If we were told what the cause of the accidents were that would be a big help, right now we have some people who do know, like board members, but the majority who do not. The Lightwing Speed that went into the drink off Sydney apparently ran out of fuel were we told? NO but the privileged few knew about it. If there is something about those aircraft that means it is difficult to check the fuel then people should know about it as it might save someones life. If someone had a Artificial Horizon and a GPS in their plane and thought they could fly through cloud we should know about it, it might just stop someone else from trying it. I have reported several things I considered to be safety issues to the then Ops Manager and found it a waste of time and would not bother again. On this forum some years ago I said I had discovered during BFRs there was a problem with pilots not being able to do glide approaches. I was attacked from all sides for that and even blamed for it someone said it was up to me to retrain all these people and undo their bad training and years of poor flying habits. Then there was the steering on final with rudder which I could not understand but their was a heap of people who thought it was a good idea.