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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Looking at the news video again that looks like a air strip but if it is why is the fence so close?
  2. OK here we go I will try to explain that. I thought this was comparing apples with oranges. Here you tell me not to compare apples with oranges after that is exactly what I thought you did, this is what I thought you maybe should stop doing.
  3. Maybe you should stop doing it? I realise Jabiru owners are sensitive to anything vaguely critical about their aircraft and I try to avoid getting involved, what I was trying to say was the young guy did OK not flipping it. Looking at the footage he may have been trying to land on a road but something has gone wrong and he has hit a fence.
  4. Yes tricycle types are susceptible to nose wheel failures with forced landings and hopefully you realise a C150 nose wheel is much stronger than the Jabiru.
  5. An out landing like that in that aircraft is very risky with a good chance of ending inverted FACT.
  6. An out landing is an emergency that could have been so much worse especially with a Jabiru nose wheel.
  7. I don't think it was a VH Tiger Moth but a 90% scale replica.
  8. It depends on how the door opens, on a Lightwing it lifts up.
  9. I am not understanding how that worked how did you prevent falling on your head?
  10. If there are two in the side by side plane and you end up side down maybe the procedure could be this, open doors, get the passenger to support them self with both hands, undo their seat belt and push them out the door. Once the passenger is free you support your self with both hands and get them to undo your seat belt and push you out the door. Might work?
  11. Releasing your seat belt when you are hanging upside down sounds a bit risky, what do you do? try to support your weight with one hand release the belt with your other and try to roll out of the opened door?
  12. Yes crazy stuff every so often it goes very wrong.
  13. [MEDIA=vimeo]100670266[/MEDIA]
  14. If the Amazon tribe were correct that would mean the yelling would cause the tree to fall and I highly doubt if they meant after hundreds of years when it has died from old age and no-one can remember the yelling part. I am not going to argue about this.
  15. I am not sure if you can even do that, as far as I know to put a plane on line it needs to be in a flying school, maintained by a L2 with a maintenance record and hundred hourlies and all that good stuff.
  16. With that sort of logic how can we go wrong? So you think the tree falls because the Tribe yelled at it?
  17. Some years ago a bloke did a beat up and I told him it was a bad idea he said "he was just having a bit of fun" I said "yes but you are dead a long time". Sadly that guy is now dead after clipping the tops of some trees, I saw that coming but there was nothing I could do. A few months ago a cyclist swerved in front of my car I started a thread on the off topic section about it, there was quite a few who reckoned it was my fault despite the fact that I managed to avoid him. Last Monday a cyclist was killed less than 200 metres from where my incident occurred both times it was on a straight section of road. I have no problem with a target of zero accidents but sadly I think it will only ever be a target, you can't fix stupid and bad luck happens.
  18. (comment removed by Mod..abusive) Are you trying to say the PPC was HGFA registered? The question was in regard to last weekend what 3 axis crashes are you talking about? What majority of 2 axis HGFA registered crashes are you on about?
  19. What a good photo! how did you do that?
  20. Saturday AM I think.
  21. This means this forum is our best chance to learn about the cause of accidents.
  22. And even then we usually have no access to the outcome.
  23. And there are those who think we should wait for the results of the investigation.
  24. What planet do you live on?
  25. Phil I see many posts by you that I think are irrelevant including one where you said you were 'just baiting', go and attack someone else. .
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