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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. Great job! Ballroom dance classes now eh? Seriously, WOW!, should be able to achieve a lot with that work space. Good luck, you thoroughly deserve it.+ a day off.
  2. Some British Eagle Britannia's had seats facing the rear of the aircraft. I came back from a holiday in Spain in one configured that way.
  3. That's so sad to hear.
  4. Thanks for your efforts to help them in a sticky situation. Well done ! Wish them all the best.
  5. Dosen't matter if it's a long journey Doug. You're making progress, which is what counts, and no doubt having a bit of fun along the way= satisfaction.
  6. Welcome Larry:welcome:. You've arrived at a great site. Look forward to hearing more from you.
  7. Loved it! The VC10 always looks magic in the air, especially if you have a good set of ear-plugs. I'm heading to the UK next week and will be going to a jet fly day on the 19th August at Long Marston with my nephew. Just wondering whether you'd also be there Dominic? Rgds Planey.
  8. The Fox 35 Rocket was a great motor for flying combat.
  9. Mate, you forget to mention the smell, and wiping oily hands on your pants in between flights. The smell of that burnt caster-oil seemed to hang around like cigar smoke, for many days. Ahh! Memories.
  10. So you'd probably like the huge photo on my lounge room wall Phil.
  11. Geez! Windsor, You are reminding me of my younger days when I used to fly a George Aldridge designed "Peacemaker" in combat comps, and managed to win a few. Mine was powered by a worked Oliver Tiger diesel and went like the clappers, until it eventually buried itself in the ground when the up line separated from the handle.
  12. Madness! Like there was someone who lived near the start of 29R who let a flock of pigeons out for a fly, and a couple of dozen of them were circling very close to a Cessna 152 which was on late finals. I've also seen too many of the local Ibis community getting a bit close to comfort, not that they have some boof-head on the ground controlling them.
  13. There used to be two hangared at The Oaks, I assumed (wrongly) that one of them was yours.
  14. Sounds and looks great Ian. Have you moved the Auster to Camden now? Rgds planey
  15. I live only about 6miles from the perimiter of Sydney's Mascot airport, but not in line with any runways, and I found that with the software in my early Phantom 2 Vision plus, it would not even let it get as high as the floodlights around the local sports oval (about 40ft) but for what I wanted to do, I was quite happy with that, as all I wanted to do was fly along the local river. One has to be responsible, and in most cases the software takes care of that anyway. As a responsible flier,I find it hard to believe some of the claims made. My first drone a $50 screamer from Kmart did not have these features, but weighed a matter of a few ounces and was mainly polystyrene foam.
  16. Very skillful, but potentially lethal as a young fellah in the USA found out when a manouver went wrong. Those carbon-fibre blades can give you more than a short-back-and-sides if you get in the way.
  17. IF it turns out to be drone? as a responsible drone pilot myself, I hope the offender gets the book thrown at them if they can identify the culprit.
  18. Looks like a great weekend away Graham. Life's good eh!
  19. The name "Galloping Ghost" reminds me of the first radio control system I built, using acorn valves from WW2 walkie-talkies purchased from government disposal stores. For those not as old as me, who'd like a quick history lesson,it was a "rudder only" system where the rudder was constantly flapping a bit in the neutral position. By moving the control stick left or right, the mark-space ratio was altered so the rudder flapped mainly to the left, or to the right. It was primitive, but worked reasonably well on the old slow-moving models. Then along came the transistors which made things a lot better. I was young and very fit in those days due to partly to all the running I did. Fly-away's were pretty common back then.
  20. As of this mornings news, Air Asia will ban all passengers boarding with a pet parrot on their shoulder. When you see documentaries about migrating birds and the altitude that they fly at, it's a wonder there are not more bird-strikes. There's plenty of instances where it occurs at lower levels and gets the PIC's full attention. Not something you'd want to stuff up a nice day's flying.
  21. Just be wary if you see an elderly lady with a hand-full of coins about to board your flight. Coins thrown into plane engine by old lady for luck cause delay
  22. You would think that the excessive vibration would give the pylons and airframe structure a real workout if it continued for 1 1/2hrs. Hope it gets thoroughly checked out by Airbus, which i'm sure it would. The last thing you want is a fatigue fracture to come back and bite you some way down the track.
  23. Air Lingus the Irish airline, used to have a priest bless the flight before take-off. However, that's going back a good few years.
  24. Thanks, feel better now Alf. $1287 return to London attracted me.
  25. Geez! Alf, I'm flying to London in a few weeks with Qatar. Mate can you find a few comforting words for me? Tea-towels, mats, Will update,or anything that may help me? Rgds planey
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