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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. Jeez mate, your timing is bad. Just got home from a few hours fishing on Botany Bay, and there was plenty of room for you in the boat.


    With your computer skills, you might have even been able to work out where the fish were feeding. That would have been a bonus.



  2. record temperature (46) in Adelaide today, a great day to fly the glider . 12 knots lift to 14,200 ft ( well the vario, made by Mike Borgelt hits the stops at 12 knots.)

    Who cares about global warming huh. Just get out your old glider and fly for hours up in the cool air over 10,000 ft.

    Or come to Cole's supermarket in Earlwood where hypothermia sets in after a few minutes. cold.gif.d7330b123a57d0b7e7ad4314b836acfd.gif



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  3. All the very best mate, work on the assumption that the devil looks after his own. I too had a very recent spell in hospital with ticker problems, pneumonia and fluid on the lungs and made a discovery about hospital food. The orange bits are carrots, green bits are beans and the yellow bits are sweet corn. Cleverly they manage to get them to all taste the same. Any leftovers are exported to China


    ?. Take care, and we all look forward to your return, fitter and better. Kindest Regards, Planey



  4. Just a pleasant sunset flight down the Northern Oregon coast.  Landed at a seaside strip where the treeline provided a welcome block to the strong East crosswind, just in time for touchdown.  Narrow enough to keep me on my toes! Still stretching the envelope in my first tail-dragger..


    Looks good! Always nicer when the weather Gods are being kind.



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  5. I used to work at Heathrow for 10+ years, and every morning at 10.45, regardless of where you were, everyone would stop and watch the New York Concorde take off. A sight that never failed to impress with its beauty, and noise!

    I was lucky enough to fly on Concorde once (at a much reduced price for BA employees) - brilliant! So smooth and graceful. It was a very sad day when they stopped flying.



    Similar experience for me Neil. I was doing a lot of work for BA back then and scored a flight back from Bahrain. A wonderful experience which now seems like centuries ago, but I can only guess that it was around the 1976 period. I advised on the majority of the photoelectric control system used on the conveyors used on the new BEA/BOAC as it was then New Freight Terminal at Heathrow. 10 miles of conveyor network all under one roof, so goldfish destined for Amsterdam ended up in Cairo, or so it seemed, till we got the bugs ironed out, plus bearings which clapped out because they were running 24hrs a day.



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  6. Can't agree FT


    Why don't you try to apply that same logic to driving schools?


    Many local councils would love to have fewer training facilities, as it gives them more ammunition to justify closing airfields because they are no longer needed, However, developers could make good use of them.


    It would be a good thing IF ALL who are responsible for making decisions that affect us, were pilots themselves.


    Sadly this is not always the case.


    Like so many politicians, it would appear that some are more interested in their back pockets, than the interests and well being of those they supposed to represent.



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  7. Good on you Don. Looks like the build is coming along nicely. Quite a classic old design.


    I know a number were powered with a Continental motor A-40- I think, but many used a converted 1600 Vee-Dub motor.


    What will you be powering yours with?


    Saw a few of them in my younger days.


    A cute little single seater, and a good progression from the models in the background of your photo's.



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