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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. Mirage, Jaguar , or even a Jabiru with a spare set of thru-bolts on the back seat, don't spoil the story with specifics. We all need a laugh or two in in life:roflmao:
  2. It must be time I went to Specsavers again. At first, I thought it read "nookie on a nice aeroplane" I thought to myself, geez, some blokes get all the luck.
  3. You can just imagine the AA patrolman sitting at the side of the road, getting on his radio to base saying " you'd never believe what i've just seen on the motorway, a Jaguar that's struggling to get past a bloody truck"
  4. Congratulations for spotting the deliberate mistake ?
  5. I used to ride my bike there with a mate regularly, and we'd sit on the edge of the field giving scores for the best landings. When you recognized the markings of some the aircraft on finals, you knew that they were unlikely to get a very good score. In those days, there were still quite a number of DC6-Bs being used, and plenty of Comets, Caravelles, BAC111's, Vanguards and Viscounts. But what always gave us a buzz was the ear-splitting sound of the VC10 on full power. The entire ground seemed to shake.
  6. Many of us have sadly done that Don:sorry:. Some of mine would have fitted in a far smaller bag.
  7. There was talk that the early A300's mainly got airborne at MGTOW due to the curvature of the earth:wink:
  8. Yea! but pollies tell you one thing, then you vote and see the difference. Should be used to these things by now. Don't fill in the form, just send the fine. I think they need it:crazy:
  9. Anyone remember this lovely lady from Bless this House, with Sid James and the Carry On movies, Father Dear Father, etc;? What great shows they were. Sally Geeson. Cant crop the ugly bloke out of the picture, but she's also an absolute treasure. From fame and fortune, she now looks after underprivelged kids. Her hair used to be very dark brown, but is now blonde like most of the ladies where I live. The bloke with her also has a face like a plowed field these days, which is probably an improvement!
  10. Met her at a friends place on a few occasions when I lived in the UK 45yrs or so ago. She was as lovely as she looked, and made me go weak at the knee's much to my then wife's annoyance. I think it was the dark brown eyes. Reminded me of my heart-throb Natalie Wood. Grrrrrrr!
  11. If you email picture the to yourself Phil, it will often ask whether you wish to reduce the file size. When you receive it, save in your pictures and attach that smaller file instead, and you should have no problems Hope this helps. That's what I do, but there may be other ways.
  12. Angelflight would have to be a worthy consideration also.
  13. Looking good! When all the hard work is done and she takes to the air once again, it will all seem worthwhile, and the cussing and swearing when things weren't as you wanted at the time, will be forgotten. Good luck guy's.
  14. Shh! just a boy, I'm 73yrs young 2moro. But my girl I feel is 63 so change what i said. nudge, nudge, wink wink.
  15. Stop doing this to me Phil ! I used to own a Lotus version, plus the Aston Martin 2/4 which I had for 10days , then sold it for a measily 200 quid profit. If only I had them now, they'd sure be worth a few bob. I used to be young and stupid, now i'm old and stupid, but that's life. Your turn may come.
  16. The chosen charity would need to be very closely examined. My sister-in-law works for one of Australia's best known charities, and not only does she earn a top salary, the perks they get on top, to me, seems obcene, because the money comes from the pockets of good-hearted people intending it to be used in a far more meaningful way. Birthday lunches at overpriced, top Sydney Hotels for staff members, is only the tip of the iceberg. I sadly hesitate to donate these days. Their credit-card expenses are another rort, which would not please the majority of kind souls who donate in good faith. My son feeds, and helps homeless people and anyone in need, which I think is a far better way.
  17. Thoroughly enjoyed that clip onetrack, thanks for posting it. We have to admire the ingenuity of some of these earlier aviators, even though not all their efforts were successful.
  18. Your warped sense of humor, is no better than mine Marty:spot on:.
  19. Still wouldn't mind one in my back yard with a couple of problems to overcome. They look like they could be a very usable asset. I say most problems are presented to us, purely for us to give a little extra thought to sort out!
  20. You beat me to that one kasper:thumb up:. Just got home from the theatre and fired up the computer and knew it straight away. In fact I think this might be the one I've seen in the UK. If it is, it may have a Jabby motor in it now. The Super 2 was originally the dreamchild of a land speed record holder and built on The Isle of Wight if I remember correctly. The name Noble comes to mind, but I could be wrong as I often am. I know they thought they'd sell heaps of them, but in reality very few were made before the company went down the gurgler, which is a shame.
  21. Know how you feel rgmwa, but Aunty, or Auntie does not always seem to get things right, or should that be wright, or rite, or write?
  22. In the UK you were normally made well aware by local media that the vans with the "spinning roof racks" as they were known, were about to hit the local area. I'm sure this was a ploy mainly used to terrorise people into buying a license. I used to repair TV's in the shed at the bottom of the garden as a hobby. One day we had a knock at the door from the license guys and so I took then to the shed and showed them the insect zapper i'd made from using a line output transformer from one of the old tv's. They reckoned they'd detected it from the next street which would have been about 50yards away, but seemed impressed with what i'd made. They winked at each other and bid me goodnight. They never spotted the transmitter i'd built up as a pirate radio station to transmit pop music to my mates in the local area during the wee hours of the morning, or the radio-jammer in the picnic hamper which was sometimes taken to the beach to cure the noisey buggers who'd play there transistor radio's far too loud for comfort. Both of which were strictly-speaking illegal. Back in those days our current Sydney DJ Bob Rogers who's now about 85 used to work on a pirate radio station on a ship which was anchored out in the English Channel, so I wasn't the only crook to come to Australia. Most came before me on sailing ships.
  23. How's this for an unintentional photo-bomb timing fluke, taken on a friend's iphone recently?
  24. It's all a matter of good timing to give the wire a yank before the motor carks it. A bit of practice helps:victory:
  25. Many years ago I had a wolf-whistle for the girls fitted to my car which worked from the engine manifold, and was operated by pulling a wire which passed through the firewall. Maybe this could help?
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