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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. Never mind Doug, at least it's making some progress. Just think, when it's finished, you may have to change your forum name.
  2. Reminder for anyone interested. It's on Ch 1 Sydney now. I missed it it last week..
  3. Tell me about it Riley. If you drive a Riley Brooklands as in your avitar, i'm envious (just a bit before my time, but only just) I once owned an Alvis TD21. Wish I owned it now, it might make my pension stretch a bit further with or without the masking tape, as would the Aston Martin DB2-4 which I sold after a week of owning it to make a mammoth 120 quid profit at the time. Forsight would have been a wonderful thing. Rgds Planey Sorry guys! enough of the thread drift.
  4. Thought Nightmare was only a young-un, so he may not be interested in restoring old pram's and bikes, and false teeth etc during the week:cheezy grin:
  5. Even pidgins get in a flap tryin 2 understand it.
  6. Hi and We love it when lurkers come out and expose themselves, so to speak. Pretty flash bit of gear you drive. Look forward to hearing more from you.
  7. Nah! Just driving out of ground-effect
  8. That's great Stew. Hopefully more on this site can view your videos at MicroLight Flights with CrayonBox and get a hit when they themselves are unable to go flying.
  9. Good to see you posting here again mate. Looks like you've been busy really enjoying your freedom in the air with all those videos.Some great footage there. Kind Regards Alan
  10. And on certain flights, the cockpit now to be referred to as "The Box Office"
  11. No more 'up up and away's", either. It could be construed as leaving the scene of an accident.
  12. Well done!. looks like the weather was being kind for you.
  13. "Lower them gently, then take-off" has also been ruled out as a suitable alternative.
  14. I'm just touching base with you all. Just so you’re up to date! Due to the increased focus on sexual misconduct issues in the media, the reference to "Touch & Go” landings has been deleted from the ATC Approved Phraseology Handbook.
  15. That would be their wishes too, i'm sure. I've rally'd a bit, raced a bit, diced a bit and driven millions of kms over my 74yrs like many others , but very occasionally a situation occurs when one should be a little more "switched on", but for whatever reason, we weren't. Sometimes you think "holy sh*t, I should never have done that. Next time I might not be so lucky. Sadly some of us aren't
  16. Not wrong there Alf. Sadly missed by many.
  17. Well done Laurie, us old farts still have something to prove. Good onyer mate! you did it it a lot better than others that just dream about it. Kind Regards Planey.
  18. , look forward to hearing more from you.
  19. Welcome Sarah, good to have you aboard. Let us know how you progress in your dream.
  20. There was nothing better than a high-revving short-stroke motor running a small prop, to make one's middle finger look like the inside of a fishes gills. Didn't have electric starter back in those days. That's about the same time as I learned "The Hand Jive".
  21. Quite true Arthur. I mainly used a Fox 35 Rocket glow-plug motor for combat, but had an Oliver Tiger Junior diesel in a 1/2A team racer which was a real screamer. Good fun, but they both stunk. I was asked by the chemist a couple of times what I wanted amyl nitrate for? I found out later that some used a bit in making "poppers", but I was never into the drugs scene.
  22. They probably all stunk of methanol and burnt caster oil (like are cars did for a week after going flying) so probably wouldn't have noticed:spot on:
  23. The above link was a real interesting read.. My main interest was in Lancaster NX611 which I looked over shortly after it arrived at Biggin Hill and I distingtly remember it had a kangaroo roundel on the nose of the fuselarge.. Apparently it was an interesting ferry flight from Oz, and arrived virtually on two engines. One was shut down and another was destined for the sick bay. My old Dad had been an industrial chemist on paint development before he joined the Met Police Force, and after 32yrs in the job, retired and went back to the paint business. I went with him to Biggin Hill as he was to give an estimate for the paint to some guy from The Historical Aircraft Preservation Society when they were planning for it's repaint. I crawled through to the rear gunners position which was a bit of a challenge, and thanked my lucky stars that I had not had to be there in times of conflict. Thanks for posting that link Phil, it bought back memories to me. Rgds. Planey
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