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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. On the news last night it was reported they were forced to land in a crowded car park due to an engine failure, yeah right.
  2. Chuck the key away.
  3. Thanks for that Frank I remember Bob like it was yesterday. Sad but time waits for nobody, still 86 is a good innings.
  4. This one was not foot launched and that act was inexcusable and the worsted publicity.
  5. Yep you can't fix stupid.
  6. There is beat ups and then there is beat ups but that was down right stupid.
  7. I am not sure about this one either, a $200 UAV will not be very capable for that purpose. There seems to be be a lot of paranoia about drones right now.
  8. That story is a joke, a load of BS, not real, they saw it from 800ft?? released without bail?? it was near the bridge at 2000ft?? followed it at night??
  9. I think the only way a drone would be spotted from the air would be from a helicopter which would be hovering and the drone would have to be close to it, like within 100 ft and even then it would not be easy.
  10. I think so, unless they are commercial.
  11. There are many rc models flying at much greater heights than 400 ft. My guess is they should be a greater concern than UAVs at this point in time.
  12. Back in sixties I saw a pistol on the dash of a unlocked light aircraft at a function attended by the general public I was able reach into the cockpit and handle it. In the seventies I bought a 22 rifle from a toy shop.
  13. I am not sure about that one that UAV does not look serious enough to carry that firearm
  14. Pistos can only be used at pistol clubs in Australia and machine guns are not allowed.
  15. There have been reports in Aus but I find them hard to believe. Most drones are small and hard to see. I think it would be unlikely you would spot one from a passenger jet it is not easy to spot a full size aircraft at times.
  16. I think it would be a no no and really serious if you are getting paid for it.
  17. I remember reading you can't do it. The fun police again. I have trouble hitting something on the ground let alone from the air.
  18. It is illegal to carry a firearm in a plane.
  19. Yes it would have been handy when Kevin Dud was a problem.
  20. That looked like a three blade prop, if so there was going to be ground strike whatever happened. From my experience different prop / engine combinations can windmill, there are no set rules. I have had Rotax two strokes windmill more than once.
  21. Yes according to the news on TV.
  22. No the news said it was a Cessna and what is the chance they would be wrong?
  23. Thank god for the X spurts.
  24. I don't think so, these were not not where they were supposed to be. How would a notam help? These were F 1 11s and years ago as we know it is not still happening. I know of one private airfield they used to roar over despite the club writing letters to RAF, they felt they were being harassed deliberately.
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