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Everything posted by Teckair

  1. Yeah including people posting their thoughts on forums.
  2. Nev I just noticed I had accidentally given you a creative and have withdrawn it.
  3. Sorry Charmaine, most people are horrified by these accidents and do feel for the family and friends and then try to work out what has gone wrong, as the results of investigations usually are not made known to us. Richard.
  4. I think I have read some where that it was not.
  5. I can understand how someone having lunch at that restaurant might not be happy with that prang less than 100 metres away.
  6. It would appear the ballistic parachute that some have said should be mandatory did not save the pilot.
  7. There is someone on another thread who reckons the cause of accidents is obvious and there is no need to investigate them, maybe we could ask him?
  8. Someone hit a person on the ground with a powered parachute and broke their neck is the only one I can think of. Jabirus flying over built up areas seems risky to me.
  9. When you design, build and fly an aircraft you become a aeronautical designer, engineer, lame/L2 and test pilot all rolled into one. If you do it illegally and it is not registered you have committed a crime and if the only people that knew about it were the people associated with the airfield/club then they were the only people who could have done anything to prevent this accident. This accident should not reflect badly on RAAus or it's members who do the right thing but unfortunately it probably will.
  10. Are you home already? This is terrible news. Richard.
  11. No it is not a good way to think but some of us do learn from other peoples mistakes. I have never attempted to fly in cloud why? Because other people already tryed it and it was no good. IFR excepted.
  12. I think anybody who says they are too good to learn from other peoples mistakes could be famous last words.
  13. So pilot error is not worth investigating, really? What happened to learning from others mistakes?
  14. So the cause of all accidents are obvious to you? Great news! When something goes wrong we can just ask you? It is a wonder the ATSB has not snapped you up! Maybe you can reveal what happened with the Gympie accident?
  15. If we were told what the cause of the accidents were that would be a big help, right now we have some people who do know, like board members, but the majority who do not. The Lightwing Speed that went into the drink off Sydney apparently ran out of fuel were we told? NO but the privileged few knew about it. If there is something about those aircraft that means it is difficult to check the fuel then people should know about it as it might save someones life. If someone had a Artificial Horizon and a GPS in their plane and thought they could fly through cloud we should know about it, it might just stop someone else from trying it. I have reported several things I considered to be safety issues to the then Ops Manager and found it a waste of time and would not bother again. On this forum some years ago I said I had discovered during BFRs there was a problem with pilots not being able to do glide approaches. I was attacked from all sides for that and even blamed for it someone said it was up to me to retrain all these people and undo their bad training and years of poor flying habits. Then there was the steering on final with rudder which I could not understand but their was a heap of people who thought it was a good idea.
  16. I think our accident rate is a concern and Dutch is right if it keeps going the way it is there will be problems. The recent search for a missing aircraft involving many costly helicopters and other aircraft should be a warning. A while back I started a thread about people steering on final with rudder and the reasons why I thought it was a bad idea, to my amazement there were a heap of people who thought it was a good idea,
  17. Page 43 in the last RAAus magazine.
  18. When a witness says 'the plane was flying slowly then the left wing dropped and it nose dived into the deck' it is highly likely the writing is on the wall.
  19. I remember saying on this forum years ago that pilots were not practicing and therefore not skilled at glide approaches, I got attacked from all sides for that.
  20. Frank, this was probably a policeman doing the best he could under the circumstances almost definately would have been told it was a 6 seater.
  21. I know of a Jabiru in a flying school that could not complete a cross country flight without having to land and top up the oil. The 912 Lightwing I fly goes from one oil change to the next with out a top up. My VW powered planes also used very little oil.
  22. kasper this has come up many times in the past and it boils down to this RAA has gone the way it has because it is what the majority of members want. People who wanted the AUF got run over by the mob, I watched it happen. Affordable aviation got replaced with 'lets fly GA style on a ultralight certificate mentality' and I don't think there is anything anyone can do about it.
  23. This was the front when it reached Hervey Bay on Monday at about the same time the the wreckage was found.
  24. The probable reason why the search aircraft failed to find the crash site is because although the destination was north the aircraft tracked west north west to the crash site. On that day the wind was from the north at about 15 to 20 knots there were rain squalls and many clouds with towering vertical activity.
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