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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. When operating on a LJR your usually in a tactical formation (in spread by 1.5nm) & flying at 480kts G/S or what ever you need to make the time on target, i.e. much faster if you've been bounced by the defenders. Don't worry fighters have very good radars & they are constantly searching ahead of then at a significant range from the ground up to 60,000ft, yes they will be able to paint you in your recreational a/c. Can't speak on behalf of the B111. The first time I saw one up close was in the Atherton Tablelands, I rang the airforce about it and was told it would not have been there, so where is a LJR? my answer would be everywhere. It happened another time at Childers and I was told the same thing "it wouldn't have been there". It appeared as though these guys were going where ever they felt like. As for your comments about radar that is not what the Air Force said, I was told the F 1 11 does not have a radar that can see other aircraft. I was told the pilots relied on see and be seen to avoid other aircraft. All this at 400 kts and low level it is a wonder nobody got taken out by these cowboys.
  2. I have had 3 close encounters with F 1 11s over the years in Australia and I can say you would have no chance of avoiding them if you were unlucky enough to be on a collision course. Those things used to cruze around at 400 knts at low level, as low as 200ft. On one occasion I was descending into Kilcoy airfield in a Drifter and flew in between 2 Kestrel ultralight aircraft going in the opposite direction and climbing these were all slow flying aircraft but they went past so quick you would not be able to avoid them, I thought I missed them by about 100ft. If you are descending and an aircraft is climbing towards you and the background is the terrain it is almost impossible to see that aircraft. I wound be amazed if the F 16 pilot bailed before the collision.
  3. I wouldn't bother with the vaseline.
  4. No that is the joy stick.
  5. Not that low it was about the same height as the jetty and fairly close to it as well. I thought it was a silly thing to do. Why anyone would want to land a plane there I can't imagine
  6. The footage I saw looked more like a low pass than a landing attempt, I thought the correct action was taken.
  7. Probably people flying fast,expensive, overweight aircraft.
  8. That's an indication of what we are up against unfortunately some of us are getting too old to be bothered with it all. Pity you are selling your plane I like to see people flying ultralights.
  9. Funny I thought, the posts seem to have dried up.
  10. That would be an absolute disgrace.
  11. A BFR is a review not a test, a couple of commercial pilots in the US stalled a commuter turbo prop then pulled back on the controls killing a heap of people. Fatigue was blamed for that not who ever did their BFRs.
  12. With a good instructor that is correct. You can teach someone to fly safely but whether they continue to that is another matter.
  13. It is the majority of people who want the style of aircraft which we now have.
  14. Loosing the magazine = fee increase. I do not believe managing the 100 kt brigade is the same cost as more affordable aircraft which means I think these people are supporting the 100 kt brigade. Quite correct, in fact I have given up on it as the situation is mob rule.
  15. Sometimes people reckon the mods should act when things don't go their way and I don't always think the mods are fair but they have minds of there own. I can understand Bull's point of view and plenty of people have had a go at him. I have been in the AUF/RAAus since the early days and have seen it transform from affordable for the average person to what it is now where we have 100 hourlies and maintenance releases. Having people who don't know what they are doing maintaining 100 kt plus aircraft and taking unsuspecting passengers flying is just plain risky, unsustainable and open to litigation. Recently someone rang me wanting to off load their flying school, and I told him I was thinking of shutting mine down as it becoming all too much trouble. This reinventing the GA wheel is a bad idea and it is no wonder people like Bull don't like it.
  16. Interesting how some think they are in a position to tell others what to do.
  17. Or maybe... "why is there so many Turkeys and so few Eagles"?
  18. All I did was answer your question I am only talking about RAA registered planes. It does not matter who made them, and how many there are, and who faked what, there were deaths in them that are likely to impact everybody. There was a Morgan that crashed into the sea killing two. Post 143 was not directed at anybody in particular but rather the mob who think what happened was fine.
  19. There is none so blind as those who don't want to see, if people can't work out what is happening by now then they never will.
  20. There is quite a few there 8 cylinder Jabiru, Lightwing Speed, Morgan Airworks, 6 cyl Spitfire to name a few.
  21. And so people keep saying, but the 29 deaths is likely to be one for everybody
  22. Yes and they are most likely LSAs but you will not get much support about it on here as the majority think that it is a great idea. The AUF has been shafted and those not happy about it do not know what to do about it. I personally think RAAus is on a slow road to nowhere.
  23. While I do agree you have a point there, I think there is a problem with some people who are comfortable doing dangerous things and taking unacceptable risks.
  24. Today someone flew 70nm to where I am in weather I thought would be unflyable when I said I didn't know how he did it he said he had done a lot of it.
  25. Had another look the air strip shown is not where he landed and looks like he was going for the road but hit the fence great that he is OK but how did it happen?
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