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Posts posted by planedriver


    Please help me to help you in making Recreational Flying (.com) the best resource on the internet for every fellow aviator.


    I reckon it already is, Ian. Thank you!, but would like to see you get more reward for the pleasure we have received over so many years as a result of all that you have made available to us. You have put so much into this site that we shouldn't simply take it for granted either. (unfortunately the times we currently live in tend to make some of us a bit complacent on occasions).

    Your hard work is certainly appreciated by me, and i'm sure that many others would agree.

    I have visited training facilities and chatted to other pilots, and can't believe how many don't subscribe to this site. I always say " that is sad, because you probably don't really know what you are missing out on. How can you deny yourself such pleasure, and available knowledge?"

    Just go and check it out.

    I'll get down off my soap-box now and leave time for others to vent their feelings, or appreciation.

    It must surely be gratifying to see other pilots and aircraft constructors across the world who are contributors.

    Kind Rgds




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  2. I remember the Beagle 206's at Shoreham at the time I had my very first lesson in an an Auster, and also the Beagle Pup which I thought was really streamlined for it's time. However Beagle's management needed more people that knew what was really needed, so the large scale of sales envisaged sadly never really materialised long term.

  3. The graphics look great, but I couldn't help but notice that the upper part of the Harbour Bridge is missing.

    Possibly those midnight scrap metal thieves have been at it again.

    At least mine is complete in FSX and good fun to fly under.

  4. Not politically correct, Planey, What about the girls?

    May be not politically correct OK.

    However, I did convince a young mum family member to take a TIF back early this year. She and her partner have much deeper pockets than myself, so that was a relief to my wallet.

    She too, reckoned it was one of the best experiences she had ever had, and her Facebook photo's said it all.

  5. So with all the Covid 19 restrictions affecting our lives, flying activities have also taken a big hit.

    Flying clubs, training organisations, forums, etc; have all suffered as a result, not to mention reduced financial incomes in many, many cases.

    So what have you all been doing as a result of this?

    This great site is also reported to have much reduced activity, so tell us about some of the things you have done during this period, and hopefully we can swell the activity numbers a bit.

    Every post is then and opportunity for someone to respond to, and hopefully it is interesting and worthwhile to someone else.


    I tend to give TIF's as Birthday gifts to young male relations and friends. This way they not only get to experience something new, which is in most cases exciting for them, and they then brag with their friends that they flew an airplane and will probably put a photo or three on Facebook. About 16yrs ago a customer of mine asked me for ideas for a Birthday present for her 16yr old son. Unbeknown to her, I built in the cost of a TIF into an automatic gate quote I did for them, and gave it to him. She said it was the best thing ever, and the last I heard was that he about to go for his twin rating.

    Going back just a few years ago, i'd deliberately leave copies of my flying magazines when visiting the doctors, dentist, or barbers in a bid to promote interest in flying.

    For many years, I had a sticker on the back widow of my van which read "I'd sooner be flying with Schofields Flying club"

    Maybe more advertising is needed, which need not necessarily be expensive. All clubs should have something similar in my opinion.

    If nothing is done to promote something, it's normally easy to assess what improvements you could expect.


    Recreational Flying!

    Why pay $200 to jump out of an airplane.

    For about half that, you could experience flying one.

    Ph. No.##########


    Schools. TAFE colleges, boys clubs, gym's, etc; are all ripe for potential promotions.


    Your comments please!

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  6. bring a few previously unseen charges. To make use of the reduced number of toilets available, there will be a "convenience" fee and paper will have to be purchased from the new wall mounted machines at $1 a sheet. BYO paper will be a strict no no, as a supply deal has been struck with the Asian organisation in Hurstville who have been busy stripping the supermarket shelves again in readiness for Virgins proposed return to the air.

    Frequent users will be able to get brownie points (spelt incorrectly for the need to maintain decency) which will count towards an increase in the miserable gains available in loyalty points.......................

    • Like 1
  7. all the while his claimed good mate EEEEEEN struggles in a state of quandary as to what to do with all his credits. He was even considering getting the paper recycled to print a new edition of Encyclopedia Britannica.

    In business it is normally prudent to check on potential partner gains, before lining their pockets and you having to wait in the que at the local soup kitchen.

    The CEO of Turbine Enterprises is a good businessman however, and knows how to make a quid or three, a bit like Paddy at The Flying kangaroo.

    Disgruntled that he has not already been nominated for an AO, it's been suggested that a few plain envelopes distributed amongst the members of the Australian Anti-Progress Party might resolve a few issues and speed up the selection process.

    Mention has also been made that he should receive a knighthood, and wear it while entertaining the local lovelies

  8. .......think about using palm oil to pull the babes, as it seemed the glamour of his speedway outfit didn't pull the chicky-babes like it used. Or maybe it was just his age.

    Was that a grey hair or three, he could see in the mirror?

    But babes were supposed to be drawn to men with the maturity of a few grey hairs? He pondered what to do about erasing them. There must be some products on the market that would.....

    overcome the problem. I'm sure he would never really need it to maintain his debonair appearance. However, rumor has it that he's even tried sump oil from a 1956 Morris Oxford that has never had an oil change. The reports on it's success are still with RaAus so we may never know whether it is worth trying ourselves.

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