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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. I thought that meant my account with "Clear Prop" was up to date. We learn something new every day red
  2. And that's saying say nothing from the neighbours
  3. My neighbor absolutely revs the guts out of his Ferrari in the driveway before it's even had a chance to warm up, or the oil get around. Maybe peaceful soon! Then he can buy himself a little Italian :scooter:and all i'll hear is the lovely aeroplanes.
  4. Having said that, there's a program on CH1 now about DHL if your still awake Spacesaver
  5. At one point it had a ground speed of 404MPH at 27,500 ft. no doubt with a bit of tailwind but it's obviously a very slippery bird. Got a bit concerned as it dropped off the screen just n/e of Melbourne near some mountains and never got it back again. Was just curious where it was landing. Sleek looking bit of gear, but noisier than DHL's MD11 out of Syd which I can always recognise by ear.
  6. Just sitting at my computer on rec flying and had to rush outside on hearing a very unusual sounding aircraft. Couldn't recognize it, so had to fire up Flightradar 24. It turned out to be a Piaggio P180 Avante twin turboprop which took off from Sydney airport and is heading south at 28,000ft and scooting along at 356mph now about to overfly Canberra. On checking the Piaggio website, they say it is very efficient and eco friendly. I think they forgot the bit about it's noise level on climb-out. I live very close to the airport and it has to be the noisiest aircraft i've heard in 4 yrs since moving here. It was a very unusual sight and i'm at least glad to have seen it. It's not everyday you get to see a twin engine pusher with a canard.
  7. For sure, it was a great TEAM effort Robbo, but that extra stripe seems to count a lot. Frequently, there seems to be an underdog who lacks notable recognition, who's also a very important part of the overall equation.
  8. Welcome Scott, what are you learning on? Lot's of guys on here to help you if you need it, don't be afraid to ask. We have marriage councellors, legal whizzes, CFI's, debt collectors, and an abundance of guys probably like you, who have aircraft in their bloodstreams for which there's very few antidotes. Just call this place your second home, but don't be late for dinner.
  9. Looks like a few of us are in the wrong business:crying:
  10. Don't miss it Litespeed, you'll be kicking yourself.
  11. Geez! OME you can be a party-pooper at times. I was just emptying the piggy bank with the aid of a bread and butter knife in hopes I could grab a bargain! Stuff it, I'm going to bed now.
  12. Good to see active again Andy. Your contributions to this site have always been appreciated. Kind Regards Planey PS if you catch up with Tomo, give him a nudge too.
  13. If you don't like it, sorry, but i'd think you are a bit whierd, but I'm sure that won't be the case. Let me know what you think?
  14. Hopefully you'll get round to it in time.
  15. Just came back from seeing the movie "Sully" and wondered who else has seen it, and what you thought? Personally, I loved it. I thought Tom Hanks and the rest cast did a brilliant job and I may even go and see it again, which is something I can't recall ever doing before. How the authorities tried to prove that he could have made it to two of the available airports was cruel, but i'll say no more. Can thoroughly recommend seeing the movie.
  16. It's a bit concerning if someone with that much experience can make a stuff up, although we're all human. Hope for everyone's sake who fly's with them, that they get the recommended system upgrade soon.
  17. Or book yourself a TIF (trial instruction flight) with a local club. That's the cheapest way to have a look around the local area and take the controls yourself under supervision. Hopefully you'll be hooked, and we'll get to see more posts from you. I'm positive you and your Dad would absolutely love the experience. Let us know how you go Mikey.
  18. Check out 60mins on Ch 9 ( on now). Looks interesting!
  19. Now what really interests me is the pension that I assume goes with the rank?
  20. Mirage, Jaguar , or even a Jabiru with a spare set of thru-bolts on the back seat, don't spoil the story with specifics. We all need a laugh or two in in life:roflmao:
  21. It must be time I went to Specsavers again. At first, I thought it read "nookie on a nice aeroplane" I thought to myself, geez, some blokes get all the luck.
  22. You can just imagine the AA patrolman sitting at the side of the road, getting on his radio to base saying " you'd never believe what i've just seen on the motorway, a Jaguar that's struggling to get past a bloody truck"
  23. Congratulations for spotting the deliberate mistake ?
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