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Everything posted by planedriver

  1. Of course I meant astrologer, but you're too much of a gentleman to give me a hard time over my mistake. Thank you.
  2. Sorry! That was a typo, I knew it was IFR because I looked it up on Google. Nice looking aircraft and instrument panel for those with the necessary knowledge to use what's available.
  3. Success, is often measured not by the number of times you tried but failed to your own satisfaction, but by the number of times you tried again until it did. Good luck mate, we are sure you will get there, and love to read about your ambitions.
  4. Reminds me of the one time in my life when I bumped into an astronomer and she said "hello, what's your name"? I thought to myself, if your any bloody good at what you do, you would have worked that out already.
  5. Congratulations on your 2nd solo Debbie. You must be happy with the progress you've made, after all it's not a race, more of a milestone. Well done!
  6. Wait for the real estate ad....................."Renovators Dream"
  7. A photo I took in Chippenham. In those days there was "A little less conversation, a bit more action" as the song goes. That's my photo for the heck of it!
  8. I wondered about that too, Phil, having been on the 14th deck of a cruise ship in very heavy seas and wild winds. The wind loading on structures that big would be enormous.
  9. That's too big for my liking. Bet they've got a shoe shop on board as you'd wear them out just walking around the thing. What they need is a number of slides to get passengers off quickly for shore excursions, as that can be a nightmare.
  10. Plenty of Avid's doing good service your way. We'd like to see a few pictures of yours, when you get a chance to post them.
  11. That's a nice VFR equipped Cessna 182RG. Looks like you had a great trip with good weather.
  12. Glad you gave him a serve, otherwise it can spoil things for the majority who are responsible. As an aside, check this out <https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=mOBQXuu_5Zw> Just hope no one was planning to do night VFR training on that strip:wink:
  13. HEADLINES FROM THE YEAR 2030 Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world "Little India" formerly known as Australia. Tasmania executes last remaining Greenie. White minorities still trying to have English recognised as Australia's third language. Children from two-parent heterosexual families bullied in schools for being 'different'. Tolerance urged. Melbourne schoolgirl expelled for not wearing Burqa, being a Christian is no excuse says school. Sharia law must be enforced. Japan announces that they will no longer consume whale meat as whales are now extinct and the scientific research fleet are unemployed. Australian Government has told the Japanese that Cane Toads taste like whale meat. Australia now has ten Universities of Political Correctness. Professor Goldman of ANU says there is still a long way to go in the fight to stop people saying what they think. Australian Deficit $10 trillion dollars and rising. Government declares return to surplus in 100 years which is 300 years ahead of time. Prime Minister Mohammed Yousuf claims increased growth through more immigration is the secret to success. Wall Street banks merge to form new super bank, Goldman, Rothschild, Ebeneezer, Epstein & Drescher (GREED). Huge bonuses paid to executives to celebrate launch. Baby conceived naturally! Scientists amazed. Iran still quarantined. Physicists estimate it will take at least ten more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels. France pleads for global help after being taken over by Islamic Countries. No other country volunteers to come forward to help the beleaguered nation ! Serves them right. Castro finally dies at age 112. Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking. Jose Manuel Rodrigez Bush says he will run for second term as US President in 2032. Australia Post raises price of stamps to $18 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only. After a ten year $75.8 billion study, commissioned by the Labor Party, scientists prove diet and exercise is the key to weight loss. Average weight of an Australian drops to 115 kgs. Global cooling blamed for citrus crop failure for third consecutive year in Victoria India and New South Iraq. Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed they can now photograph a woman with her mouth shut. Senate still blocking drilling in Canberra even though petrol is selling for 5,000 Rupees per litre and petrol stations are only open on Tuesdays and Fridays. Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights. Victims to be held partly responsible for crime. Average height of professional basketball players is now nine feet, seven inches. New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2035 as lethal weapons. Australian Tax Office sets lowest tax rate in decades at 75%. Carlton won this years National Footy final beating the Hindu Hornets 20-11 to 13-18. Southern Asia (formerly Northern Territory ) voters still having trouble with voting machines and bribery. . . ..
  14. Good luck with overcoming your braking problem Mike. Keep us informed as to your progress. Whilst many of us have our own theories as to what the problem actually is, we'd all like to hear what the final prognosis is. Kind regards Planey
  15. I have read of similar cases caused by a bit of air in the system and that the PA22 system can be a bit of pain in the butt to bleed. The linings themselves may be old and hard, and also glazed. I'd be checking the condition of the drums and the surface of the linings as well. If they are heavily glazed they will not have as much bite. Have you tried physically checking the brake resistance by turning the wheels by hand, with the wheels raised off the ground. Is it during the run-up they don't hold, or after landing which is the problem?
  16. What a hoon you were, no better than me:whistling:but so many did it. The trolley buses used to accelerate faster than my legs could ever carry me. Came a cropper a couple of times also jumping off buses as they turned a corner, once in a smart brand new black blazer and cavalry twill trousers bought only half an hour before, to impress the chicks.
  17. A couple of photo's of the mig would be nice.
  18. For those who do not own a drone, the following may be of interest. http://wiki.dji.com/en/index.php/Phantom_3_Professional-_Flight_Limits_and_No-Fly_Zones. I own a DJI Phantom and it's software limits me to an altitude of 400ft AGL which is fine for most general purposes. If I were to take it very close to nearby Mascot Airport for example, it GPS positioning would not even allow it to get off the ground. From memory, assume I attempted to fly it just outside the airport, it may only allow it to climb to 30 or 40ft and on a sliding scale that would increase gradually until 5 miles out, when it could then climb to it's programmed max of 400ft. However, a few build their own drones and may not necessarily incorporate all these features in the flight controller. At least some manufacturers are trying to improve safety by designing their software to protect others from those who are less aviation safety conscious, which is a step in the right direction.
  19. Brilliant! thanks for posting. You'd need very deep pockets, apart from a lot of skills to produce something that good, fly it, and bring it back down in one piece.
  20. Yea! a bit slack, better late than never, Phil won't mind.
  21. I saw that pilot hanging around for ages in the gents "Pre-Flight Relief Room" No wonder he had a squeaky voice.
  22. The butchers shops in Bondi are full of the stuff, so your second paragraph must be correct:ecstatic:
  23. Awesome!
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