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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. Looks like a nice and memorable trip Graham. I thought the balloon shot was spectacular.
  2. Unfortunately, it seems a Cirrus has come down at Tooradin this afternoon after a short flight. Early reports indicate that no one taken to hospital, which sounds like a positive outcome. Three people involved in plane crash
  3. Certainly the case with Clamback & Hennesy. If they are seen at traffic lights holding a bucket, I hope everyone makes a donation. That's a sad situation after putting most of your life into something.
  4. When I started flying I nearly always felt a bit crook, but after the instructor said "you have control" I was so intent on flying the plane according to his instructions, that my mind was concentrating on many things that were new to me, but had to be done, and I felt heaps better. I'm sure a busy mind helps the situation.
  5. Dick Smith was spot-on when he said some time ago that Bankstown was becoming an aviation ghost town. Sad but true. So much for privatisation Such is the power for the almighty dollar.
  6. A few years ago I took this photo somewhere close to Kathrine Gorge while on a Northern Territory trip . Each time I come across it, I wonder what type of aircraft it is/was. Any idea's?
  7. A friend of mine once used a plastic supermarket bag when cut short while flying over the Blue Mountains, then she tried to dump it out of the side vent in a Piper Warrior which proved not to be the best if ideas. 30 yrs later, she's never been allowed to forget it.
  8. Oh My God! What on earth were they thinking? Was it made in Ethiopia? You can be honest with us Red, we won't tell a soul.
  9. https://www.9news.com.au/national/nsw-news-plan-on-fire-wagga-wagga/641d93d7-6822-492c-b3f0-3c5bde44af17 Lucky escape for these guys. so glad they were able to walk away.
  10. And so say all of us! Missing him, like others.
  11. So sad to hear, but as we all grow older, we hopefully still manage to do what is close to our heart. RIP, and condolences to the family and friends. Mother nature is not always kind to the decisions that we take.
  12. Pissed again on duty-free, but the steadying stick helps.
  13. [No message]
  14. However, we are all creatures of habit, If the PIC was not totally on top of new input requirements under certain conditions, the way he has done things for years flying similar, but different models, could cause issues handled by some, but not all who operate them. These days, everything gets more complicated, but in most things "simplicity is the essence of reliability" The Air France A330 issue with pitot's problem was fairly quickly overcome, and the skies are now full of them operating safely. Hopefully they get the 737-800 Max sorted quickly too. It would be devastating for a company like Boeing's reputation.
  15. Exactly my findings too, plus the staff seem a lot more professional than they used to be.
  16. A nice trip report. Thanks for posting Rene.
  17. It works well on outboard motor corrosion as well.
  18. Approaching 8 yrs of happiness on this site can't be bad in anyone's books. Just so appreciative of all your hard work. Thanks Ian, and helpers.
  19. Jeez mate, your timing is bad. Just got home from a few hours fishing on Botany Bay, and there was plenty of room for you in the boat. With your computer skills, you might have even been able to work out where the fish were feeding. That would have been a bonus.
  20. The sand looks damp under port wing, but a bit dry on the starboard side. Anyway, it always helps it it stays the right way up, as in this case.
  21. Posting that, is a bit cruel to some of us old geysers Phil. I have a few procedures coming up and it looks like I need to add a new brain processor to the list as well.
  22. Or come to Cole's supermarket in Earlwood where hypothermia sets in after a few minutes.
  23. Could not see any photo along those lines. Possibly a good thing as i'm about to have lunch
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