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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. 37 minutes ago, onetrack said:

    A caption? How about - "Good day, chaps! Any chance you could call the CO and tell him the aircraft is now in an easily accessible position for a full brake service?"  :cheezy grin:

    That sounds like Pommy talk onetrack. Here in Oz we normally say G'day, but we all have to learn.

    I for one do not derive pleasure from taking the pi** out of others misfortune, even if it came about from his misjudgement. Gladly he's ok and lives to tell the story, but wonder what you would have done to prevent an unfortunate tipover?

    There's no telling what ruts or stumps there may have been in the ground. I imagine you know no more than the rest of us on here, and his approach looked good to me.

    In life it pays to try and be kind if possible, rather than ridicule.

    Rant over.

  2. The above posts mentioning guality remind me of a sign I had on my office wall some years back, it stated......................




    If you wish to purchase good quality clean oats, then you have to pay a fair price.

    However, if you are prepared to accent oats that have already passed through the horse, they come a little cheaper.



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  3. On 26/04/2022 at 9:17 PM, Blueadventures said:

    Hi Paul  This is a video I did a few years back will give you an idea of what it's like.  I did a coolant hose on way home had to outland and some guys from Old Station came and helped out with hose joiner and coolant.  I tried twice to put money in their tool bucket but they gave it back.  Great guys.  This year is the next one and I'll be phoning them to at least buy them some beers.  Its a great turn out and worth the journey to get there.  Hope the video helps your decision.  


    Great video. Loved it! Thanks for posting it.

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  4. 27 minutes ago, rodgerc said:

    The joy and satisfaction that comes from sitting in your hangar and gazing upon your completed aircraft will cause the considerable cost and years of labour to seem insignificant….and before long you’ll want to build again. 

    And if the wife suddenly finds you constantly under her feet after your completion, rather than you being in the shed, they may even suggest a new build for you 😄

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  5. 29 minutes ago, planedriver said:

    These are most interesting posts for many, i'm sure.

    Keep them coming.


    For so many like me who are now beyond the years where they'd dearly love to build, I for one, simply admire the determination to succeed like Marty and no doubt many others.

    I find it both inspirational, and also learn a lot along the way.

    Good on you guys, you deserve any positive appraisals you receive, and I so look forward to seeing the final results of your sometimes frustrating challenges and achievements.

    Rgds Planey

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  6. 33 minutes ago, spacesailor said:

    SO wHY CAN,T WE USE THE ' OVERHEAD WIRES ' FOR OUR electric cars   !!!.


    Can you just imagine Cars Guide coming out with a report, "Award winning Electric SUV design" utilises spring loaded roof mount from antique trolley bus, to connect with power source"?

    It wouldn't look to flash in some peoples eyes.🤣



  7. That's sad.

    Looked beautiful both in the air as well as on the ground in one piece.

    Unfortunately, most who have been involved in model aircraft, know that sometimes tragic things happen.

    I used to reckon that any spare tissue that once came in a kit, was to wipe your eyes with when things went pear shaped.😂

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  8. Remember, success if often achieved by those who have suffered some sort of failure, but continue to strive to achieve their goals, You'd be no different, and we're all confident you'll continue till you achieve something both you and others will admire with envy. It's all a learning experience from any mistakes and any tempory set backs.

    Love your work so far.

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  9. Having been a "Mr Fixit" for many, many years, I love these sort of videos and always try to consider what I think the problem is before it's revealed in the video.

    Interesting stuff for anyone mechanically minded.

    Thanks for posting and keep them coming, as i'm sure it will help many others who are not quite sure.

    Always better to resolve problems while still on the ground, if possible.


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