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About Arron25

  • Birthday 05/11/1958


  • Aircraft
    Foxcon Terrier200 Soneri IIL
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  1. Makes me wonder 'What are they really looking for' Doing the 'search "no find, no fee" ' they are allowed to search without hindrance or questions... If it went down in the Indian Ocean the JOTA array in WA would have 'seen' it
  2. Just Curiosity of course.... Maybe our southern pilots have never had occasion to battle the northern extreme... would be only 'slightly' different to say Alice Springs in summer🤣
  3. I read the '2'00 as '3'00 which would be closer....🥺
  4. Watching 5th Season of Ice Airport Alaska ....and was wondering if any of the heavy pilots on here have had the "pleasure" of experiencing the airports there?
  5. Shown on Ch7 news .. 182 upside down Does anyone have more details Cairns post has it behind the paywall No Cookies | The Cairns Post WWW.CAIRNSPOST.COM.AU No Cookies | The Cairns Post
  6. When I bought Soni, it came with a 20l 'passenger' that was strapped in on the front seat whenever I was solo.... A jerry can with a quick connect outboard motor fitting in the lid (Extra 50% fuel..) electric pump under the seat to do this transfer to main tank
  7. My AUF Wings circa 2000
  8. The descriptor was used as a reference to How the 'media induced great unwashed' perceive ANYONE who flys a small plane (smaller than a 737??...)
  9. Seems journalistic tendencies extend beyond planes.... How many times have we heard AR-15–style rifle.. regardless of fit, form, or function of the actual device
  10. Now all they need to do is employ Wagners to build it and it should be ready in 18 months ( Wellcamp...)🤣
  11. A few years ago Ford tried to void warranty if you did not use Genuine Ford filters until it was shown the 'genuine' were just repackage Commercially available filters.. Not made specially for Ford as claimed. Manufacturer 'specifications' have MORE to do with Marketing and Brand Share than actual Hard and Fast specification requirements. In this case..(and most others) as long as you are buy from a reputable supplier (ie not Online internet/facebook) the product will match or exceed anything with a pretty label stuck on it by a manufacturer.
  12. I bought a 20ml tube for my (computer repair) shop use 15 years ago..... probably used 1/10th maybe... Never use what the manufacturers supply, preferring to use my own..
  13. T9-PLATINUM Platinum Thermal Grease, Hardware | Wagner Online Electronic Stores WWW.WAGNERONLINE.COM.AU A thermal grease with high thermal conductivity and low thermal resistance which fills air gaps and improves heat dissipation. Best choice for thermal dissipation to improve the cooling of CPU, GPU and...
  14. not a criticism, but request ... Could you quote a snippet of what you are referring to in responses like this , so us mere mortals can follow the thread?🙄Thanks
  15. You realise that this RAA/CT access 'debate'... is JUST an RAA Con Job... From what I understand the training to be required for an RPC holder to get access.. IS the same as training to achieve RPL .. When a pilot gets RPL, he is then a GA pilot, who now has access to Permanent rego /No 'club' membership needed aircraft.. Most reasonable RAA aircraft all have the possibility of 'conversion to GA.. and removed from the RAA register. RPL & GA rego is then ... NO RAA Fees... Ok none of the much vaunted 'insurance' etc.. but seriously.... But at the end of it all .. NO money to RAA... Seems the majority of RAA members pay the money .. but just don't want to be involved.. (ie. the ridiculously low voting numbers) so with the (correct) increased promotion of RPL .. the Cash Cow will have 'flown' (pun intended).
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