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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. What a brilliant model, skillful piloting and perfect weather. Phil, this might interest you http://www.modelenginenews.org/drj/taplin_mk3.html Should have hung onto your Taplin Twin as they fetch good money these days. Hindsight is a bit hard to come by also.
  2. Well done! Your smile says it all.
  3. This is a BBQ Cooking with kero?
  4. Surely that's not really the Tom Jones? No, it couldn't be, but welcome anyway mate. Where did you do your training in the UK? When I was a young bloke and couldn't afford to fly, I conned, no, that's not really the right term, or is is it? that I wanted to be a pilot so over a period of a year or so, booked trlal instruction flights with 11 out of the 13 training organisations operating at the time at Biggin Hill. I'd already done my first flight training at Shoreham in a smelly Auster J5 which nearly made me puke, but being a bugger for punishment came back for more. Maybe you suffer from the same affliction.( or is that affection? Kind Regards Planey
  5. Hope Wagga Wagga Council feel the pain for their blatant greed, and the decision makers also. Where's that big boot smilie when you need it?
  6. Crazy video man, but i loved it.
  7. I love hearing about these blasts from the past. Keep it going guys.
  8. I'd say fly in GPS mode to start with till you get the hang of making it go where you want it to go, also great for taking aerial photos and videos. It should be limited to max altitude of 400ft anyway in the software (most are), so no cloud dancing stuff or danger to low flying aircraft. Once you have the hang of controlling the thing, you can gain a bit of altitude as a safety buffer in case you stuff up in the controls, then switch to sports mode which takes out the GPS hold feature. It is then generally guite a bit faster and it will fly more like a R/C model. If it gets away from you, you can always switch GPS back on and it will stop where it is until you give the TX some input to bring it back home. Set the home point before every flight to be on the safe side. My son flew one of my DJI Phantoms out of visual range on one occasion and I thought the thing was gone forever. I simply switched the transmitter off and because it's home base was set up before flight, it then climbed a further 60 ft and then flew straight back overhead to where it took off from. Many can auto-land, but I simply switched transmitter back on and landed it myself. Now a bloke with all your flying experience Captain Phil , should be able to manage that out at Cannock Chase without giving too many people a free crew-cut.
  9. Buy one with GPS mode Phil. You can then take off and hover, put the remote down and wander off to make a cuppa and it should be more or less where you left it when you get back.
  10. Thank Guys. I was prepared to drive down to Taz to help the lady to construct a winch to get her pride and joy into her hangar over the hump outside. I have all the gear needed to construct something to make life easier for her. And after 50 yrs plus with automatic gates and automatic hangar doors it would have to have been easy to construct something motorised to operate at the touch of a button. I would really have liked to be able to help her.
  11. Now i'm totally confussed. Sounds a bit like a lottery as to which on the many hoops one has to jump through:juggle:
  12. Looks to me like the lead aircraft in top photo might be a Globe Swift? Quite a distinctive air intake. .
  13. That's so bloody sad, and she past the same day as she made her last post on here. Such was her passion for flying her much loved Gazelle. Unfortunately I got on the wrong side of her with a stupid comment which was taken the wrong way it was intended in the early days, and I regret that, but unfortunately I can't change the past. Rest in peace Debbie, you will be missed by so many. Planey.
  14. As a responsible drone pilot, i'd suggest you do a little bit of research into the background of this video. However, we certainly appreciate your concerns. Irresponsible drone flying concerns us all, and so it should, but there's also a lot of of BS hype out there . Just check it out properly. even you might be in for a surprise.
  15. I wouldn't worry yourself too much about that one. It only has a 50 mtr range.(It's advertising talk for kids) Others which have a 7km range plus should be of more concern if not flown responsibly, or within the regulations.
  16. We all pay for the council one way or another, then the bast*rds rob us
  17. For those that have not already done so, punch in Tucson Arizona in Google earth. I have just done exactly that, and the views of the thousands of aircraft stored there are amazing. You can then zoom right in till you are at ground level and move all around the site. It's well worth a look.
  18. Thank God, I was thinking it was only me that needed to be enlightened:crazy:
  19. I read today that when Julius Caesar's army was able to walk into Rome unopposed, all that could be heard was the roars from his Triumph. I didn't even know he rode a motorbike.
  20. That's a very serious breach, hope they adopt the Qantas way of doing things. The Air France A330 which came down in the Atlantic due to ice crystals in the pitot tubes thus disconnecting the auto-pilot, indicates what catastrophic conditions can arise if they are not working correctly. Not sure how they even managed to get it airborne, yet alone land it in one piece.(maybe Lady Luck was on board?)
  21. I was thinking JetStar must have had it in for the poor fellah, but then I remembered that they stuffed me up big time on 3 out of 4 trips with them, so now I wouldn't touch them with a 10ft barge pole. In my view they are a total disgrace, which reflects badly on the good name of Qantas. Tigerair used to be Australia's worst airline, but since being bought by Virgin, they have really turned things around, and for a discount airline I have found their service quite acceptable on numerous occasions.
  22. Maybe we need a news thread, something along the lines of JetStar efficiency now elevated to 12% as Ian's not flying with them.
  23. I've just booked a flight to visit my daughter in Reservoir next weekend. Could have been a good opportunity to keep the "Bloody JetStar" thread going.
  24. Great trip report Alf
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