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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif Honky.


    Unfortunately times have changed, In years gone by, if you were interested in flying, and you made it known to the flight crew and requested to have a look in the Captains Office, you'd often get invited up on the flight deck.


    I've spent many hours chatting to the crew whilst seated in the jump seat, but unfortunately 9/11 and other incidents killed that off, so it's now a thing of the past. So when you come back to Oz, you'll probably have to remain in your designated seat:sad:


    Good luck with your future training.



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  2. Whatever transpires from necessary forthcoming changes, we are so damn lucky to have had this wonderful site at our disposal for so many years.


    We have gained knowledge and mate-ship with others through the sharing of information, mainly as a result of the hard work by one man for which we are all very grateful.


    Thanks Ian:clap:011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif


    I'm sure whoever is interested enough to be involved in running this site, will have one intention in mind, and that is to aim to keep it in the same high standard that you have set, to be a valuable source of information to be enjoyed by all.072_teacher.gif.7912536ad0b89695f6408008328df571.gif


    Kind Regards





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  3. $35,000. That's a lot of money!Some 12" to one foot scale aircraft can be had for less.


    Like this one I photographed in the UK 3 weeks ago.


    A nice toy if your pockets are deep enough?


    Also got some great shots of it at altitude with cloud background. It looked just like the real thing.





  4. There's no illusions, it's got quite a number of hours on it now. Not my engine to offer further info on at this time sorry, I have to respect the person's desire to keep details quiet at present.

    So are you saying it may eventually be available with a "Hush Kit" where the engine's concerned?


    The neighbours at Jaspers Brush and many other strips, will simply love that.022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif

  5. At no time your honor, were her lips witnessed as being on the edge of the supposedly opened can. Furthermore, I would add, that even if that were the case, I have yet to to find a person who could honestly confirm whether it was empty or not, simply by viewing the side of it.


    It is my opinion, that she was either promoting a good local brewery from her electorate at the time the said photograph was taken, or simply posing for the photo to wind up the aspiring opposition from Toowoomba:wink:



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    • Winner 2
  6. Ashby is working as a commercial pilot,Ashby drinking less than 8 hours before flying,

    RAA allowing a plane to be used for commercial purposes


    I wouldn't want to be explaining away a mess like that

    So FT, do you really know whether Ashby was working as a commercial pilot?


    The question is, did they have one tent, or two? 022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif022_wink.gif.9d61fed85ccaec4ccc17040770c5c601.gif


    It also looked like bright daylight when they were drinking those Bundy's, so they ought to be OK for a midday departure the following day.


    I was always told, minimum 12 hrs between bottle and the throttle. My instructor never mentioned cans.



    • Agree 1
    • Haha 2
    • Caution 1
  7. Another truck driver and shortly afterwards a nurse. The boys from jayrow were responding to the mayday and landed about a minute after I started first aid on the one I removed. They took over from me as I was working with a predamaged shoulder.Spotted at least 6 aircraft within 5 minutes and had a full crew within 7. Air ambo was almost first on scene. Air services need a pat on the back.


    Got damn busy, damn fast.


    Truck driver did a runner as soon as the first cop car turned up. ;)

    Thanks for your efforts to help them in a sticky situation. Well done ! 012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif


    Wish them all the best.



    • Agree 2
  8. A couple of inebriated fellows came over to myself and a mate who had been flying combat planes with streamer s with Fox 35s for an hour of so and the gave us about 5 quid to pay for the pleasure and service we provided. They had been laying bets on our activities and were very satisfied with our performance. (Lambton Park in Newcastle) People whinge about anything they don't have an interest in themselves. Plenty of Councils ban motorcross tracks where you wouldn't see antisocial activities in a month of Sundays. It's often a family activity but MOTORBIKES . Yikes... Bikey Gangs and Drugs.. All lumped in together. Go to a football game and get peed on and beer cans thrown. Visit friends in a posh suburb and get your car scratched with a coin and the aerial broken off. Travel in a train late at night and take your life in your hands. Nev

    The Fox 35 Rocket was a great motor for flying combat.



  9. Ooooh yes. . . would love to tour the Pacific Islands aboard one of those. . .rather like that company which used to fly out from Sydney in the 50s / 60s The book about that airline was called 'Bird of the Islands' . . .can't remember the Author's name though. . .fascinating illustrated tale about a 'One Horse' airline. . .

    So you'd probably like the huge photo on my lounge room wall Phil.IMG_4690.JPG.3d387d69cb3c098c27035f6843753b35.JPG



    • Like 7
  10. Geez! Windsor, You are reminding me of my younger days when I used to fly a George Aldridge designed "Peacemaker" in combat comps, and managed to win a few. Mine was powered by a worked Oliver Tiger diesel and went like the clappers, until it eventually buried itself in the ground when the up line separated from the handle.



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