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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. For all who asked I passed my flight test Last Thursday and now just to do a couple more hours for my first pax

    Congratulations 348 " as the Toyota ad says, "Oh what a feeling"


    Well done, another milestone of many along the way.


    Kind regards





  2. A man and his wife were celebrating 50 years together. Their three kids, all very successful, agreed to a Sunday dinner in their honour.




    "Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad," gushed son number one. "Sorry I'm running late. I had an emergency at the hospital with a patient, you know how it is, and didn't have time to get you a gift."




    "Not to worry,” said the father. "The important thing is that we're all together today."




    Son number two arrived and announced, "You and Mom look great Dad. I just flew in from Los Angeles between depositions and didn't have time to shop for you."




    "It's nothing,” said the father. "We're glad you were able to come."




    Just then the daughter arrived, "Hello and Happy Anniversary! I'm sorry but my boss is sending me out of town and I was really busy packing so I didn't have time to get you anything."




    After they finished dessert, the father said, "There's something your mother and I have wanted to tell you for a long time. You see, though we were very poor, we were able to send each of you to college. Throughout the years your mother and I knew we loved each other very much, but we just never found the time to get married."




    The three children gasped and all said, "You mean we're b**tards?"




    "Yep", said the father, "and cheap ones too!"



  3. A young doctor had moved out to a small community to replace a doctor who


    was retiring. The older doctor suggested that the young one accompany him on


    his rounds, so the community could become used to a new doctor.


    At the first house a woman complains, 'I've been a little sick to my




    The older doctor says, 'Well, you've probably been overdoing the fresh


    fruit. Why not cut back on the amount you've been eating and see if that


    does the trick?'


    As they left, the younger man said, 'You didn't even examine that


    woman? How'd you come to the diagnosis so quickly?'


    'I didn't have to. You noticed I dropped my stethoscope on the floor


    in there? When I bent over to pick it up, I noticed a half dozen banana


    peels in the trash. That was what probably was making her sick.'


    'Huh,' the younger doctor said. 'Pretty clever I think I'll try that


    at the next house.'


    Arriving at the next house, they spent several minutes talking with a


    younger woman. She complained that she just didn't have the energy she once


    did and said, 'I'm feeling terribly run down lately.'


    'You've probably been doing too much work for the Church,' the younger


    doctor told her. 'Perhaps you should cut back a bit and see if that helps.'


    As they left, the elder doctor said, 'I know that woman well. Your


    diagnosis is almost certainly correct, but how did you arrive at it?'


    'I did what you did at the last house. I dropped my stethoscope and when I


    bent down to retrieve it, I noticed the preacher under the bed.':peepwall:



    • Like 1
  4. What about this one taken at the old WW2 Fenton airfield in the Northern Territory. I went on a bit of a fossick there and found the graveyard. This is where they dragged the shot up wrecks that couldn't be repaired.[ATTACH=full]15233[/ATTACH]



    Thats a great shot Pud.


    Seeing things like that, remind me of the emotion I felt when I visited the RAF Museum in London and stood beside a WW2 aircraft that had crash landed on a frozen lake in Norway then sunk, only to be retrieved from the depts many decades later and still covered in mud, that was on display.


    Thanks for posting that and getting the ball rolling, i'm sure we'll get a lot more great images.



  5. I can't believe the time that has elapsed since the photo comp was running.


    Even if there is no current competition running, please feel free to post aviation relateded photo's in this thread, as i'm sure we all love to see them.


    Whether it be of the creation you've produced as a result of endless hours in the workshop, or simply an air-show or fly-in you've attended, i'm sure we'd all enjoy seeing them, so start posting them again please.



  6. Yeah, I noticed that! You just never know, I may put my wheels down there if I get time!

    How refreshing is this to hear.


    Normally we only get to hear of justified whinges because airstrips are being closed by money-grabbing developers and councils with no forward vision.


    Congratulations to all concerned who managed to achive this outcome.


    Pity they don't have the same success in the Sydney basin.


    Kind Rgds Planey



  7. Crazy.....................................................Maj...070_sleep.gif.1c8d367a0c12958f2106584470af404d.gif

    Not wrong there Maj, with almost 4.9 mil Aussie dollars, I can think of lots of ways to have some fun, plus still have enough over to throw some thick cut steaks on the barbie for any visiting forum visitors. They might also get shouted a beer, provided they're not flying home that day.


    Rgds Planey.



  8. Im Currently with Flight one at YBAF, they have been great so far!

    Welcome jordizu9, you have landed at the right place to tap into a lot of exerience, and the guys here will give you heaps of tips and happily help you along the way.

    What are you learning on?


    Tell about your expierences, we'd love to hear about it.


    Kind Regards





  9. Ha Again. A 747 freighter out of Tokyo blew up with a bomb planted on board. For 3 days it rained Datsun Cogs. Nev

    I detect something shifty about this yarn.



  10. Brings back memories from many moons ago, when I took the misses and two kids to Australia's Wonderland and was not keen too go on the Bush-Beast roller coaster ride.


    The following morning I had a flying lesson out of Bankstown and did my first stalls , plus, was shown what happens if you slow a Warrier, and in stages increase to full-flap, then see what happens if you throw the flap lever to the floor, rather than let it off one stage at at a time.


    Mark if your still teaching prospective airline pilots and wearing that long scarf, Accubra hat and silly RAF type moustache , I still think your parents were un-married.052_no_way.gif.ab8ffebe253e71283aa356aade003836.gif


    But I have since washed my undies.



  11. As you can see from my list, we have a number of planes - too many for one busy couple - but accumulated over years. Someone to take an interest would have saved several from being relegated to the end of the list for maintenance (behind cars, plant, houses etc).My C152 hasn't done many hours in 12 months and none this year (long story). Fully insured for hire & training. Will refurbish & re-paint soon.


    The RANs is at a distant airstrip where we could get a hangar (7hrs drive away) but gets a good run when we visit, which is about 3-4 times a year, although most of our contact time with this aircraft, his latest build, is spent fine tuning - hunting down vibrations, moving oil cooler, replacing tubing etc.


    The Lightwing was bought for the sons to learn (they lost interest) and is on loan to a bloke who hardly flies it. Hangared 7 hrs away


    The Karasport is in our backyard in a trailer waiting for a thorough inspection of cables.


    The Scout needs recovering before being re-registered - He got too heavy, but I could fly it. Stored 8 hours drive away.


    The Turbulent is in pieces because all the glue joints need re-doing before re-registering. Also 8 hours away.


    Bought a partly completed Sonerai kit for the son (can't fly) who wanted it and who hasn't touched it, who's looking to sell.


    The Whisky plans have not progressed much and I doubt he will end up building that - he's working on his own design, on CAD.


    Shed full of bits accumulated over time, packed in so solid I didn't realise there was a car under there. Lots of stuff from the early days of ultralights. The family never throw anything out.


    We run our engines regularly, but just don't get the time to go flying much. Part of the problem is not being able to get a hangar in the town we live in. The Council wanted double what the hangar and plane was worth in infrastructure upgrades to their airport (taxiways, apron, drainage, services) before they would allow us to build a hangar which would revert to their ownership in 20 years.


    When we retire, (when??) the plan is to move closer (or get our own strip) and fly them more. And yes, it does cost us a lot to keep them on the register, insured, maintained etc - dead money. And inactivity does bring its problems. We have both worked all our lives and bikes & planes were his passion.


    A Tomo type offer / expression of interest, would have been the catalyst we needed to keep our steeds in the air.





    I like so many on here, would love to have a mother like you Sue.


    The adoption list starts here.


    No. 1------Planey


    No. 2------(Maybe Tomo)



  12. I think I need a 80 kg sand bag for when I am solo, or visit Mc Donalds a lot more.

    Not a problem 348.


    My over-weight mother-in-law will be arriving at your place tomorrow at 0600hrs, and it'll be like an early winters morning flight for you, and I only charge 20 bucks an hour for her services.


    If the truth be known, i'd even send her for free, just to get get out of the house. 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif



  13. A gynecologist had become fed up with malpractice insurance and health department paperwork, and was burned out. Hoping to try another career where skillful hands would be beneficial, he decided to become a mechanic.He went to the local technical college, signed up for evening classes, attended diligently, and learned all he could.


    When the time of the practical exam approached, the gynecologist prepared carefully for weeks, and completed the exam with tremendous skill.


    When the results came back, he was surprised to find that he had obtained a score of 150%. Fearing an error, he called the Instructor, saying, "I don't want to appear ungrateful for such an outstanding result, but I wonder if there is an error in the grade?"


    "The instructor said, "During the exam, you took the engine apart perfectly, which was worth 50% of the total mark. You put the engine back together again perfectly, which is also worth 50% of the mark." After a pause, the instructor added, "I gave you an extra 50% because you did it all through the muffler, which I've never seen done in my entire career"..

    :laugh:Yea, but I still have to adjust the tappits!



  14. Welcome wlday18.


    Good to see you sticking with it over the years, and it looks like its taking shape nicely.


    Look forward to seeing pictures of the finished job and the smile on your face.


    Kind Regards





  15. yep caught it on 7 news in Sydney, great to see Hans and of course Dick Smith, and the way he described the trip, it's been our thoughts all along, the only disappointment was the way Chris Bath said that he flew a wheel chair or likened his trike to a motor mower with a wing, but i was really happy to see that someone at least recognised what a great trip and what a remarkable man, i will endeavour to let all from Newcastle know is he's up for a meal depends on the notice we get, he does seem to do things spontaneously and when the weather and permits are ok....Eric

    If this is what was said?, Chris Bath has confirmed the old saying that "It is better to let people think you are a complete idiot, than to open your mouth like that, and confirm it to the world.


    Hang your head in shame Chris Bath (Alias Richard Cranium):csm:


    P.S. Just googled Chris Bath. I knew the name but did'nt realise she was a woman. Pity she does'nt have much of a brain unlike our Flightygirl, FlyingVista Sue, or, Darky.



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