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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. G'day LW!


    I'd ask you where your strip is, but that would be a give-away to Phil and Jerry who are likely to dead-stick in on it, and we want to keep you as a site member for a while yet.




    Welcome lee :wave:


    My guess is Dunsfold?.


    Stay away from Redhill, my nephew flies some quite large R/C models close by. 


    I flew from Biggin Hill and Shoreham.



  2. Hi Adrian, there's an old saying that says "profit is made from the very regular use of something, not necessarily the ownership of it.


    I too went through the stage of wanting ownership, but that never eventuated. In hindsight that turned out the best for me.


    I also once owned a very nice cabin-cruiser which was not used as often as originally anticipated. I would have saved many thousand by simply hiring when I needed too.


    Food for thought!



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  3. Many would no doubt be a bit pee'd off initially if someone expressed concern at their antics, however, hopefully they would think about it and live to fly another day.


    Forewarned is to be fore-armed, or at least that's the way it's intended to be.


    In my books, you did the responsible thing Alf  :thumb up:  and family members would no doubt appreciate it too.



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  4. The UK is at 51 to 58 deg North so gets much less sun than Australia which sits between 11 & 43 deg South & much less intensity so that stat was pretty impressive even if it was on a clear day in late Spring.


    On a recent trip to the UK, I was amazed at how many farms which at one time produced food for the populous, were now filled with rows and rows of solar panels and nothing else, because it was in their financial interest to do so. Not sure what subsidies they get from the government, but obviously they are now more reliant on the fact that a far larger quantity of food has to now be imported to cover the shortfall, but presumably they now have more power to process and cook what they can't produce themselves. It's a complex situation which is way beyond my brains.



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  5. I have worked with Choppers fighting fires with the CFA. They have changed the way we fight fires. Many times when we think we have lost control of a fire front they will hit a rough patch of country that we can't get access too, getting it back in control.


    We have a permanent Heli fire chopper based at Bendigo 40 ks from us and most times it is operating at the fire front before local trucks get there.


    I agree with Bex, People have to learn that they are responsible for their own safety. If we attend a fire we need access and a clear space to operate around houses. I (as a driver ) will not put my crew in danger trying to reach a burning residence surrounded by trees, long grass with only a narrow access no through  road.


    As the saying goes " you make your own luck ".


    Thank you for your contribution and those of all your mates. Very much appreciated. Rgds Planey



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  6. Over the many decades that I have been playing around with engines, iv'e had to replace quite a few, and had to do so on my own car this week. (Yes I know it's a Ford) :wink: , but quite often they are tucked up on the block under the manifold and more easily accessed if up on a ramp. The leak which often starts off as a small weep from the actual body, rather than the threaded part can progress to a more sinister leak which covers everything when subjected to heat, which makes it a bit harder to locate. Leaks from them is not uncommon at all. At least I didn't have to pay a Rotax price to replace mine. 



  7. Sound like me spacesailor. I was Schoies member 139. Never flew out of Schoies though, normally due to weather. I did my bit from Bankstown on weekdays with Mark always wears a hat and long skarf (forget his surname) after geriatric Airways had transferred aircraft to Bankstown for weekday op's. 


    Still have occasional contact with Val Leslie who ran the club mag and was secretary to Ian Honnery who organised the air shows..



  8. Unfortunately that job didn't end up happening so I am still unemployed and getting desperate


    I'll be close by for the next couple of weeks Ian looking after the grandkids. 


    If I see a frustrated aviator who looks a bit like you with a donation bucket at traffic lights, i'll lob in a few bucks, but won't tell anyone on here.


    Good luck mate. Remember as one door closes, another one can open.



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