorry:


    "Bull:censored:t" said Crappy, "im supposed to be yer mate, and you want all the bloody glory. Thats real nice"!thumb_downthumb_downthumb_downthumb_down


    Ben will have to organise some parking arrangements with big concrete blocks for tie-downs, and the first-aid and refreshment tents will have to be positioned the other side of town.


    Wanting to look distinctive:question:, i'll grow a Donald Trump hairstyle and have the Riverland girl, and any other loose sorts from town around me, and will make them all rash promises if they do the right thing, if I can remember what that is;);););).


    I'll become famous, and probably then become known as NancybirdPete.


    If I dye my hair, maybe there's a chance that i'll still look distinguished, but hopefully 2 or 3 years younger:blush:025_blush.gif.8e2ecc192cc98853ac4370dddcd7cf74.gif:blush:006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif


    So plans started to fall into place.................

  3. We interupt this story for a brilliant idea :thumb_up: from, well, you know who. (I'mStraitPete) 088_censored.gif.03b4fab6f26a58d5cdf75ba85c450225.gif

    Ian, to raise funds for the good of all, 024_cool.gif.e4faea8b8d6d5d6e548e269d4b8acbd2.gif why not sell 1 week in the sin bin vouchers - $10.00 buys the purchaser the right to ban someone/anyone for a week. :ah_oh: You could even use it on your friends and close associates. 068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif :black_eye:


    I'll have 40 bucks worth right now - thanks. :big_grin::big_grin:


    "Oh Geez", not again Pete,049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif:sad:049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif


    With 40 bucks worth, you can ban yourself, and stay away for a month.thumb_down


    Don't do mate:crying::heart:051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif, not a good idea.


    Get a credit, and spend the money in the Clear Prop Shop instead, but don't forget to leave a sizable tip for the good service.:thumb_up:


    That way you can continue leading us decent blokes astray, as deep-down we love it:heart:018_hug.gif.0182e32b48b2df8aaf412ac8488cf68a.gif:heart:.


    The Captain must have his knickers in a twist, to be brazen enough:black_eye: to even suggest that you might be changing your beloved (J160) for a SportsStar.


    After all, why would you even consider getting burn't to a crisp on hot summer days, when yours has the limmo tint, and as you know, the Riverland girl likes it in the shade;);)



  4. So SealedInALeadSuitPete went off like a cross between a discoloured geyser & the fireworks at the Echuca gay mardi-gras, such that he could be seen all over the riverland.

    NotsoScientificPete should have realised that this was likely to happen if he ordered VindalooGT with extra chillies.068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif:angry:068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif


    With the low melting point of the lead suit, he would have been better of off with the milder Corma, but it's too late now.049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif:sad:049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif


    It came as a bit of a shock to learn that Echuca has it's very own Gay-Mardi-Gras (what a bummer). Never mind, we all have to accept that in this day and age of political correctness, that we sometimes get "a bit behind" with the latest news;).


    SavethedayPete put in a welcome brief appearance with news of his instructor? LittlePete, who'd taken him on a short Navex, with one working the stick, and the other working the pedals, but it's great to hear that they had a good time.


    The "Grapevine" has it, that Plod got so fed-up with waiting for his aerial "weed- spotter" to be supplied by the Commisioner, that he had to buy his own. (Congratulations Plod, it looks great) :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:


    Don't forget to check out the weeds in Pete's backyard as they look a bit sus on on the google-earth shots.


    Planey's weeds, are due to his mower being well overdue for it's 100hourly blade-change. Thats my story and i'm sticking to it;);););)


    Other than a little coughing and wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing, Planey realised that the old gas mask had past it's use-by date, but is feeling better since the strong nor-easterly came through, while SealedInALeadSuitPete had this strange grin on his face:):):) and a look like butter would'nt melt in his mouth:question:question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif:question:.



  5. 068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif

    I'll be back tomorrow with some interesting developments in the Jabiru Skunk Works.



    Meanwhile, we look out those old WW2 gas masks buried in the garden shed in fear of what we can expect, and await further developments:confused::confused:


    This should be enlightening, if not educational!!question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif



  6. These are great posts.


    Can just imagine the excitement telling his mates about it when he gets back to school.:big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:


    Lovely to see the little fellah having a ball. (Well done Matt & Kaz):thumb_up::thumb_up:


    Look after the J160 Pete, i'm sure the day will come, when he'll want to borrow the keys.:)







  7. So where's our mate :broken_heart:Pete hiding?


    Is he writing an autobiography about being incarcerated and trying to work out why it took so long to be rescued, or, is he still working on that bloody pogo- stick thingy, with only one ball question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif:question:


    Maybe he's ducked down to Barbeque's Galore while they have a special on, to set-up in oposition to Slartihotplate, so he can francise out to LittlePete to keep the wealth within the family:question:


    The Captain is away working hard delivering Wichettyburgers, so he can afford to get tinted windows like SelfmadePete:cool:024_cool.gif.e4faea8b8d6d5d6e548e269d4b8acbd2.gif:cool: with the exclusive LimmoJabby.


    While Ian is taking a well-earned break, they're both missing out on a golden-oportunty to make:ban me please: statements as Slarti is busy, and get away with it;);)question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif



  8. A Liberty XL-2 one from Sydney Flight Training Centre.


    The wings were ripped clean off on an aircraft that was only 3 1/2 mths old


    A sad day indeed!


    My heartfelt feelings go out to all concerned, and family members at this tragic loss.


    I had been sitting in the car with scanner on and saw it take off a short while earlier.





  9. A Highway Patrol cop stops a Harley for traveling faster than the posted speed limit, and asks the biker his name.




    'Fred,' he replies.




    'Fred what?' the officer asks.




    'Just Fred,' the man responds.




    The officer is in a good mood and thinks he might just give the biker a break and, write him out a warning instead of a ticket.




    The officer then presses him for the last name. The man tells him that he used to have a last name but lost it.




    The officer thinks that he has a nut case on his hands but plays along with it.




    'Tell me, Fred, how did you lose your last name?'




    The biker replies, 'It's a long story, so bear with me. I was born Fred Dingaling. I know - a funny last name. The kids used to tease me all the time, so I stayed to myself, studied hard and got good grades. When I got older, I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went through college, medical school, internship, residency, and finally got my degree, so I was Fred Dingaling, MD.




    After a while I got bored being a doctor, so I decided to go back to school. Dentistry was my dream! Got all the way through school, got my degree, so then I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS.




    Got bored doing dentistry, so I started fooling around with my assistant and she gave me VD, so now I was Fred Dingaling, MD, DDS, with VD.




    Well, the ADA found out about the VD, so they took away my DDS. Then I was Fred Dingaling, MD, with VD. Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD leaving me as Fred Dingaling with VD. Then the VD took away my Dingaling, so now I am Just Fred.'




    "Take it easy mate, and have a good day", the officer said, as he walked away in tears, laughing.051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif






  10. Do you reckon that maybe supabaka has done a bit of a coverup???? like loaded the workers to get them out of the way while enticing a riverland girl with balls...errr golf balls that is :big_grin:.What say you now imaplanedriverflyboy:question:question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif:question: ;)006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif

    Naaaaaa Mate, He taken Carrin away for a short break because he feels guilty for having such a big smile on his face when the Riverland girl was checking him out for broken bones? or was that missing balls(of the golf type)


    Anyway, we can say what we like at the moment, co's the boss is away and Slarti is pretending to be keeping an eye on things;) but in reality, is busy fixing his fly-ing BBQ. Aint that right Slarti,question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif:question:question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif.


    See mate, he never even noticed!!!!!?????024_cool.gif.e4faea8b8d6d5d6e548e269d4b8acbd2.gif:cool:024_cool.gif.e4faea8b8d6d5d6e548e269d4b8acbd2.gif


    It looks like the others have gone AWOL? which leaves either you or me, that has to turn out the light:idea:092_idea.gif.5aecf2098b24482891c0ced75da80e68.gif:idea:002_wave.gif.38b2eb11a61bb4711f0b1477404692bd.gif



  11. [quote=Captain;58988


    CompassionatePete looked down at SuperBaker (who looks a lot like PremiumUnleadedBaker)]https://www.recreationalflying.com/xf2/uploads/emoticons/051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif[/img]:crying:051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif

    SuperBaker had the good fortune to land in a haystack:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:in the middle of a paddock and survived the fall, but was naturally in a state of shock:star::star::star::yuk:.


    Lucky for him, The Riverland Girl who'd been doing a bit of topless sunbathing was fortunately very close to hand, and ran to his rescue.


    She rushed over to him, disappointed that he did'nt really need the kiss of life, and said " Since childhood, my favorite game has been playing doctors and nurses, so I feel well qualifed to check you out".;););)


    With no time to waste changing into her kinky liittle nurses uniform, she started


    feeling just about every part of his body to make sure there were no broken bones.


    She got halfway down and said "WOW, you have three lumps instead of two, no wonder you're called SuperBaker, i'll have to check this out for sure.


    Still feeling dazed by his fall, (or thats the excuse he gave) he just laid there with a bit of a smug grin on his face:big_grin::big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:. " Oh No" cried the girl, "Look what iv'e found. It's a golf ball. And I thought you were really a SuperBaker, but you're really no different to all the others"!


    The big question is, How the hell did it get there:question:question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif:question:question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif


    One theory is.......................



  12. Could it be that the Captain in whom he seems to be placing his trust, is actually the dreaded German spy CapitanVonCastrate, .

    The early rising Captain still half asleep, failed to read the could it be, bit? as he's been awake half the night, considering how we can save our mate.:hittinghead:


    However, KnackeredkneePlaney realises that he too, could very well be under suspicion at tense times like this. :ah_oh:"Oh No"!


    Opening a sardine can which concealed a short-wave radio, he starts tappa-tap-tapping away on a makeshift Morse key, trying to contact Wing Commander Ken Wallis.


    Maybe he's got another Gyro in a suitcase that we could borrow, like the one he made for James Bond in "You only live twice" .


    After all at nearly ninety he would'nt want to die prematurely, risking his life in one of those fling-wing things.:rotary:


    The hours seem endless for LyinglowPete, as he eagerly awaits some positive news......................



  13. Be very carefull Captain :heart: - I fear there is a double agent 024_cool.gif.e4faea8b8d6d5d6e548e269d4b8acbd2.gif somewhere in our midst who is known to both of us :confused: - the question is, who is it question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif

    Can you bring 400 golf balls with you when you come. I will explain later....:big_grin::big_grin:


    signed UnderCoverPete. 018_hug.gif.0182e32b48b2df8aaf412ac8488cf68a.gif

    Sounds to me like PoorprisonerPete is right in the poo this time:sad:, and desperately needs help:crying:051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif:crying:.


    On one hand, he is desperate to escape from captivity:thumb_up:, but on the other hand, is very aware that there is a double agent :cool:somewhere in his midst and is unsure who to trust:question:.


    Could it be that the Captain in whom he seems to be placing his trust, is actually the dreaded German spy CapitanVonCastrate, as he uses such strange words as Zee, vee and vould, etc?:confused::confused::confused: and may wind up hanging him by the b:censored:lls?


    All this talk about being rescued by an aircraft with a name like a Storch sounds very sus, especially as it's powered by an Austrian engine built by people who spreken ze doitch.thumb_downthumb_downthumb_down


    This being a delicate, hush hush, covert rescue operation, Pete would have to rule out assistance from the Flyer, even though his aircraft is the preferred plastic fantastic type, simply because its a Texan, and he'd be sure to rock up with an (out of tune) brass band, and hundreds of big-boobed cheerleaders:clap:011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif:clap: in cowboy hats swinging silly tassled battons.018_hug.gif.0182e32b48b2df8aaf412ac8488cf68a.gif:thumb_up::star:thumb_down.006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif.


    Maybe he could put his trust in Douglas (tin legs) Bada's mate, Pommy (knackerd knee) Planedriver, who'd scab a Lysander for a couple of hours, and has a pile of Woolies fuel dockets and could fuel it up on the cheap:question: After all, he also has a book titled "The Idiots Guide to flying a Lysander" which he bought at a church fete for ninepence and he could read it on the way, while the Guru distracts the guards with very explicit descriptions of Bronwin's famous endowments.


    The big dilemma is, who should he trust?, but DemtelPete true to form says "wait, there's more, dont forget I mentioned the 400 golf balls" and all the would be rescuers, were still at a loss to know what they are for:question:question.gif.3fab79942766b9e477be0b131a0a3b3b.gif:question:.



  14. and out of great simpathy veee are sending more thousandmileanhourtape by express post.

    While the Captains generous nature is to provide a free supply of thousandmileanhourtape, PopmyheadupPete actually had his head down working hard on the development of the GodfreyPete suknblow powerplant.


    The plan is to Gaffatape the unit between the undercarriage legs of his J160, because (unlike some we hear about), his aircraft has a nice painted finish which is too good to spoil.


    The inverter he knocked off from Slarti's caravan seems unable to provide sufficient power, so until he discovers something better, he'll have to plug it directly into a 240v socket.


    This explains why he was spotted at Bunnings yesterday with a ute full of red and yellow power cords which they had on special.


    With all these joined end to end, connecting the powerplant to the socket in the clubhouse loo, he figures he should then be able to get maximum power for take off.


    The plan is to use a big cable drum (also knocked off, this time from the Optus Cable layout) placed in the middle of the field, and to fly numerous tighter and tighter circuits untill he runs out of cable:yuk:.


    This way he hopes to finally prove to all those doubting bastards out there, that he really is the one and only IcanlandonasixpencePete;););), including the trendy TexanFlyer who seemed to have some doubts.:hittinghead:



  15. 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Crailis,


    You've arrived at the right site.


    Plenty of laughs to be had here for sure. You'll learn lots from a great bunch of guys that fly anything from chuck gliders to 767's. Some of the 767 drivers now fly chuck gliders but are not quite so impressed with the pay,006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


    Get that trail flight organised ASAP. You'll love it, and it might only cost you 60 or 70 bucks with an RAA club.


    PS. My nephew in the UK is big on flying R/C Ceiling Fans?087_sorry.gif.8f9ce404ad3aa941b2729edb25b7c714.gif, and it costs him a small fortune.


    Kind Regards





  16. So glad to read that Pete does exist with 2,297 yes votes.018_hug.gif.0182e32b48b2df8aaf412ac8488cf68a.gif


    I must confess that I was the one, not sure vote, but am happy to be proved wrong yet again.:thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:


    He's probably slaving over the BBQ at the local CASA do right now, so if anyone sees him, tell him planey sends his regards :wave:and to save a snag for me.


    Slarti is trying to stich-up a deal with CASA, RAA, SAAA and Airport closeure protest groups, for the sole rights for his new Slartigrille Catering Services and is considering franchising to interested parties.





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