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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. Sadly missed by so many.
  2. Love the look of your Sierra Graham. Great looking aircraft!. Flown 40hrs maybe, but how many hours have you just stood and admired it? that deserves a good few hours also. Kind Rgds. Planey
  3. Welcome Marty. With what I know of the weather up your way this time of year, you must either be an early riser to enjoy the smother air, or, you have a strong stomach.
  4. , So I'd guess you have started at Albion Park or Jaspers Brush. Tell us more.
  5. Did someone mention that Aus is now over-regulated?. There's always at least two sides to story, but it seems that is the way we are heading.
  6. So You never tried Fullers ESB (extra strong beer). I only tried it once, and after 2 pints over lunch managed (but don't know how), to get to a mates place, where his wife plied me with coffee for a few hours to sober me up. At the time I was entertaining an Aussie mate who claimed that all Pommie beer was P**s weak. Never again, but it was a learning experience. which they can stick where the sun don't shine as some say.
  7. Fortunately, no-one has come undone because of his actions. Otherwise the outcome may take on a totally different perspective.
  8. Hope we get a reply post tomorrow, We'll look forward to it Nev "Here's hoping"
  9. A normal cruise breakfast enjoyed by many, after the smoked salmon, cereals, and prune juice that helps create a bit of space for the fresh Danish pastries that follow.
  10. I knew a couple of pilots who usually took a "Pilot-Bear" along with them. I have one too, but it's so old, the poor buggars goggles are falling apart and his not much of a help.
  11. to our forums from across the ditch. Not sure about the Sierra, but know a guy who built a Cheetah and flew it a lot. There's sure to be someone here who can give you more info. Gary Morgan seems to have his heart and soul in his products, so I doubt whether you'd be disappointed in any of his offerings.
  12. Think I might have heard a few of those calls myself in the distant past. Mudgee was a popular place to go for a quick fly-away, apart from the Rothbury Estate strip in the Hunter, with a few over-priced bottles rattling in the rear seats on touchdown.
  13. Other than 5 minutes of fame, it was hardly worth the exercise. He whinged that it was cold when delivered. Surprise, Surprise!
  14. Never mind, the weddings normally the cheap bit if it doesn't work out.
  15. You sound to me like Garry who used to serve me at the Shell servo in Baulko to earn a bit of extra money while going for your commercial? If so, this is Eric's dad Alan. Thought you were in Tamworth.
  16. Well done Marty! looking great.
  17. Interesting! Didn't know that.Thanks for posting it.
  18. Well done Bruce, so happy for you mate. Bet I know what you'll be dreaming about tonight. "Hang on honey, I've gotta land this thing, wait until tomorrow" By the way, your bird looks great, so you must be proud of all the effort you put into building it, and so you should. Kind Regards Planey
  19. I personally, don't like reading about this sort of crap. There's always the potential that things can go other than what the flight was originally planned. Hope they find our who was responsible, and throw the book at them.
  20. Good stuff Tim, well done mate! The video made me feel a bit pi**ed off because I so wanted to buy your T83. Kind Rgds. Planey.
  21. Great to see Brumby branching out into the world market after years of hard work. I used to regularly drive pass the Goair hangar at Bankstown to see the GT-1 Trainer progressing, prior to their move to Cowra..
  22. Years ago while driving in the bush, I stopped my van as my passenger and I were convinced we'd seen a UFO in the night sky. We even stopped and took photographs hoping to make a fortune from the press. As it turned out, we got got further down the road and found the local scout group had a bonfire and sheets of newspaper in flames were being carried into the night sky with the heat from the fire. Sometimes things are not always what they seem, and "bugger", we never got a cent for the photo's.
  23. That must have been special for you
  24. That always helps:victory:
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