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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Same sunset but not from Narromine, these are from the trip home on Friday evening, was a great day...not long enough to catch up with everyone though!
  2. Hey Emma, looks like Kaz has some company now on the forums in the "non-flying but very supportive partner" club , her username is "#1 Passenger". Was great to meet you, Jessica and Luke on the weekend. Next time we catch up I'll take you up in the Sportstar...apparently you thought it looked pretty good...no secrets on the forum :big_grin: Cheers, Matt
  3. Added a couple more air to air pics for your collection, will email you some of the originals direct as these ones are cropped and compressed to be able to upload here. Still can't believe how green it is along the coast and around The Oaks, such a contrast to how dry it still is on the other side of the range.
  4. Couldn't have asked for a better day to go flying today! We headed off from Canberra to meet up with Darren and Jerry (from The Oaks) at Wollongong for lunch. Had a great lunch at the Aviator Bar despite a bit of a wait, there were plenty of people out today. Then headed off to The Oaks to catch up with the folks there, we followed Darren from Wollongong to The Oaks via 'the scenic route'...check out the GPS track pic :). Was great to catch up with the guys from The Oaks again, very friendly and welcoming bunch...don't get that sort of atmosphere operating from a domestic airport! Look forward to seeing some of you at Narromine. Have attached a few pics from today...including our hosts 'The Masters'. Cheers, Matt.
  5. hi Arthur, at this stage we're getting 3 quotes for QBE - one from a group at Cootamundra, 'someone' from Bankstown - maybe you guys? and Rex at Merimbula Aircraft Maintenance. It's more than likely we'll get Rex to do it as he has been our LAME since we got the aircraft and has a good relationship with the factory...also has an identical Sportstar based at Merimbula for reference (including same paint scheme). hey Darren - Sunday morning might be a goer for The Oaks, we're heading down to Merimbula tomorrow so Rex can put his quote together, needed a destination for a flight with my brother on Sunday...might just be time to pay you guys a visit again. Cheers, Matt.
  6. Yeah, one of those 12 damaged aircraft would be ours, so the Sportstar isn't looking quite as special as it used to. Nothing serious and it's still flyable, just bloody disappointing and frustrating. Looks like it will require a reskin of the wings and horizontal stabilzer and will be out of action for about a month. Will be flying down to the Shepparton fly-in and Avalon and when we get back it'll be into the shop for repairs. Worse thing - only recently got a new canopy cover and decided not to get the full wing / tailplane cover...20/20 hindsight!
  7. Hey everyone, just wanted to give a quick plug to a company called Punkin Head Air Sports. We've recently had a new canopy cover made up for the Sportstar as the original factory item had finally succumb to the harsh Australian conditions...and fallen apart! I got in touch with Di at Punkin Head who was in Lilydale at the time but has recently moved to Yarrawonga, she had not made a Sportstar cover before and was good enough to go down to Vic Aero Club at Moorabin and measure up one of their new Sportstars. We received the new cover yesterday and couldn't be happier with it. I've attached pics of the state of the original cover and the new cover which Di made. For any Sportstar owners out there (or potential owners), if you're going to keep your aircraft outside, don't bother with the factory covers and get something which is suited to the extremes of temperature and UV in Australia. Cheers, Matt.
  8. Not a bump in the sky!!?!?!?...what a difference about 100nm makes! We went across to Temora today for their last flying day of the year (surprised tosee a Hornet there too which did a display before leaving this arvo)weather going across this morning was eery, there was an inversion layer at about 6500', below it was very hazy (smoke from Victorian fires) above it was beautiful...looked like flying over a muddy puddle. Pretty smooth above it on the trip over. The trip home was a different story! Smoke haze was a lot thicker up to about 7000' and pretty bumpy climbing through it, the mud puddle had gotten a bit thicker! By the time we got within 30nm of Canberra, strong easterly winds were meeting the south westerly from the other side of the range and had the most turbulent 20 mins I think I've ever flown in...and some other folks by the sound of it...there wasa twin which departed Temora a bit after us and by about half way to Canberra requested priority clearance due to some very unwell people on board...including the pilot ! By the time we touched down the wind was an easterly gusting 25-30 knots...a Herc landed just after us with a 25 knot crosswind...reckon he was a bit busy on the controls. Here's hoping for some smoother air next time we get up. Cheers, Matt. PS: We will get back to The Oaks one day...
  9. Currently a regional managerwith Computer Science Corporation (CSC). Previously doing similar IT rolesin Defence and was in the Air Force before that. Cheers, Matt.
  10. Thanks Chris, nothing better than whipping across to the coast and down to Merimbula for the day and makes for some great photo opportunities. We see whales pretty regularly on the tripdown there, these are the best photos we've been able to get...Karen (my wife and navigator) is actually the photographer though, so I won't claim credit for her shots... Cheers, Matt.
  11. One last one, a shot 'out the back' SportStar3978
  12. This is what appears to be someone's private strip just south of Narooma...nice spot!
  13. "Wings over Whales"
  14. While this may look a little odd for an ultralight, it was CAVOK out the left side. We were flying home from Merimbula to Canberra viaMoyrua and the onshore winds down low with higher offshore winds were trapping this cloud against the range under us. Very spectacular.
  15. Went for lunch at Merimbula today (as you do) and had a bit of a whale watching adventure on the way - see pics below. SportStar3978
  16. Matt

    Check list

    Hi guys, link is fixed now...bit of a typo in the code, thanks for picking it up. Cheers, Matt.
  17. Matt

    Check list

    Hi Leo, Check out our website, I'll post our checklist there....can't seem to attach files to posts, only pictures (unless I'm missing something Ian???). Web address is http://users.bigpond.net.au/sportstar It's great to see an organisation like RVAC putting Sportstars online. Cheers, Matt SportStar3978
  18. One from Richmond
  19. Another spin on the 'pig' name is the F111's role....hunt at night with it's nose to the ground -reference to the Terrain Following Radar (TFR).
  20. Could also try a Sportstar - I'm 6" 4' and have plenty of leg and head room in ours.I started in Gazelles and progressed on to Jabirus...never wanted to spend more than an hour in either due to being cramped, can handle up to3 hours in the Sportstar no probs...bladder gives in after that. Cheers, Matt.
  21. Yep, we're parked on the apron at Canberra - hangar space is impossible to get. We keep the Sportstar on the tarmac and it costs about $1700/year which includes all fees and charges - I think it's actually pretty reasonable....and actually cheaper than an annual car parking permit at the airport!We live in Barton so it's only about a 5 minute drive out to the airport and as you said - very handy to have it that close. We did consider moving it up to Goulburn to get into a hangar but the hour-and-a-bit drive put us off a bit. We're also somewhat inactive members on the Snowy River Aviators and should really get our act together and get a bit more involved. Cheers, Matt.
  22. Hi Ross, Nearest ultralight training to us in Canberra is at either Goulburn or Polo Flat. There are a few of us who operate ultralights out of Canberra airport, no training though due to controlled airspace. Details from the RAAus website: Goulburn Flight Training: 02 4821 7798 [email protected] Snowy Aviation Acadamy: 02 6452 6636 [email protected] Cheers, Matt.
  23. Won't be up to The Oaks or anywhere else for at least the next 4 weeks thanks to a busted right hand - don't ask, it's got to do with playing a girl's sport. Anyone want to come down to Canberra and fly me around in the Sportstar while I'm U/S?
  24. Kazz and I will be there - both days. Bit disappointed that private aircraft can't fly in, so we'll be driving and training it. Cheers, Matt
  25. Speaking of needing a polish, after 12 months of sitting on the tarmac at Canberra the Sportstar is in needof a polish. Not having an under cover area, the equipment or confidence to do this myself, does anyone know of someone within a reasonable distance of Canberra (hour or so flight time) that would be able to help out? Thanks in advance. Matt.
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