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About Arron25

  • Birthday 05/11/1958


  • Aircraft
    Foxcon Terrier200 Soneri IIL
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  1. Because US and British / European oil companies said we can't .. along with serous manufacturing... and I can't even touch on the "every is better from oversees" attitude... We even get a variant in the West... why buy local. when 'everything' is better from the coast. (yeah I know .. bitter and twisted )
  2. I believe these would be a 'proof of concept' product at present
  3. This starts to resolve the transport quandary.... Toyota reveals game-changing hydrogen tank swap technology WWW.DRIVE.COM.AU Toyota has revealed portable hydrogen cartridges capable of powering everything from cooktops to cars.
  4. Bit hard to stop perb getting in...when he is already there😁.. so not really and appropriate example A secure 'locked door' override needs to be available to at least one external, as this seems to be the latest 'hijack' process
  5. Yes... All workers staff or contractor have to have an ASIC Or be accompanied by an ASIC holder.. We are not allowed Airside without
  6. My stepson is a Driver Examiner... has found the 'kids' that turn up in their semi-autonomous new cars.. they 'can't' drive as the car is 'assisting' way too much. and testing is done with it Off Same with the 'Glass' what to do when the lights go out???
  7. G100UL high octane unleaded avgas G100UL.COM Find out more about GAMI's G100UL® high octane unleaded aviation gasoline. Website addresses the Cirrus Notification specially...
  8. Takeoff authority was not a problem.. just had to get the tail up early .. I generally did a 'launch off'.. hold it on the line and wind up the 'rubber band' and let it go.. judicious (well practiced) quick stick forward movement to pop the tail up immediately... wheels off in less than 200m .. My landing in Soni was at near to stall, (the really low wing suffer greatly from float if the speed was even a little too high) raise the nose until stall warning just started (it is mounted just behind my ear) plane is the at the right attitude to achieve the 'carrier' landing.. with the mains just above the tail wheel ..At that point you 'followed it to the deck.. hook the tail, mains on, power off, stick into the guts to Pin the steerable tailwheel... because Yes once down the tail was shielded by the turtledeck...and had no authority at all Did 150 hours after I learnt to fly it...with lots of landings .. never did a go around or ground loop (had a few of doosy's, but stuck all regardless) A mod on later builds was a raised tail (generally around 2") to assist in alleviating the shadowing.
  9. I was led to believe , that AS LONG as you did not leave AIRSIDE, you did not need an ASIC... Ie Land.. refuel.. leave (no toilet break etc.) was perfectly acceptable
  10. Correct size for a Standard built Sonerai IIL.. Come in two variations As mine square or Rounded to give a 'traditional' look.. I can assure you .. I did 150 hours in 6 months in it, and lack of authority in flight was never a problem. (Think I have mentioned before... PLEASE put a reference to what you are commenting on) Lyle
  11. But still no information if it didn't...sorta the whole point of it.. The chase plane ..if it was keeping up.. most certainly would have made a 'noise'🤦‍♂️ Look forward to more info after the second flight
  12. My little tail dragger
  13. But did it go Boom.... like is supposed to NOT do when it broke the barrier?
  14. I normally would not comment on Forum Politics but But No comment on the 'pretend' radial???? At least the chopper motor cane from a plane The radial will never come off the stand I would expect all Moderator to be fair and balanced.... and not let personalities play a part of their judgments
  15. You can switch back and forth between the Starlink roaming plan and fixed .. Roaming when out in the Van.. Back to Fixed when at Home... When roaming.. WiFi calling has phone coverage nearly everywhere..
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