Yea right! So many clubs and organisations have all felt the pinch of privatisation one way or another here.
Don't even venture into the Clamback and Hennesy saga, who at their own expense even paid for their own hanger to be built and lost all ,or you'll likely receive a gob full from so many.
Half of it is like ghost town (just ask Dick Smith).
It's a monumental disgrace, whereby some should be hung by their nuts if letting them off lightly. including those making a quid out of the even very slow redevelopment process.
A sad state of of affairs similar to so many other airfields around Oz.
Developers and local councils have just so much to answer for.
Plain envelopes changing hands are dangerous things for others outside the developers world.
Formally so many thriving clubs, with grass now growing grass up to the windows is the norm.
I was a member of Schofields Flying Club who have since moved to the opposite side of the airfield, but the old club house is a very sad sight these days, all overgrown with grass and weeds, presumably just waiting for an appropriate offer from a developer.
Bankstown Aviation Museum is a similar story. I believe it's in the slow process of moving to Camden, but just sit's there like sad waste land.
I so wish I had a magic wand and could change it back to government owned, with someone who appreciates aviation, and not simply commerce, so aviation in the area could thrive once more.
Bankstown used to have the 2nd most most aircraft movements in the Southern Hemisphere. Just look at it now.:crying: