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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. Eventually made contact with my friend, but she retired a few months ago and apparently was employed by ACT and in a different department. Sorry if I built up your hopes, but she can't help. We can only wish the best for our mate Ian. Just wanted to help if at all possible.


    Kind Rgds





  2. You never guess what, I moved out of my apartment yesterday, got it cleaned and carpets steam cleaned and drove back to Melbourne. The agent has already started advertising the apartment. BUT, I just got a phone call that DSS, whom I went up there to work for a few weeks ago and was cancelled due to them cancelling a big program of work, wanting to interview me on Tuesday for a role in another area.

    Good luck with that Ian, i'll still make a phone call just in case there's another opportunity for you.


    I get the impression that once you get in the door, they prefer to promote from within, but I may be wrong.



  3. I know someone who works next door in DHS. Pretty good money if you can ever get past all the red tape blocking the doorway.


    She's not easy to contact, but i'll try and see if they have a need for someone with real computer skills who actually has brains for brains. I can only try.


    I get the impression that some there, work their butts off, while others work from 1 till 2 with an hour for lunch.



  4. For sure, but if you or I were in that situation we'd obviously be very busy up front, and our priority would be to get all on board back down safely rather than worrying about whose tomato crop we were going to flatten with the bits that fall off. That's probably of secondary importance, even if we'd all like to know exactly where it fell.


    PS Sorry, I missed a couple of posts



  5. Mate, government departments are government departments, you'd realize that, and many of those running them have sh*t for brains and wouldn't know real talent if it was to bite them in the bum. I'm sure someone with a bit of grey matter between their ears will snap you up soon. Lets hope so anyway. Good luck Ian.



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  6. Still plenty flying over my place Red. I understand they have grounded some with the same batch of gearbox shafts and are undergoing close inspection.


    Many of those aircraft would have knocked up a considerable number of hours by now and have done stirling service given the mainly short routes they have operated over. They look like a two engined Viscount to me, but with less whine.


    I'm very close to the airport, so hope their fans keep running as I've just plant a whole batch of petunias and don't want them disturbed!



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  7. Thanks for posting the photo's jabiru. Looks like the shaft has sheered off due to metal fatigue. Flying on after a precautionary landing with propeller tip missing as on one recent flight after a bird-strike won't help a lot in the balance dept.. Not sure whether this was the same aircraft.


    This particular aircraft did have an issue at Lismore in the last week or so, I read, but can't find the reference at the moment.


    Everyone is safe, that's the main thing.



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