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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. Good to see your name pop up again Scotty. Good luck with completing the build. It's looking great Rgds Planey
  2. Don't worry Kaz, I reckon 1943 is a very good year, though I don't feel the age on my label.
  3. For many years i busted my gut lifting a heavy copper-wired welder out of my van until I bought an small inverter welder which I could even carry up a ladder on 2 fingers. A wonderful investment which has soft-start which minimises the welding rod sticking as you strike up an arc. Cost me about $350 bucks and did all I needed to do with it, except for very heavy-gauge construction work. Inverters these days are definately the way to go, even if my chiropracter disagrees.
  4. Too fast for my reactions these days Wayne. I'll settle for the sedate photography side while flying responsibly. No going to Bunnings to collect a hot dog with any of mine.
  5. Thanks for posting that HIC. I really enjoy welding which iv'e been doing for decades, mainly arc welding, and when working with my son we always give one another a score out of 10 for the near perfect weld. What this guy does is brilliant, and I want to perfect my TIG welding technique just for knowing that I can do that too, even though I'm semi-retired. Not too interested in playing lawn bowls.
  6. Not everyone is too fussed about spelling mistakes.
  7. I thought I'd start a thread where we can advise others of programs coming on tv, so you don't miss out on something interesting. Tonight on NITV Ch 34 in Sydney is "Motorkite Dreaming", about 7 young adventurers with two secondhand planes (trikes) who set out to fly across 4000km's of desert. Hope you enjoy it. Kind regards Planey
  8. Hi Ichi. Welcome to the forums mate. Once you get that burning desire to fly, there's normally no antidode regardless of how ever long it takes you. I can't help you with regard to the guy at Navair, but as you've posted on this this site, I wonder whether you either have deep pockets for GA, or are also considering learning to fly under RAA, as opposed to a general aviation license. I personally gave up flying at Bankstown as the costs were prohibitive for me. Have you considered taking a drive to The Oaks past Camden? You might be pleasantly surprised at what you find. Dave's Flying Training, or Sydney Ultralight Club would be far easier on the pocket if you care to Google them and are prepared to drive a little further as they are a super friendly bunch. Kind regards Planey.
  9. Having just viewed a slide-show of raising the Airbus from the Hudson River, the last page really says it all. "Can we ever imagine how lucky those people were that it happened so close to the city, and more so that they had a seat of the pants pilot on board"
  10. Just after the automated anouncement that "to reassure you all, we wish to advise that everything has been so thoroughly tested and retested, there is not the slightest chance that anything can go wrong, go wrong, go wrong"!
  11. Program on ABC Ch 2 NOW about the Wright Bro's if anyone's interested
  12. Ian, that is so well said:thumb up:. Thanks mate to both you and the family for providing this wonderful site which just so many of us really appreciate. Likewise, to the moderators and others who also work in the background. Well done guys, there's no other site that I'm aware of,.that displays such advice, diversified comment and love for others with the same interest as we all have. You are all champions in my mind. Yee ha! Merry Christmas to all. Kind Regards Planey.
  13. One can only hope that anyone else who operates in this manner, learns from this sad event.
  14. Pretty noisy old donk. You could hear one coming a great distance away because of it's distinctive sound. (For overseas readers, donk is an Aussie slang term meaning donkey. i.e. engine which does all the hard work)
  15. Welcome to the forums cloudwatcher 89. It's good to have you aboard. Birds are fascinating creatures, some more so than others. Personally, I just love watching pelicans in flight, especially when they are in ground effect and seem to glide forever over the water. In my next life I want to come back as one, because I love flying and a fresh fish diet. When on a cruise hundreds of miles from land, I get a real buzz seeing a wandering albatross so far from what i'd consider home, simply flying effortlesly just above the waves day after day. We still have a lot to learn from them.
  16. If you practice listening to those annoying party-political broadcasts that keep popping up on the radio, written and spoken byxjsdcsdf,dfsgkv fk from the asrffdrerff vmf Party. Once you understand what they are saying, you'll have no problems at all.
  17. Love the look of your Sierra Graham. Great looking aircraft!. Flown 40hrs maybe, but how many hours have you just stood and admired it? that deserves a good few hours also. Kind Rgds. Planey
  18. Welcome Marty. With what I know of the weather up your way this time of year, you must either be an early riser to enjoy the smother air, or, you have a strong stomach.
  19. , So I'd guess you have started at Albion Park or Jaspers Brush. Tell us more.
  20. Did someone mention that Aus is now over-regulated?. There's always at least two sides to story, but it seems that is the way we are heading.
  21. So You never tried Fullers ESB (extra strong beer). I only tried it once, and after 2 pints over lunch managed (but don't know how), to get to a mates place, where his wife plied me with coffee for a few hours to sober me up. At the time I was entertaining an Aussie mate who claimed that all Pommie beer was P**s weak. Never again, but it was a learning experience. which they can stick where the sun don't shine as some say.
  22. Fortunately, no-one has come undone because of his actions. Otherwise the outcome may take on a totally different perspective.
  23. Hope we get a reply post tomorrow, We'll look forward to it Nev "Here's hoping"
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