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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif, good to hear from you and look forward to hearing more.


    I understand that flying in PNG can be quite challenging due to weather conditions and mountainous terrain, apart from it's many very basic airstrips.


    The Zenith 701 has good short field performance, but could imagine there might be times when you wish you had a 914 up front like this one STOL CH 701 with Turbo Rotax 914 An extra few horses up front, could be useful when taking off at altitude in hot conditions.


    Rgds Planey



  2. There was an MP who was a pilot and making noises about saving an airport I think. I'm not sure of his name, but someone would know.


    Maybe he could be contacted and get behind making a few changes for the benefit of all who fly in the name of safety, rather than going along with beaurocratic bull-sh*t by those who really do very little that's constructive to safety.



  3. I like so many others, are sick of hearing that the findings of many of these incidents are never published. Surely to God something can be done if enough are behind it. Publication of the findings if you own a XYZ, or whatever aircraft would make you check over your own with a fine tooth comb, so you don't become the next statistic making the headlines.


    If they can do it overseas which should contribute to safer sky's, and all concerned, why not here?


    There's always plenty of excuses, but they are not helpful to the cause.


    How can we all get together to fulfill this aim?


    If we don't try, that's all you ever achieve, Jack Sh*t, and no-one is any better off.


    Maybe we need a forum specifically for this purpose, and a spokesperson such as Dick Smith to do some lobbying on our behalf?


    What do you think we can do to constructively achieve this, or do we just sit back and accept the way things currently are?



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  4. ''The three best things in life are: A good landing, a good orgasm, and, a good bowel movement.


    A night landing on an aircraft carrier is one of the few very opportunities in life where you get to experience all three at the same time, and your partner doesn't have to have yet another headache, unless you choose to tell her!'.



    • Like 1
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  5. I personally find this the most addictive thread on these forums and get quite excited watching how it's all coming together piece by piece.


    There's so much innovation, apart from modern day technologies assisting this build, it's great to follow.


    Many would also be a bit envious of the building space available, that appears in many of the photo's.


    Although i'm not building, I still learn a lot.


    Can't wait to see what comes next.


    Great job mate!



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  6. Next time wear a sandwich board stating-




    Inconsiderate sods!


    Look forward to seeing the edited photo's


    Thank you.





  7. My Misses organized a TIF for me, but a few months later she wanted a divorce. That's when I started drinking.


    I still drink most nights, but I'm not sure whether it's in gratitude for the TIF, or the total relief from always being wrong.067_bash.gif.26fb8516c20ce4d7842b820ac15914cf.gif


    We get on quite well these days, so i'm sure it's got to be the former.080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



    • Haha 1
  8. I'll be there on Sunday. Easy to spot - I'll have one of these (not letting arthritis stop me):[ATTACH=full]48906[/ATTACH]

    and this nametag:



    That looks pretty good to me mate, even if you'd prefer something different!


    Good braking system and black-box easy to find if things don't go as planned.


    I am well aware of the drawbacks caused by a few extra Birthdays, but at least you'll be there, and I won't.


    Have great day which I'm sure you will, and don't forget to post a few piccies.


    Kind Rgds





  9. Welcome Simon.


    As Nightmare has already said, if you are not sure of your intentions, just book yourself a trial instruction flight. It normally only goes for about half an hour or so and won't break the bank, and will either tell you that it's not for you, or most likely why the hell didn't I do this before.080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif


    Then once decided, you can plan ahead at your own pace.


    A Birthday gift of a T.I.F. is a great idea, tell the family.004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif



    • Agree 1
  10. Welcome duane. Sounds like you have a lot of building experience now.


    Is it that you like building, or does the misses encourage you to build another one so you don't get under her feet?


    When you get a chance, post a few photos of your handywork, we love to see them.







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