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Everything posted by RickH

  1. A load of twaddle
  2. If the only vent which allows egress of the air through the oil cooler is 15 x 100 mm you may well have to increase the size of that vent. Compare it to the size of the air inlet to the cooler. Think of it this way if the air can't get out then pressure build up (back pressure) inside the cowl is going to stop the air actually getting in.
  3. You obviously don't know much about riding bikes and have never tried it. the statement about pulling on the opposite bar is true think about Gyroscopic procession, a force in one direction will cause a gyro to tilt in the plane of 90 degrees later this is why pilots of tail draggers learn to tap dance on the rudder pedals when raising the tail on take off. ie Both props and bike wheels are effectively gyro's.
  4. PM and Scott I think have pretty much summed it up, I like the advise on flying in the middle. I also have often been asked similar questions. Although I always try to interpret them as coming from the point of view of some one trying to learn. After all we all do it see an unfamiliar machine that we like and usually the first question I ask is what will she cruise on? How much strip do you need etc, I don't expect precise answers but some times it's just interesting to know. And yeah there are many times when in hind sight I know that I have asked some awfully dumb ones. Embarrassing that!
  5. I need to clarify above statement about not being able to stick two cylinders exactly opposite each other . You can if you use fork and blade arrangement as in some V twins. but none of the engines I mentioned above use this arrangement.
  6. So why is it that the four cyl Jab, Continental and Lycoming engines have all four pistons "reversing rotational inertia" at the same time. look them up There are some very good photos of their crankshafts online. oh and guess what I just googled images of the Rotax 912 crank and it looks awfully like they do the same. Funny that. Should really check your facts before making "expert comments" As for cylinder offset causing a rocking couple that is just a load of bollocks.the only reason for Cylinder offset is because you can't stick two pistons exactly opposite each other and all engines that are four or two or six cyl horizontally opposed have it.
  7. https://gallery.mailchimp.com/dfd69bf8f8fec1b9da00eedbd/files/Critical_Component_Failures.pdf I copied this link from another thread on this forum. If you are in any doubt about the benefits of oil analysis I strongly suggest you read this article.
  8. With regard to the sort of things to look for with Jab engines, having a look at the Jab engine manual there are bushes in the rocker arms whic at a guess would be some kind of bronze( copper tin etc.) Valve guides are likely to be similar. The main bearings are slipper bearings so most probably white metal (antimony ,tin ,lead zinc). then of course valve lifters and cam shaft these as I'm sure you are aware are the bits likely to wear. Jabaru should be able to tell you the chemical compositions of these components and this should give you a pretty good guide as to what to look for in your oil analysis.
  9. This could not be further from the truth SOAP is not used to extend oil change intervals it is used monitor engine condition and provide early warning as to possible component failure. Never in my experience in maintaining aircraft have I seen or heard of any engine manufacturer recommending or advocating extension of oil change periods. If you can name one I would be very interested to have you provide a reference.
  10. there is something similar produced for most aircraft it'scalled a Pilots Operating Handbook or POH
  11. These women have flown it all.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez81N-YFGtM For all the ladies of aviation check this out. When I stumbled upon this on the Internet I was blown away. Goood on you girls.
  13. Cheers Riley comments noted. Is it not the purpose of debate to establish as best we can the facts of the discussion? As far as "my challenges" are concerned I believe I have perhaps made two A. get your facts right B. Are you actually qualified to speak. I do not see this as overstepping any bounds. After all it maybe okay to BS your mates in the pub and lets face it we all probably do at times but this is a public forum which has the ability to and in fact does have a great influence on our sport and the regulations governing it.(Types of aircraft allowed to be flown etc.) And as such I feel that it absolutely important that all commentators adhere to both A & B above. P.S.Given that I've not had the chance to do any inspections on the PAL-V I do have to admit that I am not qualified to attest to the airworthiness of the machine. PPS I shall not comment further on the debate and will allow whoever to have the last say.
  14. No aggression at all Nev I just like to know that the person I am discussing something with actually knows what they are talking about. When I start stating facts and figures I try to be to be very accurate and I like to make sure that the facts DO get in the way of my opinions, after all on the internet you can pretend to be anyone you want to be. I am at any time willing to bow to some one with greater knowledge than myself, but I do not suffer fools and if some one can show me that I am genuienly wrong I am more than happy to admit it. But being right for the sake of my ego I will not tolerate with myself and I will not tolerate from others and there are a lot of people who get on forums in general and spruke stuff that they are unqualified to discuss and that is why I am happy to post copies of my quals. Are you
  15. I would love to see those stats. I'll do some research for the seventies when I get the chance and get back to you.
  16. Love the concept just can't get over my paranoia about parachutes. You know jumping out of perfectly serviceable aircraft on all that.
  17. The Designer has got it into market. So so I guess that realistically it has happened and I guess your reasons are wrong. I go back to my first couple of posts and reiterate quote " that's what pre-flights are all about". I did not say "Post Woolworths" in the end the aircraft is only as safe as the the people maintaining and flying them. I have spent many hours maintaining Helicopters and I seriously doubt the 30%figure. In 74 the army had 37 Bell 206 operateing and I forget the number of Souixs the Airforce had a s--t load more choppers all with both military and civilian rego.I do not recall a single incident in that year although in 76 I think we did have two due to pilot error, and just in case you doubt my credentials attached is one of the very first trade certs I ever attained. And the photo in case you are not familiar with them is a gyrocopter there is a difference. Your Ball. IMG_0001.pdf IMG_0001.pdf IMG_0001.pdf
  18. Nev You seem offended that I have acknowledged your rightousness.
  19. How silly of me I guess you are right Nev
  20. That's what preflight checks and regular servicinng are about. Are helicopters any less complicated. They all incorporate jesus nuts etc.
  21. This is about myfavourite flying machine dream and I read somewhere it will cruise at 120 K on the road.
  22. I read somewhere that as stated above the Logo is indeed the Bavarian flag but the spinning prop myth happened and that as BMW did indeed build acft engines it was a myth they help to propagate.
  23. You obviously didn't watch the video at the top of this page or perhaps you think that the video was doctored in some way. And with an I-Pad you can see exactly what the onboard video sees.
  24. As they say there is a fine line between genius and insanity and history shows us that there's a lot of very clever nutters out there. Some of them clever enough to try not to get caught. The reason a nutter might very well chose a drone is the same reason people leave bombs in back packs in the street at marathon runs.
  25. I seem to recall much lobbying by both the members of RAA and members of this forum for weight increase long before CASA put forward any such proposition
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