A truck drivers license does allow you to drive an ordinary car. A licence for a manual car allows you to drive an automatic but not vice versa. And I fail to see why a PPL should not allow operation of RAA Acft the Low Inertia argument is a firfy I Have heard this argument many times and have yet to see some one actually quote a specific case. This is about empire building not furthering the sport. Any GA pilot would know to read the Flight manual of the acft in Question in order to familiarise themselves with the Handling characteristics of the machine. I also fail to see the relevance of the Type endorsement argument. After all what does this entail, Single engine or twin (not relevant to RAA), Nose or tail wheel etc.
Like I say empire builders. I don't often read this forum. The reason being, every time I do It's the same old story.
Some one starts a topic and you only have to look at who is posting a comment to know which way they are going to vote and it's the same Handlfull of people argueing for or against. Those who want to keep it simple and avoid further regulation and those who want to push regulations down our throats whilst trying to build their little corner of the empire. And guess what it never changes because to actually do something constructive would mean there is less to bitch and moan about. No doubt this post will give you plenty to jump on me for like the mis-spelt fourth word, I'm going to leave it that way just so I don't disappoint the inglish teachers out their. Although Kasper has hit the nail on the Head.