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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. I think something more than the pilot landed short has happened to cause this. I can't see how anyone flying that plane could not work out they going to be short and fail to do something about it. Watching it again looks/sounds like they put the power on a bit and then messed up the landing maybe this pilot needs to go back flight school?
  2. Why I always did glide approaches. Which in turn is how I survived a lot of engine failures (probably about 20).
  3. Probably better to do a flight plan. Do people even do that anymore? If someone needs Oz-Runways to tell them when they will run out daylight they should not leave the circuit area.
  4. It's not hard to imagine GPS and glass cockpit might be miss used in some cases. I wouldn't be surprised if RAAus is coming to grips with this right now.
  5. Can't help but think as good as that looks it might give some people a false sense of security. I really don't think that would be a great back up plan.
  6. Thanks for that can't explain how I got confused about that.
  7. On his way north to Dysart but crashes at Ingham???
  8. Yes I understand where you are coming from I started flying in the eighties.
  9. Thanks guys will have to look at this on the big screen.
  10. Wow thanks for that.
  11. I am a bit out of touch with this can a glass cockpit include things such as AH, HI and GPS? If so are these being found in RAAus aircraft?
  12. For me this changes things, big impact no fire. Two flying at night wouldn't want to be trying to explain that one to the investigators.
  13. I think it has more to do with self disipline than training if people can't work out not to fly in the dark they shouldn't be flying. Gethereitus is deadly.
  14. Yes that one was bad luck but he still survived so I think he got it right.
  15. I don't get it, I ran out of daylight once due to poor planning and complications, we finished up in a paddock while there was still enough light to do so. I only did that once. This is the second time two people have died doing this that I know of. It's like people think it can't happen to them she'll be right mate we'll manage some how.
  16. This appears to be the height of stupidity going on the reports. Wouldn't want to be that pilot.
  17. How dare you have an opinion about Trump that is not bad! Shame on you! Everybody knows the best bet was Hillary??
  18. All good for Jabiru, failure not the fault of the engine and pilot friendly airframe. Don't know why I thought I could believe the media. Silly in hindsight.
  19. That would change the whole thing. I guess relying on news reports is a waste of time. With so little known about the event speculating would also seem to be a waste of time.
  20. That would make an aircraft unsafe you have to be able to check how much fuel you have.
  21. With fuel starvation the motor tends not to stop dead like that. I would like to know where that report came from. Things about this don't sound right.
  22. Yes true do you think someone has been in a position to differentiate between the the two in this case? Given the aircraft is not easily accessible.
  23. Maybe but that would be stupid. Pilots that want to live have to make better decisions than that. If the motor stopped for some other reason then that would be different. I doubt if he made it all the way from WA by being stupid.
  24. I heard he landed at Mundubbera and the motor stopped shortly after take off fuel starvation makes no sense to me. If he took off with almost empty tanks to go to Bundaberg then what the!!
  25. BLA82 is right not sure what you are seeing.
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