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Posts posted by planedriver

  1. hehehe ,,,very cheeky

    Ya just gotta be aware of some of them guys, co's the maintenance is sometimes a bit dubious.


    The one I fly regularly has problems too.


    The landing light keeps flashing, and it has this constant and very annoying pitch and roll problem.


    I've complained to the manager at Kmart three times and nothings been done, maybe CASA needs to be informed? 080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif


    It's not worth risking your life for 2bucks.



  2. With videos from the wing-tips, photo's from the box office, etc; you can guarantee they'll be very special, as they always are.


    Good luck with your planning guys. Can't wait to see the results. ( Lucky Buggers)



  3. "Can we come too" squealed Kath and Kim"We both like a drop of Kardanay and are a bit partial to hairy guys who can get their tongue around a number or two........


    "Can we come too" squealed Kath and Kim"We both like a drop of Kardanay and are a bit partial to hairy guys who can get their tongue around a number or two........[/QUOTE]


    Completey unaware that they're actually only getting the WE2 Cleanskins worth $1.99 on special at Dan-the-Irishmans, except that the motel owner has stuck another one of his Chateau-Le-Ratsac labels on it, which to be honest, looks very impressive to those not in the know.


    Friarpuk who wishes to remain in the back ground these days unfortunately, is fully aware of these Chinese-cloned labels.


    As a result, he has released a "Jabby 230 Outfield Landing Special Reserve" wine, knowing fullwell that certain customers could not resist the opportunity to purchase the remaining dregs of his barrels with such a label, to impress his guests refreshing their thirst in his outrageously-priced FlightyFullfilment bar...............


    Turbo reckons (whatever the label) it tastes no better than Redex for freeing up gummed up piston rings, and Locksy says he's put better tasting stuff to lubricate seized safe-lock barrels, but added with a wink, "who the hell are we to judge, even the upper echelon on here, could be on the :musicboohoo:,but we all have to make a quid somehow.


    "Times are tough" retorted Bryon who'd just ordered a set of plans to build a.............? powered by one of Tomo's done-up Briggs and Strattons.


    Factfinder added that he hoped that he'd checked it with a 0.0000001 feeler-gauge to check that the ring clearance is right, but a gyro-pilot pilot at Jaspers, said if it keeps running till the start of the strip it's sure to be OK, amid shudders from observers in the club house.


    A prayer book in hand can work wonders, better than a Haynes workshop manual, he cried as he disapeared over the distant hills..............................

  4. QUOTE So he'll have no trouble bashing the Board into shape at Natfly ..... and he is such a charmer (not that there is anything wrong with that) that he will be able to unlock the keys to the hearts of the non-communicators, while he cuts off their .................QUOTE


    44444's akin to being bullied into submission.



  5. ........back garden.

    Planey had really pulled off a major work of philosophy, squeaking in a few lewd references which sneaked past the Moderators, who were more tuned to four letter words, and uncomfortable with five.


    Lockylonghorn, with one boot on and one eye on the fire alarm caught the idea and gave this profound contribution:


    "Marriage is like a pack of cards


    "In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond


    "By the end, you’ll wish you had a club and a spade"

    and if you give her too many diamonds you'll soon get Jack of it.


    4i'vehadenough of these 4umites making accusations about my supposedly lewd 4letter words retorted Planey. 4tuneately the the moderators know better than to 4judge a true gentleman that way, and this nonsence must stop 4thwith:no no no:054_no_no_no.gif.21131fff407300cde73380a8cb057e61.gif:no no no:.........................



  6. more than you bargained for.


    But who the hell is this bloody Mavis you're all on about these days cried Nanna? when so many on here have enjoyed the loose morals of yours truly, while we have searched for the non-existant pen in my garden.


    There's been a Lustylocko and a RustyRatsac who always carries a can of WD40 (not that there is any thing wrong with that).) If you really need it, you really need it, we respect that.


    End of story,we'll say no more co's he has four stripes and tends to pull rank, as well.


    Just because the LustyLoko suggested we put a tick in Brownies Box (political term following this weekends MardiGras) the majority here would abstain, bearing in mind the consequenses, passionate in the view that it takes all types.


    CharleCheetah who has obstained from regular appearances as Cheeta's tend to do, rises occasionally with a smile on his face, from the long grass from which many of our feline followers with camera phones get snap-happy in the hopes of making an extra few bucks like Victorian cheerleaders.


    Locksylonghorn and RustyRatoosla felt quite happy with their manly images, till Nanna claims they tend to make mountains out of mole-hills.


    Bryon kept quiet and said nothing in case.............



  7. Welcome Jeff.


    Good luck with your decisions.


    Whilst so many instructors know their stuff, some communicate a whole lot better than others, i'd say go with one that you feel comfortable with, and communicates well.


    Compared to many on here (myself included) you have youth on your side, and should be able to achieve your goals with few worries.


    Kind Regards





  8. G'day Jabberwok.


    Welcome to the forums where i'm sure you'll have lots of fun here like the rest of us. A sence of humor is also a big advantage here as there are a few jesters.


    Just one friendly tip. Instead of "Good Day", here in Oz we tend to abbrevi 8 things things a little, so if you simply say G'day, that gives you even more time to enjoy yourself in the Jabby. How goods that? What's more we don't even charge for the advise, and long term it could save you a bundle.


    Look forward to hearing more from you mate, maybe you you might even be able to post a few pictures when you get a chance, we'd love to see them.


    Kind Regards





  9. :welcome:danyo.


    If you have aviation in the bloodstream, that is AVI+ive or anything close, you'll love it here.


    There's so many great guys on here to give you the "good oil" if you need it.


    Keep us posted with your next installement. Like the rest of us, it sounds like you're hooked.


    Kind regards





  10. Congratulations Rach from Lorraine and myself.:thumb_up:


    We came back from a week at Sussex Inlet yesterday, and called into Jaspers in case you were there.


    Had a little chat with Motz, nice guy, who told me about your x-country.


    Then called into The Aviator Lounge for a coffee.


    Hope to catch up again before toooooooooo long, and once again congratulations.:clap2:


    I'll remove the Hills Hoist if you want to drop in and practice short landings at my place, but just don't run over my tomatoes.054_no_no_no.gif.950345b863e0f6a5a1b13784a465a8c4.gif


    Take care







  11. Thanks Planedriver for the warning I did take it seriously and have contacted every K.mart and cheap store in Adelaideonly to be told that their entire stocks of cheap wallets have been shipped to Padstow in NSW.



    Many a true jest, spoken in word.



  12. Women often receive warnings about protecting themselves at shopping centres and in dark car parks etc. This is the first warning I have seen for men.


    I wanted to pass it on in case you haven't heard about it.


    A 'heads up' for those men who may be regular customers at Bunnings, Mitre 10, or even K-Mart. This one caught me totally by surprise.


    Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic.


    Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends.


    Here's how the scam works:


    Two nice-looking, university-aged girls will come over to your car or ute as you are packing your purchases into your vehicle. They both start wiping


    your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. (It's impossible not to look).. When you thank


    them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' but instead ask for a ride to McDonald's


    You agree and they climb into the vehicle. On the way, they start undressing Then one of them starts crawling all over you, while the other one


    steals your wallet.


    I had my wallet stolen March 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th, & 29th. Also April 1st & 4th, twice on the 8th, 16th, 23rd, 26th &


    27th, and very likely again this upcoming weekend.


    So tell your friends to be careful. What a horrible way to take advantage of us older men. Warn your friends to be vigilant.


    K-Mart has wallets on sale for $2.99 each. I found even cheaper ones for 99c at the two dollar store and bought them out in three of their stores..


    Also, you never get to eat at McDonald's.. I've already lost 11 pounds just running back and forth from Bunnings, to Mitre 10, to K-Mart etc.


    So please, warn all the older men that you know and warn them to be on the lookout for this scam. (The best times are just before lunch and around 4:30 in the afternoon.)


    Please take this seriously.



  13. ..night picking pine tree needles from his derriere. 038_sweat.gif.0c111d92b3c69d7166f94b00a5b6bc0d.gif

    "Ohhh!! can I help with that?" 023_drool.gif.d9ebe774dab24ff4699145182fd73e45.gif gushed Short hop Sally giggle.gif.ad1278a6733e2c87a6f26c6d477d449a.gif as she rummaged through her flight bag for....


    her tweeers


    Just one jab from one of those things can, (depending on the age of the donor) land you in all sorts of trouble.068_angry.gif.e6e3bad802304927655e1c48b61088cd.gif 054_no_no_no.gif.21131fff407300cde73380a8cb057e61.gif:no no no:. Trust me! I'm the NES's ............despite that Bryon being so fast with his responses

  14. My elderly neighbour was telling me that he'd just bought a new hearing aid from an ebay site in China.


    He said "It only cost me just over four thousand dollars landed here in Oz, which is an absolute bargain for what it is.


    It's real state of the art. It's perfect."


    'Really,' I replied, 'What kind is it?'


    'Twelve thirty. on the dot' came the reply.



  15. "Fair suck of the sauce bottle, Planey" said Ahlocks (using part of a quote from that well known Occa, Ruddy) "Everyone knows that offcuts of garden hose and Orchy bottles are essential items in the tool kits of every locksniff and RotaryAxe owner. We use them afterwards ............

    if we get cut short after too many pre-flight coffees. However, it is important to remember to keep your thumb pressed on the end of the piece of hose.



  16. Being a local, I can't help but wonder how long it will be before I read that a similar event is caused by that ibis colony thats allowed to exist on Henry Lawson Drive,


    I spend a lot of time around Bankstown Airport, and almost daily see these birds come so close to aircraft that have either just taken off, or, are on finals, it's not funny.


    I'd personally like to shoot the bloody lot of them, or the d--ckheads that allow them to reside so close to an important airport.



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