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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. A customer of mine who''s a cabin manager with Sh*tstar as she calls it, is on a shortlist with another airline as she's fed up with all the crap they have to put up with from disgruntled passengers.


    I was a slow learner and had 3 out of 4 holidays totally stuffed up by booking with them.


    Simply Google dontflyjetstar.com, trip advisor, and many others, and you will find so many that share your sentiments.068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif


    Heavy advertising's a great thing for bringing back the mugs.



  2. I'd like to have a go on one, looks like fun, though I doubt the practicality of one getting from airstrip into town on fly-away's.


    My son found an electric scooter on a council cleanup which I managed to repair, then took it for a ride late at night when no one could see me.


    As I was flying along the footpaths ducking overhanging bushes, I thought to myself "bloody old fool, what are you doing? you'll end up like the kid with a new bike who said "look Mum no hands", next minute it was " look no teeth".



  3. When on a short shore escursion in Portland, Sth Australia last year, our bus driver who had worked at Port Headland smelting plant for many years, took us to see wind generators close up. His mate who has two on his property said they take about 25yrs to pay for themselves providing they have no breakdowns and are not real flash in calm conditions. He didn't care because what he was paid to have them on his land, paid for two real good holidays each year.


    A few months ago in Sth West England you could see where so many farmers were no longer growing crops, and field after field was filled with thousands of solar panels. No doubt financially advantageous for the farmers, but to replace what was originally grown there, now has to be imported from somewhere else.


    In many cases overcoming one shortfall in the supply chain, creates other problems of equal importance.



  4. Geez!, now your stirring the memory. The very first "galloping ghost" system that I made, was using acorn valves from army surplus walkey-talky's from that era purchased from Government Surplus shops in London's seedy Soho..


    Crude as they were,with rudder fluttering one way and then the other as the mark-space ratio varied to stick inputs, they did work at the time, but the young-un's of today who are familiar with digital proportional might think we are a bunch of dinosaurs.


    Shh! 103_score_001.gif.0354254b719c2e1032fedf21c3779e8a.gif. NO FURTHER COMMENT!



  5. When I was a kid, my uncle who was pretty wealthy and who owned one of the Islands in Poole Harbour, took us out on his boat and we came right alongside a couple of flying boats moored there. I was too young to know exactly what type they were, but we were allowed on board and had a look around. Sadly they were moored there temporarily before going to be scrapped. I'd guess that would have been around 1952 or 3?



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