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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Good luck do you know what mode the transmitter is?
  2. I look forward to hearing about that in detail.
  3. No not from hobby king are you saying Walkera quads are no good? Which ones are the best then?
  4. That won't cut it, modern jets will do the same if treated like that.
  5. These type of crashes have been happening for years. You would think it would have stopped by now.
  6. I still think it was possible to avoid the highway. If not give the show a miss. Especially if people are flying like that.
  7. It did not look like a normal loop to me and why would you do that over a busy road? I thought that should have been done over the airfield. This is likely to impact airshows from now on.
  8. Not a good idea in that type of aircraft.
  9. On the news an aviation expert said bad luck caused the accident.
  10. I suspect this guy was real lucky.
  11. I suspect this guy was real lucky.
  12. Okay no problem.
  13. What is so funny dazza?
  14. I used to own a Chinook and can probably help with any problems you may have, I think you will be able to source materials in Aus to make parts without too many problems. One thing to check is the tail wheel, the weight of the a/c should bear down on the bottom bush of the rudder post and not be transferred up the rudder post to the top bearing on the the vertical fin. Richard.
  15. I had many idiots tell me my Chinook had wing warping. In one accident report the investigator said the wing warping system appeared to be operational at impact. So much for that x-spurt report!!
  16. One common problem is the more flying you do the better you think you are.
  17. I have heard of spotting but that is not really mustering the way some do it.
  18. Mustering sheep with a aircraft sounds weird to me.
  19. Are airline pilots well paid?
  20. I have to wonder how much a person would get paid to jump through so many hoops.
  21. And it now occurs to me it is a pity that some are allowed to drive on the road.
  22. Perhaps you are right and I just can't see it. I think anyone silly enough to do that should not be flying full stop. There are some of us that leant to fly before license and rego days and survived for more 20 years with out HF. With out doing stuff like that.
  23. Well maybe, but my thoughts were anybody who flies an aircraft should already know not to do this, if it takes this incident to show someone it is a bad idea then it it is a sorry state of affairs.
  24. I can not see how there is any excuse for this, taking off towards the crowd is unacceptable. Anybody who can learn this was a bad idea from this incident should not be flying.
  25. Despite stiff competition this tool is now the favourite to win the wanker of the year award.
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