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Everything posted by gregrobertson

  1. There is hanger space at Watts Bridge. A bit of a hike from the Gold Coast but a great aviation community. What is your budget for an aircraft? Greg.
  2. Hi Mike. Use at least 8mm ID fuel hoses from the tanks to the header tank. I tried 6mm but they get an airlock as there is no vent on the header tank. 8mm seems to work well maybe 9.5 mm would be even better. Greg
  3. It would be much better if you were not to get so fatigued in the first place. A couple of years ago I bought a new Lightspeed headset and was amazed that the fatigue level I felt after a long flight was almost non existent. Previously a 4-5 hour flight left me pretty wrung out. The new ANR headset makes soooo much difference. In fact I regard it as the best aviation money I have ever spent. I only wish I had done it years ago, my hearing would probably be much better as a result. I don't know what type of headset you are using at present but if it is not ANR it is definitely worth a try. Noise and vibration are prime causes of fatigue. Greg.
  4. I did the 912 course with Wal at Burt Floods in Melbourne nearly two years ago. It was well worth it, a great course. I haven't spoken to Wal for a while so don't know if he is still running the course. It is a course I would recommend to anyone who has a 912 fitted to their aircraft, even if you don't intend doing any heavy maintenance yourself. Greg.
  5. The radio and transponder are much better placed at the top of the panel. Ross also has a good point regarding the tach. The most important thing is that the instruments are where you want them . That is what is so good about building your own aircraft. Making good progress Mike. Greg.
  6. Looks good to me. Greg.
  7. Hi Ross. I looked for you at Narromine when we were there together but couldn't track you down, you were long gone when I got up. The construction is as you suspect, simple strong and light. Drop in on Mike when you get the chance I know he would like another experienced set of eyes to look over his work which is of high standard but you can never have too many checks. Greg.
  8. Thanks for the pics Gary. I will take some before and after pics of the Nynja fuel tanks and post them here when the wing tanks are fitted. Greg.
  9. Hi Andy. The wing tanks will not make any difference to our MTOW. or the useable weight. It will make room available for luggage behind the seats which will only be of much use with a lightish passenger. Hopefully the aircraft will be a bit quicker when it is fully loaded as it will not be as tail heavy. I am not an engineer, but the mods are being done in collaboration with Phil Prevot the designer. Evidently it is a good thing to get the weight out of the fuselage and into the wings. In Europe they are happy with the standard 60 litres capacity. As we know 60 litres is simply not enough for Australia. They (the Europeans) simply do not understand how big this country is. I sent Phil a map of Australia superimposed over a map of Europe, he thinks it is a practical joke. Revlis240 The original tanks in the Skyranger were filled from inside the cabin, and to be honest it was a PIA. and not enough capacity for Australia. We had a 90 litre aluminium tank made to replace the plastic standard tanks. This is filled from an external filler point, much easier. The wing tanks are simply a further evolution for the aircraft. Both Phil Prevot and I are always looking at ways to improve the product. Hopefully it will be an improvement. At the moment they are very much prototype. The Aluminium tank weighs in at around 7kg although the earlier tanks (made out of 2.5mm plate) weigh a massive 14 kg. The wing tanks should come in at between 9-10 kg (two tanks) so some will win and some will loose. I don't seem to have a pic of the tank at present which is a little strange, I'll see what I can find. Greg.
  10. These and other questions answered in another thread comparing the Cheetah bush cat and the Skyranger/Nynja.
  11. Hi Geoff. The Nynja has an empty weight of around 280-290 kg and a MTOW of 540 kg giving us 250-260 KG useful load. Two 100 kg people and 71 lts of fuel. That would still be inside the C of G envelope. The new wing tanks would bring the C of G further forward with that load. All the Australian Nynjas run the 100 hp Rotax. There is little difference between the price of the 80 Hp and the 100Hp engines so it is an easy decision to make. Most of the Nynjas used in flying schools in Europe opt for the 80 hp engine as it is a little cheaper to run and a better option for training. A Nynja with 100Hp will cruise at around 95 knots, the 80 Hp engine will give you about 90 kts. The Swift is a similar weight but is about 5 kts slower, but cheaper. Hope this helps. Give me a call on 0418 585 731 if you like. Greg.
  12. Average build time for a Skyranger or Nynja is about 350 hours. It depends a bit on how much time you can put in at any one time. If you can only spend half an hour at a time it will take a bit longer as you always have to go back to pick up where you left off before. I wouldn't recommend that you left any aircraft outside for years. All of them will suffer in various ways. Looked after the X-lam should last 20 years but that would be hangered. A Nynja with 80 hp will cruise at close to 90 knots, a Skyranger swift at about 80 knots. Greg.
  13. Hi Abe. I can't find a lot of information on the Bush Cat but it doesn't look that much different from the Cheetah. Different gear legs and cowls but the wing and fuse look much the same. I don't know about the 81lb baggage allowance but with the Skyranger and Nynja when the fuel transferred to wing tanks it relieves 80kg from the baggage area right behind the seats. Conceivably we could use a lot of that weight for baggage and could certainly accommodate 81 lbs. We would still be bound by our 540 kg MTOW and C of G envelope but 81 lbs (37 kg) would fit in the C of G envelope. The wing tanks (remember they are still very much prototype at present) would not be compatible with the wing fold kit. The Skyranger is available with engine mounts for the VW engine. I believe there is some alteration to the engine cowls required as the VW engine is much wider than the Rotax 912 series. It is also quite a bit heavier. The BMW motorcycle engine is another interesting conversion, I have one client fitting the BMW engine into a Skyranger at present. I believe it fits onto the Rotax 912 engine mount and is good for at least 100 hp. He is in the very early stages of the conversion so I don't have any details at present. I hope this information is helpful. Greg.
  14. Not sure I can help you a lot Abe as I am not familiar with the Bushcat. The Cheetah is just a knock off copy of the Skyranger and it wouldn't surprise me if they have also copied the Nynja. At present the Nynja has a fuel capacity of 90 litres in an aluminium tank behind the seats. We are working on wing tanks at present which should be a big advantage as it will get the weight out of the fuselage. a full tank in the Nynja is just on 80 kg which with a bit of luggage (10-15kg) and a couple of 90kg people puts us just inside the aft CofG limit. The wing tanks will be right on the CofG and will fix that problem. I am hopeful of getting 55 litres each side. Watch this space, hope to have them flying in a couple of weeks. Greg.
  15. I have stayed at the Bluey motel on a couple of occasions 02 68290380. If you give Margie a call she will pick you up from the airport and drop you out there when you leave. It is an interesting place to visit. Be sure to visit John Murray's art gallery. Greg.
  16. Inverell is one of those strips where you do not want a problem on take off . There is no where to go it is all bush and not inviting at all.
  17. Congratulations Steve!!!!! It looks good with that prop and spinner. Lets hope for 4 weeks it would be nice to see it at Ausfly. Greg.
  18. Just love a nice beaver!!
  19. I love some of their designs and they are built like a brick outhouse. Unfortunately most of them have quite small useful load ability. I was once seriously interested in an S19 but the useful load is only 225 KG. Greg.
  20. I'll whistle up a couple for you Ian. Where would you like me to send them? Are you still in Brisbane? You haven't been in touch to go for a fly. Greg.
  21. A Skyranger is what you need. The Nynja is not available with engine mount for a 582. I would personally go with a HKS 4 stroke rather than a Rotax 582. Almost the same power but much better fuel economy. If you are interested in either a Nynja or a Skyranger please give me a call. 0418 585 731 Greg. ( Australian Agent for Skyranger and Nynja)
  22. Come over to Watts Bridge some time or give me a call, happy to come over to Coominya. I would be happy to show you a Nynja. It will do just about anything a Brumby will do at half the price. www.bestoffaircraft.com.au Greg.
  23. For those who like US WW2 aircraft. Here are some spectacular pics of some US machines. Greg. > Subject: Great photos Some great photos here that I haven't seen anywhere else: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=ForumsPro&file=viewtopic&t=14428&finish=15&start=15
  24. A friend of mine in the US has sent me this link. If you are into Aviation history you might find this interesting. Greg. Quite the takeoff roll... Subject: Fwd: LINDBERGH'S "EVENT"-START TO FINISH To: Win Perkins, a real estate appraiser who specializes in airport properties, has posted on his Website, a video he created of Charles Lindbergh's famous and risky takeoff in the "Spirit of St. Louis " on May 20,1927. According to Perkins, this is unlike any other presentation of the takeoff footage. Perkins said he "painstakingly assembled news footage from five cameras that filmed Lindbergh's takeoff from Roosevelt Field, Long Island "and " mixed it with enhanced audio from the same newsreel sources." This is one of the most interesting videos I've seen come over the Internet. When you click on the address link below, episode #4 comes up ready to play, but I suggest you first click on "Contact" to the left and select #1, then watch them in order, #1 through #4 (each time closing the video window at the upper right, going back to "Contact" and selecting the next one). I was glued to the screen through all four segments. http://www.airportappraisals.com/
  25. Hi Alan. I hope there will never be a better time to buy a good used aircraft. There are so many on the market at present and many at give away prices. One I would recommend is a Skyranger Swift based at Wedderburn south of Sydney. I t has something like 240 hours on it from new and is a nicely built aircraft. Very good STOL capability and a very rugged little machine. I know the aircraft and owner personally. I believe Doug is asking $38,000 and at that money it is a gift. Greg.
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