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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. When I wrote that (a long time ago) it was in regard to another post someone had done. We all know criminals have illegal guns but do you really think we are under threat from drones carrying them any time soon?
  2. I have issues with some of the comments in that post including it is on the wrong thread.
  3. I take your point about the video pilot. Apparently there were reliable witnesses and a video at the Ross accident who say it was a turn back.
  4. I thought that pilot did well to pull that off, stall warning on for the turn I reckon he would have had that plane well balanced.
  5. Actually it is more common than what you think.
  6. On the steering with rudder thread it was claimed that it is not common for planes while on final.
  7. Yeah the official report that will be a fat help, news flash we don't get one!!
  8. Frank many things are possible, I doubt if EFTO and turn back is it, maybe there was a snake in the cockpit and he was going for the cross strip? Something went wrong with that post.
  9. Frank many things are possible, I doubt if EFTO and turn back is it, maybe there was a snake in the co
  10. That Lightwing came from Childers and Pat McGrath bought it. I fly a similar Lightwing and they do stall different / faster than the GR models for that reason I climb out at least 65 knots for the first 300 ft on take off. I hope we find out what happened.
  11. Does anybody know which way he was taking off?
  12. I have survived a lot of engine failures but none at that time during take off where you are temped to turn back hopefully I would get that right. I don't feel comfortable on strips where you have nowhere to go. To try to stay safe I do my best to stay balanced and practice glide approaches.
  13. I read it on a thread somewhere on these forums, it was stated the engine out performance / handling was so unsafe they had to be fitted with a ballistic chute in order to be certified.
  14. I was told it happened at Donnington Airpark which has quite a long strip but I guess that was wrong.
  15. How long is the strip at Stark Airfield?
  16. I do not get it either and think it is a bad idea, I imagine if you did it in a passenger jet you would make your passengers airsick.
  17. I doubt if the instructor in question thought he would do that, to me this came about because he had been taught to use rudder only for directional control on final and we were starting on final. If I did not think this was a serious issue I would not bother posting about it considering so many people have been taught that way and think it is a good idea it makes me feel like a voice in the wilderness.
  18. Instructors have to put up with stuff like that and the money is not worth it.
  19. What started all this was an incident that happened to me. I was doing a tailwheel endorsement for someone who over shot the base to final turn, his reaction was to stand on the left rudder pedal this caused a severe yaw. Before I knew it my bum was trying to escape the seat, the ball was hard over to the right, when I tried to sort the situation out he told me he had been trained to fly like that. We had enough airspeed to survive that time but if that happened at a slower speed then..... As for people who say it is too hard fly final balanced I disagree I have always done it and I do not snake all over the place.
  20. It happened to a guy I knew at Caboolture.
  21. That would depend on if you can do it safely. The normal function of the rudder is to balance the aircraft exceptions are side slipping, aerobatics, landing flare and taxing. If you try to use the rudder for directional control while flying you will be slipping, skidding and out of balance.
  22. Err not sure how easy that would be with so many being taught balance is not important on final.
  23. Yes I use coordinated turns, any cross wind just lay off drift as normal then kick it straight with rudder and into wind wing down during the flare. Despite what others do I see no reason to steer with the rudder but some reasons why it is a bad idea.
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